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1、19春英语商务通论作业1-0001 1 多选题 1 Retailers include_.A、department storesB、hypermarketsC、specialty storesD、vending machines正确选项是:ABCD 满分:52 Running a partnership has several advantages:A、Improved Access to Capital and CreditB、Greater Possibility for Good ManagementC、Definite Legal FrameworkD、Better Prospects

2、 for Growth正确选项是:ABCD 满分:53 The functions of money are _.A、medium of exchangeB、store of valueC、unit of accountD、economic index正确选项是:ABC 满分:54 The major forms of NTB are_.A、quotasB、voluntary export quotasC、foreign exchange controlD、state monopoly正确选项是:ABCD 满分:55 Some certain basic principles about in

3、surance are_.A、insurable interestB、utmost good faith, indemnityC、contribution, subrogationD、the doctrine of proximate cause正确选项是:ABCD 满分:56 A contract must contain _.A、lawful purposeB、competency of parties,voluntary agreementC、considerationD、proper form正确选项是:ABCD 满分:57 The cost and value of middleme

4、n are _.A、time utilityB、place utilityC、information utilityD、form utility正确选项是:ABCD 满分:58 According to their purposes, tariffs fall into_.A、revenue tariffsB、common tariffsC、special tariffsD、protective tariffs正确选项是:AD 满分:59 Revenues come in many forms:A、sales revenueB、rental revenueC、commissions reven

5、ueD、royalty revenue正确选项是:ABCD 满分:510 Commercial banks can provide services in_.A、accepting depositsB、making loansC、currency exchangeD、letters of credit正确选项是:ABCD 满分:5 2 判断题 1 The profits reinvested have a multiplier effect.A、错误B、正确正确选项是:B 满分:52 The strategy is based on a concept commonly referred to

6、 as behavior modification, developed by B .F. Skinner.A、错误B、正确正确选项是:B 满分:53 A quota can be expressed in terms of either physical quantity or value.A、错误B、正确正确选项是:B 满分:54 In order to formulate effective strategies, a firm usually goes through a process frequently called strategic management process .A

7、、错误B、正确正确选项是:B 满分:55 To form a corporation, at least two incorporators are needed.A、错误B、正确正确选项是:A 满分:56 Agents are middlemen who buy in large quantities from the producers and redistribute the goods to the middlemen at the next level retailers.A、错误B、正确正确选项是:A 满分:57 If a country can make something be

8、tter or more cheaply than it can others, it has an absolute advantageA、错误B、正确正确选项是:A 满分:58 Speculators will buy a stock or a bond for long-term investment.A、错误B、正确正确选项是:A 满分:59 In the US, which is regarded as one of the most capitalistic countries in the world, the government doesnt play a role in economic activities.A、错误B、正确正确选项是:A 满分:510 Property is anything of value that is owned by an individual or a business.A、错误B、正确正确选项是:B 满分:5



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