新人教版 高中英语 必修6 英语学案:Unit 1 Period Three Using Language

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1、Period ThreeUsing Language1 .the art of making figures,_objects, etc out of stone, wood, clay etc.用石头、木头、粘土等制作雕塑、物品等的艺术(回归课本)用法点拨There are 3 figures in the foreground.图画的前景上有三个人像。This years sales figures were excellent.今年的销售额很不错。He was the outstanding political figure of his time.他是他那个时代的著名政治人物。Coul

2、d you tell me how to achieve the perfect figure without dieting?你能告诉我如何不用节食就能获得完美的体形吗?归纳拓展figure sb. /sth. out理解某人/某物,弄明白;计算出figure sth. in将某事物包括在内;计算在内I cant figure out why he quit his job.我琢磨不透他为什么辞掉工作。完成句子(1)有个小个子出现在门口。A small figure_appeared in the doorway.(2)我们必须弄清楚这两件事之间的联系。We had to figure_ou

3、t the connection between the two events.2 David is not a sculptor. If he were, he would make a sculpture for the exhibition.戴维不是雕塑家。如果他是,他会为画展制作雕像的。(回归课本)用法点拨We attended an exhibition of her drawings.我们参观了她的画展。They are planning to hold an industrial exhibition.他们正计划举行一次工业展览会。归纳拓展on exhibition (show,

4、display)在展览(出)hold an exhibition举行展览会organize/run an exhibition组织展览go to an exhibition去看展览完成句子(1)一些四川地震的图片正在博物馆展览。Some pictures of Sichuan Earthquake are on_exhibition in the museum now.(2)他的作品一直定期在利物浦沃克美术馆展出。His works has_been_exhibited regularly at the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool.3 If Sam were

5、 here, he would be so excited about meeting a famous scholar in the flesh.如果山姆在这儿,他会因见到著名的学者本人而非常兴奋。(回归课本)用法点拨He will certainly make a scholar.他肯定会成为一个学者。Im afraid Im not much of a scholar.我这个人怕是算不上有学问的人。 scholar,scholarshipscholar指人,意为“学者,奖学金获得者”;scholarship指事物,意为“奖学金;学术”。He is not so much a writer

6、 as a scholar.与其说他是作家倒不如说他是学者。She won a scholarship to go to university.她获得了上大学的奖学金。翻译句子(1)学者们对此问题争论已久。Scholars_have_long_argued_about_the_question.(2)索菲得到了就读布林莫尔学院的奖学金。Sophie_was_awarded_a_scholarship_to_attend_Bryn_Mawr_College.4 We dont know her address. If we knew it,we would send her a big bunc

7、h of flowers.我们不知道她的地址。要是我们知道,我们就送给她一大束鲜花。(回归课本)用法点拨a bunch of grapes/grass growing in bunches一串葡萄/丛生的草a bunch of keys on a ring/people standing around in bunches环上的一串钥匙/围圈站着的人们The volunteers are a very mixed bunch of people.志愿者是人员构成非常复杂的一群人。归纳拓展a bunch许多;大量I have a bunch of stuff I have to do befor

8、e lunch.午饭前我有一大堆事情要做。完成句子(1)情人节那天我收到了一束别人送我的鲜花。A_bunch_of_flowers were delivered to me on Valentines Day.(2)昨天我在超市买了一串香蕉。I bought a_bunch_of_bananas in the supermarket yesterday.5 Frick had a preference for pretwentieth century Western paintings, and these are wellrepresented in this excellent colle

9、ction.弗里克对20世纪以前的西方绘画情有独钟,而且这些作品在这个收藏馆中得到了极好的展示。(回归课本)用法点拨The scholarship committee will give preference to students from disadvantaged backgrounds.奖学金评定委员会将优先考虑那些来自贫困家庭的学生。Many people choose the train in preference to driving.很多人宁愿乘火车而不愿自己驾车。归纳拓展have/express a preference for sth.更喜欢give/show prefer

10、ence to偏爱;给予优先权;流露出对的偏爱in preference to优先于preferable adj.更称心的preferably adv.prefer to do sth.更喜欢做prefer sth. (to sth)(比起)更喜欢prefer sb. to do sth.更希望某人做某事完成句子(1)她愿学小提琴而不学钢琴。She chose to learn the violin in_preference_to the piano.(2)有咖啡或茶。你喜欢哪样?Theres coffee or tea. Which_would you prefer?6 This cove

11、rs more than 5,000 years of civilization from many parts of the world, including America, Europe, China, Egypt, other African countries and South America.这涵盖了5 000多年来世界上众多国家的文明史,其中包括美洲、欧洲、中国、埃及及其他非洲国家和南美洲。(回归课本)用法点拨How many square kilometres does the lake cover?这个湖占地多少平方千米?We covered 30 miles in an

12、hour.一个小时之内我们走了30英里。The reporter covered the whole matter.这个记者报道了整个事件。This book covers much information on modern science and technology.这本书涉及许多关于现代科技的信息。The large area is covered with snow for four months in a year.这大片区域每年有四个月被雪覆盖。I covered one hundred pages of the book in the morning.我上午看了这本书的一百页。

13、归纳拓展cover sth. (up/over) with sth.用覆盖或遮掩某物covered adj.大量的 trees covered in/with blossom开满鲜花的树covering n掩蔽物,遮盖物完成句子(1)学生们很累,因为他们已走了三十多英里的路。The students were very tired, for they had_covered a distance over thirty miles.(2)许多记者被派去采访那次会议。Many journalists were sent to cover_the_conference.7 The Whitney

14、holds an excellent collection of contemporary American painting and sculpture.惠特尼博物馆拥有美国当代极好的绘画和雕塑收藏品。(回归课本)用法点拨My studies were devoted almost entirely to contemporary literature.我的研究几乎全部集中在当代文学上了。Dickens was contemporary with Thackeray.狄更斯与萨克雷属于同一时代。归纳拓展be contemporary with sb./sth属于同一时代的;属于该时代或时期的

15、contemporary n同期的人;同辈完成句子(1)电话和留声机是同一时代的产物。The telephone and the gramophone are contemporary.(2)她和我在学院里是同学。She and I were contemporaries at college.8 There are no permanent displays in this museum and exhibitions change all the time.在这个博物馆里没有永久的展览品,展览总是变化的。(回归课本)用法点拨He is one of our permanent employees.他是我们的永久雇员之一。It is unchangeable and permanent.这是持久不变的。归纳拓展permanence n永久,永恒permanently adv.


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