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1、房地产权证房地产权证 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATE 粤房地证字第 C XXXXXXX 号 Guangdong Property Ownership Certificate No. XXXXXXX 根据中华人民共和国物权法 ,房地产权证书是权利人享 有房屋所有权及其所占用土地使用权的证明。 According to the Real Right Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Property Ownership Certificate is the certificate of the obligees entitle

2、ment to property ownership and to the rights to use the lands that he occupies. 登记机构:登记机构:XX 市房产管理局市房产管理局 Registration Authority: Property Administrative Bureau of XX Municipality 粤房地权证 X 字第 XXXXXXXX 号 Guangdong Property Ownership Certificate X No. XXXXXXXX 房地产权属人房地产权属人 Property Owner 身份证明号身份证明号 Ide

3、ntification Certificate No. 房屋性质房屋性质 Property of the House 规划用途规划用途 Planned Use 住宅 Residential 房屋所有权取得方式房屋所有权取得方式 Source of Housing Ownership 共有情况共有情况 Share of the House 全部 Sole ownership 房屋编号房屋编号 House No. 登记时间登记时间 Date of Registration 房屋坐落房屋坐落 Site of the House 房屋结构房屋结构 Housing Structure 钢筋混凝土结构 R

4、einforced Concrete 层数层数 Floors 房屋情况房屋情况 State of the House 建筑面积建筑面积() Gross Floor Area () 套内建筑面积套内建筑面积() Set Inside Floor Area () 地号地号 Land No. 土地性质土地性质 Property of Land 国有 State-owned 共用面积共用面积() Area of Public Use () 自用面积自用面积() Area of Private Use () 土地情况土地情况 State of Land 土地使用权取得方式土地使用权取得方式 Source

5、 of Land-use Rights 土地使用年限土地使用年限 Duration of Land Use 年 月 日取得 Acquire from dd / mm / yy 使用年限 年 Duration: years 附记附记 Remarks 该房屋现根据 XX 市人民政府(XX 府办函 XXXXX 号)文件的精神换领产权证,土地证号:XXXXXXX 号 The property owner has obtained a renewal of Property Ownership Certificate according to the Document of XX Government Office File No. XXXXX released by the Peoples Government of XX Municipality. Land Certificate No.: No. XXXXXXX. 填发单位:填发单位:XX 市房产管理局产权管理科市房产管理局产权管理科 盖印盖印 Registration & Issuing Authority: Department of Property Rights Administration, Property Administrative Bureau of XX Municipality


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