人教版高中英语 必修2 Unit 5Music知识回顾

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1、Music知识回顾【预习精练】I. 单项填空。1.When he was going to leave for Beijing, my husband packed a/ an _ shirt in case he had to stay another day. A. big B. extra C. additional D. exact 2.In order to keep the dog ,the old woman _ a chain to the dogs collar. A. granted B. kept C. attached D. beard3.The young colle

2、ge student always studies the _ in the pare as he wants to find a good job. A. advertisement B. publication C. publicity D. announcements4. It was reported that the final _ of the play would take place on Monday.A. action B. performance C. view D. sight5.In my opinion , reading is an experience quit

3、e different from being on Internet ; there are pictures _ in your mind instead of before your eyes. A. having B. living C. forming D. to form 6.He soon received good income, for his boss realized that he was a man of considerable _. A. ability B. future C. possibility D. opportunity7.The financial c

4、rises _ many countries and it will take long time to become prosperous again.A. beat B. stroke C. hit D. spreadII用下列短语的适当形式填空。break up , dream of , stick to , play tricks on , after all ,rely on, 1.As a boy ,he always _ becoming a spaceman, and now it comes true.2.They, the former opponents(对手), wer

5、e sitting talking side by side, I thought my eyes were _ me.3.-Oh, its nearly 8 oclock. Jack should have come earlier.-But you may _ it that he wont be late, since hes always on time.4.It was reported that peace talks between the two countries _ with no agreements signed. 5.I shouldnt have scolded t

6、hat like that, but _ tell me quickly what I have to do. 6. Believe it or not , I have decided to _ my present job.III.完成下列句子:1.Roses need special care _. (玫瑰需要特别的呵护,以便它们能够活过冬季。)2._ when the earthquake suddenly started. That was why she was just in her bed clothes. (她正要上床睡觉,这时突然地震发生了。这就是她为什么还穿着睡衣的原因。

7、)3. Little Mike was very unhappy at the loss of the books she had bought when traveling in China , _ he especially treasured.(小迈克对于他在北京旅游时买的书丢掉一事很不高兴,由于这是他特别珍视的一个回忆。)4. The man had a newspaper open in front of him, which _ read. (这个人面前有一份打开的报纸,他用它来装作读报。)5. The hunter_, but he lost his way. (猎人设法逃出森林

8、,但他迷路了。)重点单词1.extraadj.额外的,特别的。例如:I dont think they need any extra help.我认为他们不需要额外的帮助。The bus company provided extra buses because there were so many people.因为人太多,公共汽车公司派出了加班车。故单选题目第1题答案B。句意:我丈夫多装了一件衬衫以防万一要多呆一天。extra指超出平时或一般所需或所有的;A 项直接排除;additional指在已存放的整体或个体上的补充和附加;exact 意思为“准确的”,不合题意。2.attach vt.

9、 意思为“附上, 贴上, 缚上, 拴上”。例如:You should attach a document to a letter你应该将文件附在信中。He attached his horse to a tree.他将马栓在树上。故单选题目第2题答案为C。attach在此表示“把连在上面”(可译为“拴”);grant表示同意,准予,给予,授予;keep指保留,保存;beard胡子,是名词。3.advertisement n. 广告,宣传U; (一则)广告,公告,启事C。例如:Advertisement helps to sell goods.广告有助于推销商品。There are many a

10、dvertisements in newspapers nowadays.现在报纸上有许多广告。【拓展】advertise vt. 为做广告;为宣传; 做(登)广告。例如:The company is advertising for typists in the newspapers.那家公司在报纸上登广告征聘打员。故单选题目第3题答案为A。句意:为了找份好工作,这个年轻的大学生总是在报纸上仔细阅读广告。4.performancen. 演出;演奏;表演C:The evening performance begins at 8 oclock.晚上的演出八点开始。履行;实行;完成U(+of):He

11、 failed completely in the performance of his duty.他完全没有履行他的职责。成绩,成果;工作C:The novel was rated a brilliant performance.这部小说被认为是一部出色的作品。【拓展】perform 意思为“演出,表演,演奏”,例如:The soloist had never performed in London before.那位独唱者过去从未在伦敦演出过。故单选题目第4题答案为B。 performance (话剧的) 一场演出。其他选项不合题意。5.form v. 形成,变成,构成。例如:A plan

12、 began to form in his mind.一项计划开始在他的头脑中形成。Five colleges formed this university.五所院校组建了这所大学。养成,培养。例如:One should form good habits when young.当年轻时一个人就应该养成良好的习惯。故单选题目第5题答案为C。A 项于there are 重复;D项作定语,表将来,不合题意;B意思不对。本题题意强调图象在脑海里正在形成,故答案为C。6.ability n.能力,才能,能耐。如:We found him work more suited to his abilities

13、.我们为他找到了更容易发挥他才能的工作。In fact , he was a great musical ability. 事实上,他是一个伟大的音乐天才。故单选题目第6题答案为A。句意:老板发现他是一个相当有才干的人,所以他很快得到了好的收入。本题为词义辨析题。形容人有能耐,有才干,可以说a man of (great / considerable)ability。B. future前途,与介词with 而不是of搭配,且不用considerable 来修饰;C. possibility 可能性与D. opportunity 机遇,通常不用于修饰人。7.hit vt. & vi. 意思有“袭

14、击;打击;击中;碰撞;受影响;找到;到达;走上”。例如:The little village was often hit by natural disasters. 这个小村庄过去经常遭受自然灾害。John hit him on the nose. 约翰打中了他的鼻子。The baby hit his forehead against the corner of a desk and began to cry. 孩子的额角在书桌的角上碰了一下,于是大哭起来。 【辨析】hit, beat, strike与knock这几个词都有“打”的意思。hit表示有目标地打,着中对某一点的“打中,击中”;be

15、at表示“连续地打、拍”,“殴打、击败”;strike表示突然地,一次性地“击”;knock作“敲、撞击、打”等解释,常与at/ on, down, over等连用。故单选题目第7题答案为C。句意:金融危机席卷了很多国家,要想重新繁荣还有待时日。hit袭击,使遭受,作打击讲为常用词,强调动作强有力;beat重击,打击,心跳;strike用力敲打,动作迅速而突然,暗指使用了器械,(敲)钟响。重点短语1. dream of梦见,梦想。也可以相当于dream about ,例如:I never dreamed of meeting you here.我绝对未想到在这里遇到你。Little did I dream of succeed


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