新人教版 高中英语 必修4 Unit 1Women of achievement 导学案

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1、人教版新课标 必修四 Unit 1 Women of achievement 导学案课题Women of achievement重点、难点condition behave worthwhile observe achieve inspire strike deliver devoteto argue for look down upon/on care for be intended for 共勉:Deeds are fruits, words are but leaves. 高考瞭望1“杰出人物”传记类文章可能会在完形填空、阅读理解或书面表达中考查,形式可以是介绍一位“名人”的不平凡事迹及精

2、神,也可以要求考生给自己崇拜的偶像写一封短信,考查考生对人物的描述能力及客观评判能力。 【预测】2010年高考在语篇材料中仍会涉及成功杰出人物的事迹及生平,平时复习时多注意此类文章的结构及命题思路。2achieve为高考高频词汇。2007天津,7考查其动词搭配achieve the goal“实现目标”的用法。另外,在2007山东,34中作为干扰项出现,也考查动词搭配。在2006江苏,27中考查了该动词的现在完成时用法。命题角度主要有: (1)achieve的搭配形式考查;(2)achieve作为动词干扰项与其他动词的区别;(3)考查其时态与语态。 【预测】2010年高考中对achieve的考

3、查将还是结合时态与语态,考查其搭配形式,命题题型有可能是单项填空和完形填空。3refer to为多义词,2005浙江,3考查了其表示“参考、参阅”意思的用法。refer to作为最佳选项和干扰项的考查频率很高,结合的选项往往是deal with(处理),focus on(聚焦于),appeal to(吸引)等。【预测】2010年高考很可能考查其作后置定语的用法。课文再现IA PROTECTOR OF AFRICAN WILDLIFEJane Goodall 1)_ _ (study) the chimps for many years and helped people understand

4、2)_ _ _ _ _ _(他们的行为多么像人类). Nobody before has fully understood their 3) _(behave). Though she didnt study at a university, he 4)_ _ _(决心) work with animals. When she arrived at Gombe in 1960, it was unusual for a woman 5)_ _ _(生活在) the forest. Only after her mother came to help her 6)_ _ _ _ _(头几个月),

5、 7)_ _ _ _ _ _(她才被允许开始) her project. She spent many years 8)_ _ _(观察和记录) their daily activities, and 9)_ _ _ _(观察他们醒来)was her first activity of every day. one thing she discovered was 10)_ _ _ _ _ _(他们猎食肉). She also discovered how chimps 11)_ _ _ _(彼此交流) and her study of their body language helped h

6、er 12)_ _(制定出) their social system. For forty years Jane 13)_ _ _ (help) the rest of the world 14)_ _ _(理解并尊重) the life of these animals. She has 15)_ _(为辩护) them to be left in the wild and not used for 16)_(entertain) or 17)_(advertise). She has 18)_ _(建立) special places where they can live safely.

7、 Her life is very busy but she think it 19)_(值得的). She has 20)_(实现) everything she wanted to do, and now she 21)_(鼓励) those who want to cheer the achievements of women. IIA GOOD EXAMPLE FOR MEAs I sat down at the computer to 1)_ _ _ _(做些的研究) Lin Qiaozhi, I did not realise that my homework was 2)_ _

8、_ _(改变我的人生).3)_ _ _(似乎是)Lin Qiaozhi had been very busy 4)_ _ _ _(在她选择的事业中) travelling abroad to study and writing books and articles. One of them 5)_(引起) my eye. It was a small book 6)_(explain)how to cut the death rate from having and 7)_ _(照料) babies by following some simple rules for 8)_ _ _ _ _(

9、使婴儿保持清洁卫生). I 9)_ _ _(细细地看) the text and realised that it 10)_ _ _(打算为) women who lived in the countryside.It 11)_(使想起) me how difficult it was for a woman to get a medical training so long ago when womens education 12)_ _ _ _(总是放在第二位) to mens. Further reading made me realise that 13)用强调句式_ _ _ _ _

10、_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(就是苦干、决心和她的善良天性使她走进医学院). What made her succeed later on was her 14)_(kind) and 15)_(consider) she showed to all her patients. There was story after story of how she, tired after a days work, went late at night to 16)_ _ _(接生一个婴儿) for a poor family who could not pay her.By

11、now I 17)_ _ _ _ _ (迫不及待地想找出) more about her. I found that she had 18)_ _ _ _ _ (把她的整个一生献给) her patients and had chosen not to have a family 19)_ _ _(她自己的). By this time I was so excited. 20)_ _ _(为什么不学习)at medical collage and 21)_ _(继续) her good work? It was still not too late to 22)_ _(填写) the for

12、ms for the university entrance exam基础回顾I单词1. condition【观察思考】1) The astronauts soon got used to the condition of weightlessness.2) Our living and working conditions have been improved a lot in the past few years.【归纳总结】_【拓展】1) be in/ out of good condition _ 2) on condition that/ under the condition th

13、at _ 3) on no condition _【巩固运用】1)All the goods we ordered have arrived _.A.in good condition B. in a good conditionC. on good condition D. on a good condition2) He promised to help me _ I allowed him _ computer games.A. on condition that; to play B. on condition if; to playC. on condition that; play D. on condition that; playing3) He is overweight and _ _ _(健康不佳).4) They agreed _ _ _(如果) the matter was dealt with quickly.2. behave n. 行为,举止 _【观察思考】1) The parents encouraged the children to behave well in front of the guests.2) He be


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