2019高考英语基础梳理训练及答案:选修8 Unit2 Cloning

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《2019高考英语基础梳理训练及答案:选修8 Unit2 Cloning》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019高考英语基础梳理训练及答案:选修8 Unit2 Cloning(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2Cloning高考练兵场完形填空(记叙文)Every day on Amelias way to work she had to pass a slum. But despite being a1worker, she had never paid much attention to it.This2when she met a ragged boy named Jack. Jack knew that3was the head of social services, and was sure she could help.He reached out his hand to4he

2、r, and said, “Can you5me?Im looking hard for my dad. ” His hands were6cold that Amelia could not help7them. She said, “Whats up? ” “My mom is sick and too8to get up. Her birthday is coming. I know my fathers coming back would be the best9. We really love him, and need him. ” “So whats his name?What

3、does he do? ” Amelia10.He said, “Iveno idea. My mama said he had11us before I was two years old. ” Amelia was12moved and said, “Take me to your home, son. ” He13her to a small hut where Amelia14a woman who knew her life was near its15. She said to Amelia, “Please find a16for my son. Please dont leav

4、e him alone in the17. ” Amelia took her hand and nodded, with18running from her eyes. God had an answer to her prayer as well, since her husband and she had no19, and had been wanting a child for a long time.Ever since Amelia20Jack into her home they have felt full of joy and laughter.1. A. national

5、B. social C. medical D. official2. A. promotedB. changed C. happened D. began3. A. whoB. he C. she D. it 4. A. feel B. move C. make D. touch5. A. helpB. hearC. follow D. recall6. A. soB. suchC. too D. quite7. A. buryingB. holding C. robbing D. hugging8. A. terribleB. thin C. weakD. painful9. A. free

6、domB. reliefC. comfort D. present10. A. askedB. wondered C. doubted D. witnessed11. A. leftB. threw C. stole D. lost12. A. closelyB. deeply C. widely D. carefully13. A. explainedB. introduced C. led D. apologised14. A. watched B. observed C. found D. saw15. A. top B. bottomC. tip D. end16. A. relati

7、veB. houseC. home D. friend17. A. earthB. open C. world D. air18. A. waterB. tears C. laughter D. sweat19. A. childrenB. money C. roomD. place20. A. tookB. changedC. turned D. sent参考答案41.BBCDAABCDAABCDDCCBAA:1_ vi.不同;相异_ n不同;差异_ adj.不同的2_ adj.精确的;准确的_ adv.精确地;准确地3_ adj.简单的;直接的;坦率的4_ n突破5_ n规则;规章;法规_

8、 adj.规则的;有规律的6_ vt.扔;投;掷_(过去式)_(过去分词)7_ adv.总共;完全地8_ vi.反对;不赞成_ n不赞成;反对;异议9_ n(pl.)媒介;手段;工具_(单数)10_ vt.禁止;不准_(过去式)_(过去分词)11_ vt.&vi.积累;聚积12_ adv.立刻;不久13_ vi.退休;离开_n退休,退职,退役_ adj.退休的;退职的14_ vt.打扰vi.操心_ n烦扰15_ vt.抵抗;对抗_ n抵抗力;反抗_ adj.有抵抗力的;耐的16_ vt.获得;赢得_ adj.可获得的;可得到的1He _(不准) them from mentioning the

9、 subject again.2Under the new_(规章) spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled.3They tried in _(白费力气) to persuade her to go.4He is in good health; he is able to _(抵抗) diseases.5I _(反对) to having to rewrite the article.6People _(崇拜)him for his noble character.7The way my brother talked t

10、o mother _(打扰)me.8We could _(从事) the work for the time being.9The novel took a year to write _(总共),from start to finish.10Youve had a great _(突破)to get better understanding of it.1cast _ 沮丧;不愉快2object _ 反对3_ favour_ 赞成;支持4(be)_ to (do) .一定或注定(做)5_ time _ time不时;偶尔6bring _ _ life 使复生;使复活7 pay_ 得到好结果;

11、取得成功;偿清8_ vain白费力气;枉费心机9_ good/poor condition状况很好/坏;情况很好/坏10strike ._ ones heart使刻骨铭心Dollys death, like her birth, _ _ _ _ worries.多莉之死,正如它的出世一样,注定要带来焦虑。句型提炼:be bound to do sth.意为“注定要”。基础梳理整合词汇拓展1differ;difference;different2exact;exactly3straightforward4breakthrough5regulation;regular6cast;cast;cast

12、7altogether8object;objection9media;medium10forbid;forbade;forbidden11accumulate12shortly13retire;retirement;retired14bother;bother15resist;resistance;resistant16obtain;obtainable语境记词1forbade2.regulations3.vain4.resist5.object6.adore7.bothered8.undertake9.altogether10.breakthrough短语回顾1down2. to3.in;of4.bound5.from;to6.back to7.off8.in9.in10.into典句背诵was bound to raise4


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