高中英语必考点解题指导:考点妙解15 猜测词义

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《高中英语必考点解题指导:考点妙解15 猜测词义》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语必考点解题指导:考点妙解15 猜测词义(82页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高中英语必考点逐个击破快速提分:考点妙解15 猜测词义本类考题解答锦囊 英语的一个显著特点是它庞大的词汇数量。即使一个拥有上万单词量的人在阅读英语读物中也难免会遇到生词。如果每遇到生词,就查阅词典,不但会降低阅读速度,而且往往使阅读变得索然无味。据调查,影响人们阅读理解的,首先是词汇。因此学习并掌握一些猜测生词词义的方法,对排除阅读时某些生词的干扰,降低生词率是十分必要的。 任何一个买词,只有在一定的上下文中才能表示一个确定的词义。NMET阅读理解中猜测词义的考查内容既可以是文中的生词,也可以是熟词新义、短语或句子。但都要求考生根据上下文线索(即具体语境)作出推断。此类题的提问形式一般有: 1

2、. Which of the following is nearest/closest in meaning to. ? 2. The underlined word, means_.3. The underlined phrase, means_. 4. Theun derlined sentence,means_.利用上下文的提示猜测词义的方法有如下几种: 1.根据定义或解释猜测词义【例题】 (1)A calendar is a list of the days,weeks,months of a particular year.根据定义, calendar 的意思是日历.。 (2)A b

3、iography is the story of a persons life written by someone else 根据定义, biography 的意思是凡别人写的生平叫做传记。 (3)Some writers are no longer writing about the modern values of the USA-money, Success or expensive things to buy. 2.破折号后而的内容是对 value 一词的具体解释。【例题】 (1)He replied quickly. But after he considered the prob

4、lem more carefully, he regretted having made such a hasty decision.根据耻下文学语境意义,可悟出 quickly 与 hasty 同义。 (2)Although people in many countries consider raw meat a delicacy(美味), we Chinese people seldom eat any meat that is uncooked.根据上下文语境意义得知 raw meat 即是 meat that is uncooked. Raw 与 uncooked 表示相同意思生的,未

5、煮过的。(3)-1 think we are being watched. -Really? What makes you think we are under surveillance?根据语境,可判断出 being watched -15 under surveillance 是同义关系。 (4)During the concert, the children were quiet but afterwards, they became boiaterous. but 表示转折意思,因此 bomterous 是 quiet 的反义词,意思为吵吵嚷嚷的。(5)Unlike her grega

6、rious sister,Jane is a shy person,who does not like to go to parties,or to make new friends.unlike 是关键词,它表示Jane与她的姐姐完全不同。根据后面对Jane的描述“ashyper son,not like to go parties or to make new froends,可得知gregarious的意思是好交际的。3根据举例【例题】(1)Scientists are studying how birds such ternsmigrate 根据举例法(such as),得知terns

7、是一种鸟。(2)Today young couples whoare just starting their households often spend lots of their money on appliances?for example,washing-machines,fridges and color TVs 根据举例法(for example),得知appUances是指washing-machines,fridges and co1or TVs这类家用电器。(3)Several other gases,such as argon,comprise the remaining

8、one per cent of the vo1ume of dry air SUChas提示argon为某种气体。4根据因果关系。【例题】(1)She did not hear what you said because she was completely engrossed in her reading because之前的分句表示结果,之后的分句表示原因,可推理,她没有听见的原因是她完全被阅读吸引住了或她正全神贯注地看书。因此engrossed的意思是被吸引的,全神贯注的。(2)The noise was so faint that it was impossible to besure

9、 what it was or even where it came fronL Sothat,结构引导的句子也表示因果关系。因此可判断出faint在此句中的意思是微弱的。声音太弱,以致不能确认是什么声音或是从哪里发出的。(3)ThiS kind of flower thrives in this area because the weather is warm,the Soil is excellent,and there iS a lot of rain。 because一词决定了flower与warm weather,excellent sOil,a10t Of rain之间是因果关系。

10、 因此thdves的意思是茂盛成长。5根据句意或上下文语境 例1 If he think she can invitemeout,he is all wetI dont like to be with the them. A. drunk Bsweating Chappy Dmistaken【解 析】 根据第二句我不喜欢跟他在一起,可推断出,如果他认为他能约我出去,那他就错了。这两句话实际上暗含因果关系。 【答 案】 D 例2 At the age of 77,John was still playing a skill ful game of tennis,ran four miles ev

11、erydday and seldom missed his daily swimFor a man of his age he was extremelyrobust According to the short passage,the word“robust”,probably means_. A。strange Bweak Cstrong ninteresting 【答 案】 C 根据语境的意思,一个77岁的人还能如此运动,可以说是身体不错,因此可以推断robust是strong强壮的意思。 由此可见猜测词义离不开上下文、离不开具体语境。高考最新热门题1. (典型例题,E卷) T-shir

12、ts out; uniforms in School uniforms are becoming more and more popular across the U. S. A. Thats no surprise, because they offer many benefits. They immediately end the powerful social sorting and labeling (标记) that come from clothing. If all students are dressed in the same way, they will not pay t

13、oo much attention to their clothing, and some of them will not be laughed at for wearing the wrongclothes. Some people are against the strict rule of school uniforms, but they do not realize that students already accept a kind of rule- wanting to look just like their friends. The difference is that

14、the clothing students choose for themselves creates social barriers; school uniforms tear those barriers down. As in other places, uniforms remind the wearers of their purpose and duties. For example, when a man or woman puts on a police uniform, he or she becomes, for a time, the symbol (象征) of taw

15、 and order. The uniform means to the wearer his or her special duties and sends the same message to everyone the wearer meets. People with different jobs wear uniforms of one kind or another. For students, the school uniform reminds them that their task for the six or seven hours they are in school is to get an education.Some parents are unhappy about uniforms, saying that school uniforms will affect their childrens creativity. First, as noted above, the clothes students choose to wear do not necessarily e


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