人教版七年级下册 英语作文例文

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1、7年级下英语书面表达(一)根据下列No.15中学七年级八班学生上学方式的调查表,用英语写一篇短文,字数不少于60.上学方式buswalkingbikecar学生人数3012133There are fifty-eight students in Class 8,Grade 7 at No 15 Middle School .Every day they go to school in different ways .Thirty students take buses because they live far away from the school.Twelve students walk

2、.They think walking is good for their health and they live near the school .Thirteen students ride their bikes to school because they like riding bikes very much and their homes are not far from the school .Only three students go to school by car.(二)如果你是Dave ,请根据下面表格提供的内容,描述Dave 一家人今天(星期天)的活动情况。60词左

3、右。PeopleActivitiesPeopleActivitiesgrandfatherwatch TVsisterread bookfatherread the newspaperDavedo his homeworkmothercookMy name is Dave .Its Sunday today. Now its ten oclock. We are all at home .My grandfather is watching TV on the sofa in the sitting room.My father is reading the newspaper on the

4、chair near the window.My mother is cooking in the kitchen .She is good at cooking .My sister is reading a book in her bedroom. Im doing my homework in my room .we are all busy .(三)假如今天是星期天,你和朋友一起去了动物园,看到了很多动物,描述你所看到的和你喜欢的动物,词数不少于60词。Its Sunday today .What fine weather! Im in the zoo now. I can see m

5、any animals in the zoo.Look ! This is Molly and she is a Lion ,she comes from Africa .She is ugly and friendly .The panda ,Lingling is five years old .She is cute but she is very shy.You can see koala,Bill .He is rom Australia .He is very friendly .My favorite animal is the giraffe.He is very smart.

6、 Im having a good time.(四)假如你在internet 上结识了一位名叫Carol 的美国朋友,请根据她发给你的有关信息,向你的同学做简要介绍,开头已给出,不计入总词数。词数不少于60姓名Carol年龄14籍贯美国纽约学校Northgate High School 外貌金黄色长卷发,大眼睛,中等身材,有点胖性格开朗活泼lively 乐于助人爱好Hobbies喜欢穿白衣服,喜欢读书,爱好流行歌曲(pop songs),网上QQ聊天(chat on QQ) I have a new pen friend on the Internet .Her name is Carol.S

7、hes 14 years old .Shes from New York ,America .She is a student in Northgate High School .She has big eyes and long curly blonde hair .she is of medium build and a little bit heavy .She is lively and likes to help others .She likes wearing white clothes.She enjoys reading .She likes pop songs .She a

8、lso likes chatting on QQ on the Internet .We are good friends.(五)假如你是某外国学校的学生,参加了你班组织的郊外野餐(picnic)活动。请根据以下内容,写一篇英语短文。活动时间上星期六活动地点人民公园(距离学校)10千米出发时间上午8:00活动内容划船,野餐,拍照。参观动物园返回时间下午3:00交通方式乘坐公共汽车集合地点学校门口提示千米kilometer要求:1.用第一人称 2.所给信息都有要用上 3.词数60左右。Last Saturday ,we went to the People s Park by bus .The

9、park is about 10 kilometers away from our school .We met at the school gate. We started at eight oclock in the morning and went back at three oclock in the afternoon .We went boating on the lake ,and had a pinic on the grass. Then we visited the zoo and saw many animals .We took a lot of photos in t

10、he park We had a good time that day. We were all very happy but tired (六)假如你是Jenny,现在给你的朋友Kate 发一封电子邮件,向她介绍一下广州的天气情况,并描述一下现在你的周围的人们的衣着,从事的事情以及心情感受 。Dear Kate,Im now in Guangzhou.The weather here is sunny and dry. Its warm in the morning and evening .But its very hot at noon. These days its always cl

11、oudy and rainy .Now people are wearing T-shirts and shorts .Summer is usually the hottest of a year in the city .Many people come to have a trip. They all have a good time here.Whats the weather like there in your city? Please write to me soon .Yours,Jenny(七) 根据汉语提示和要求,用英语短文完成短文写作。提示:张丽 是我的朋友,她在上海上学

12、,她的家庭距离学校约两千米,她通常骑自行车上学,大约用了15分钟,但下雨天她还乘坐出租车,大约用了4分钟。她的父母在离家5英里(mile)的一家医院工作,每天开小汽车上班,大约要15分钟。要求:1,条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确 2,词数不少于60Zhang Li is my good friend .She goes to school in Shanghai.Her home is about two kilometers from her school .She usually rides her bikes to school and it takes her about fi

13、fteen minutes .Her father and mother both work in a hospital .Its five miles from their home .They take a car to work .It takes them about fifteen minutes.(八)Mrs Smith is over sixty years old ,but she is busy and happy.She gets up at seven oclock .At around 8:30 a.m,she eats breakfast at home.After

14、that ,she goes out for a walk with her dog.She goes swimming in the club at about eleven oclock .She eats lunch in a restaurant .In the afternoon ,she does shopping in the mall .When she gets home she cleans the garden .At eighteen oclock ,she has dinner with her old friends.She goes to bed at 10:30

15、 p.m.(九)Its October the first today.Li Ming doesnt go to school .His parents dont need to go to work ,either .What are they doing now?Look!Li Ming s father is reading a newspaper .His mother is doing some washing .And Li Ming is listening to the radio .He wants to know the weather in the afternoon. Hes going to play soccer with his friends .Because he likes sports very much .Li Ming family are having a good time today .(十)根据要求完成短文写作,请你根据Tom提供的信息,写一篇短文描述一下Tom 一家人此刻的活动情况。要求:使用现在进行时,词数60左右。提示:father,read a book .mother :clean the room .grandfa


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