新人教版 高中英语 必修5 Unit 4 Making the news grammar

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1、M5 Unit4 Making the newsGrammar-Inversion 课程内容:学习模块5 unit 4语法-倒装 课本 page 29 & pages 89-90的相关内容。学习目标:1. 理解倒装(完全倒装/部分倒装)的概念,能识别和理解倒装句;2. 通过本节学习,要知道倒装应用的常见情况并能学以致用。 自主预习:(不看不讲)Discovering useful structures i. 自学课本 page 29练习1 & pages 89-90, 理解倒装的概念。倒装的概念:在英语中,句子主语和谓语的语序通常是_, _, 称为正常语序。但有时谓语的_或者一部分(通常是_或

2、_)却提到_的前面,这种语序叫做“_”。倒装的原因,一是_的需要,一是为了强调。倒装有两种:_和_; 在倒装语序中若整个谓语都在主语之前,称为全部倒装;若谓语的一部分(通常是助动词或情态动词)移到主语之前,则称为部分倒装。下面第_ 句属于全部倒装,第_ 句属于部分倒装,第_ 句属正常语序。 1. Only in this way can the problem be settled.2. Not until Mr Smith came to China did he know what kind of a country it was.3. Now comes your turn.4. Out

3、 rushed the students the moment the bell rang. 5. He ran so fast that none of us was his equal.6. I didnt know how to use that recorder. He didnt know , either.ii. 自学课本pages 89-90 了解需要倒装的常见情况。 iii. 完成课本page 29的练习 2 & 3课中学习:(不议不讲)Step1. I. 观察所给句子,学习并归纳使用完全倒装的情况。1. There stands a temple on the top of

4、the mountain. There exist different opinions on this question.2. There goes the bell. Here comes the bus. In came Mr. Smith. Up went the plane.3. In front of the house sat a small boy. On the wall are some pictures. 【用法归纳】 在 _ be / appear /exist /stand /lie /go /seem 引导的“存在”句里,在以here, now, then, in,

5、 out, up, down, away, off, next 等表示地点、时间、方向的副词位于句首时,在表示地点的介词短语作状语或表语位于句首时,而且他们的主语须是_词,要使用_倒装。构成 “Here/There/Out/in front of/ .等 + vi (不及物动词)+主语(名词)”全部倒装结构。注意:主语是_时,主谓不倒装。不能说:Away went she. 而应为:Away she went.【即学即练】 Up _ into the air. Then the crowd cheered up.A. go the balloons B. did the balloons go

6、 C. went the balloons D.the balloons went【高考连线】For a moment nothing happened. Then _ all shouting together.A. voices had come B. came voices C. voices would come D. did voices come读读课本page 29 的练习5 , 例子中还出现了哪种倒装句?写在下面: _ 它属于课本page 89 上的第_条讲解。II. 做中学 学习应用部分倒装的句式i. 读课本page 29练习2,并学习pages 89-90的相关点的讲解:1

7、句属于课本pages 89-90的第_条讲解:_ 2句属于课本page 89的第_条讲解:_3句属于课本page 89的第_条讲解:_4句属于课本page 89的第_条讲解:_ii. 回顾:交流page 29 练习2、3的答案,读课本page 64的练习1。iii. 用倒装语序改写下列句子 1. The teacher came in and the lesson began. _ 2. She had hardly heard the noise when she ran into the room. _ 3. If you should be fired, your health care

8、 and other benefits will not be immediately cut off._ 4. If it hadnt been for his help, we wouldnt have finished the work in time. _5. He drove so carelessly that he almost killed himself._6. It is such a good chance that Ill treasure it. _【用法归纳】 上面的3、4句倒装属于在 _从句里,如果含有should, were, had时, 可以省去if把shou

9、ld, were, had 提前,(课本page 90 第10条); 5、6句倒装属于课本page 90 第 8条: _iv. 【拓展延伸】使用倒装的其它一些情况 翻译下列句子:1. Long live China! _ May you succeed! _ May you all be happy! _2. 出席聚会的都是他的朋友。_ are all his friends.教授坐在屋子的前边。Sitting in the front of the room _.我们用洋油的日子一去不复返了。Gone _when we used foreign oil.3. 尽管他是英雄,他也有缺点。_ h

10、e is, he still has some shortcomings. 【用法归纳】以上句子中应用的倒装属于下列情况:1. 一些祝愿语句里; 2. 当句子主语部分较长,谓语较短,或为了强调句子的表语时,将作表语的形容词、 现在分词或过去分词放在句首。构成倒装结构为“表语+ be 动词+主语”。3. 在as引导的让步状语从句中,其结构为:“表语(形容词、名词)/ 状语(一般是程度副词)/ 动词原形+ as+ 主语+其它部分.”。例如:Tired as he was, he went on working. =Though he was tired, Child as he is, he kn

11、ows a lot about history. = Though he is a child, he 注意上句里使用冠词的变化。Much as he likes her, he wont marry her. =Though he likes her very much, Try as he might, Tom could not get out of the difficultiesStep 2. 课堂检测: (不练不讲)1. Not until I began to work _ how much time I had wasted. A. didnt I realizeB. did I realize C. I didnt realizeD. I realize2. -Do you know Tom has bought a new car? -I dont know, _. A. nor dont I care B. nor do I care C. I dont care neither D. I dont care also3. No sooner_ than it began to rain heavily. A. has the game begun B. the game h


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