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1、高等学校英语拓展系列教程,主 编:任书梅 王璐,副主编:曹颖,外语教学与研究出版社,Chapter 4,管理,Management,Lecture Outline,What Is Management? 什么是管理?,Organizational Structure 组织结构,Management Levels 管理层次,Managerial Roles 经理人角色,Management Skills 管理技能,Lead-in activities 导入活动,Lead-in activities,An effective executive is indispensable to the gr

2、owth of corporation. Can you name some famous entrepreneurs? Identify effective managerial qualities.,Lead-in activities,Do you have what it takes to be a good entrepreneur? Is it something that you could learn or rather something that is innate (天生的)?,Lead-in activities,Qualities of a Good Entrepre

3、neurs,Additional Info,What is management?,Management can be defined as the application of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling functions in the most efficient manner possible to accomplish meaningful organizational objectives. The theme management is that a central person must by using s

4、uch skills as decision making, communication and objective setting coordinate the work activities of others to achieve organizational objectives.,What is management?,Planning, Planning means defining goals for future organizational performance and deciding on the tasks and use of resources needed to

5、 attain them. Planning is a task that each manager must do every day. It is a continuous process. Planning is basically mental. It requires thinking things through logically.,What is management?,Planning, Planning decides what needs to happen in the future (today, next week, next month, next year, o

6、ver the next 5 years, etc.) and generating plans for action (What to do?),What is management?,Planning,Planning answers several fundamental questions for managers: What is the situation now? What is the state of the economy and other environments? What opportunities exist for meeting peoples needs?

7、What products and customers are most profitable? Why do people buy (or not buy) our products? Who are our major competitors? What threats are they to our business?,What is management?,Planning, The SWOT analysis is an extremely useful tool for understanding and decision- making for all sorts of situ

8、ations in business and organizations. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.,What is management?,Planning,Planning answers several fundamental questions for managers: Where do we want to go? How much growth do we want? What is our profit goal? What are our social objectiv

9、es? What are our personal development objectives?,What is management?,Planning,Planning answers several fundamental questions for managers: How can we get there from here? This is the most important part of planning. It takes four forms:,What is management?,Planning, Strategic (long-range) planning

10、(战略规划/长期规划) It determines the major goals of the organization as well as the policies, procedures, and strategies for obtaining and using resources to achieve those goals. Tactical (short-range) planning (战术规划/短期规划) It is the process of developing detailed, short-term strategies about what is to be

11、done, who is to do it, and how it is to be done.,What is management?,Planning, Operational planning (运营规划) It is the process of setting work standards and schedules necessary to implement the tactical objectives. Contingency planning (应急计划) It is the process of preparing alternative courses of actio

12、n that may be used if the primary plans dont achieve the organizations objectives.,What is management?,Organizing, Organizing involves the assignment of tasks, the grouping of tasks into departments, and the allocation of resources to departments. Organizing (Implementation) makes optimum use of the

13、 resources required to enable the successful carrying out of plans. Thinking: How to organize your home?,What is management?,Directing, Directing is the use of influence to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals. Directing involves motivating entire departments and divisions as well as t

14、hose individuals working immediately with the manager.,What is management?,Directing,Two directing styles: Autocratic leadership (专制型领导) It means providing subordinates with detailed job instructions. Democratic leadership (民主型领导) The manager consults with subordinates about job activities, problems

15、, and corrective actions.,What is management?,Directing,What is management?,Directing,What is management?,Differences between the two directing styles: Autocratic leadership (专制型领导) Quick Decisions It works best in situations where rapid decisions are often essential, such as in the military or law

16、enforcement. Poor Decisions Salient points or even different approaches to a problem will be overlooked.,Additional Info,Directing,What is management?,Differences between the two directing styles: Democratic leadership (民主型领导) Comfortable Work Environment A worker who is consulted about his or her opinions by the employers before decisions are made will feel more a part of the company. Dependency Employees have little opp



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