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1、19春福师高级英语(二)在线作业一4 - 一、单选题共50题,100分1、The girls face _ with embarrassment during the interview when she couldnt answer the tough question.AbeamedBdazzledCradiatedDflushed本题正确的选项是:D2、Your ( ) for this paper is too long to be accepted.AentranceBguidanceCabstractDrepresent本题正确的选项是:C3、If you dont want to

2、 wash your jacket, you may send it to a ( ).AparticipantBplanetClaundryDribbon本题正确的选项是:C4、If the value-added tax were done away with, it would act as a _ to consumption.AprogressionBprimeCstabilityDstimulus本题正确的选项是:D5、Police and villagers unanimously _the forest fire to thunder and lightning.Aascrib

3、edBapproachedCconfirmedDconfined本题正确的选项是:A6、The meaning of the sentence is _; you can interpret it in several ways.AskepticalBintelligibleCambiguousDexclusive本题正确的选项是:C7、Please be _. Your question is too general.AlimitedBnarrowCspecificDthorough本题正确的选项是:C8、You shouldnt _your fathers instructions. An

4、yway he is an experienced teacher.AdeduceBdeliberateCdefyDdenounce本题正确的选项是:C9、The soldier was _ of running away when the enemy attacked.AscoldedBchargedCaccusedDpunished本题正确的选项是:C10、Because of the bad weather, the sports meet had to be _.AshutdownBdone awayCtaken offDcalled off本题正确的选项是:D11、Jim alway

5、s _ his classmates in a debate.A backs outB backs awayC backs upD backs down本题正确的选项是:C12、Theyre going to build a big office block on that _ piece of land.AvoidBvacantCblankDshallow本题正确的选项是:B13、His proposal is very ( ). We do not need any explanation.AconcreteBloyalCgreyDdraft本题正确的选项是:A14、Most of the

6、 people who _ two world wars are strongly against arms race.A have lived outB have lived throughC have lived onD have lived off.本题正确的选项是:B15、The survival ( ) of some wild animals is not very high as they are ruthlessly hunted for their skins.ArateBdegreeCratioDscale本题正确的选项是:A16、This is a _ computer,

7、 which we just bought for our research.AdetectiveBluggageCdigitalDgrave本题正确的选项是:C17、Water is as _ to fish as air is to man.AobviousBbasinCindispensableDconstant本题正确的选项是:C18、This is a ( ) computer, which we just bought for our research.AdetectiveBluggageCdigitalDgrave本题正确的选项是:C19、The central theatre

8、has a seating _ of more than 3,000 people.AcapabilityBcapacityCabilityDfacility本题正确的选项是:B20、Jim always ( ) his classmates in a debate.Abacks outBbacks awayCbacks upDbacks down本题正确的选项是:C21、Nancy was surprised that they have ( ). They seemed to be a happy couple.Asplit upBbroken downCfallen throughDkn

9、ocked out本题正确的选项是:A22、The newspaper will have to close down if it cannot increase its _.AdistributionBcontributionCprescriptionDcirculation本题正确的选项是:D23、It is my hope that everyone in this class should _ their errors before it is too late.ArefuteBexcludeCexpelDrectify本题正确的选项是:D24、Without any hesitati

10、on, she took off her shoes, ( ) up her skirt and splashed across the stream.AtuckedBrevolvedCtwistedDcurled本题正确的选项是:A25、They will _ the project with the necessary funds.AreferBrelateCfurnaceDfurnish本题正确的选项是:D26、Professor Smith explained the movement of light( )that of water.Aby analogy withBby virtu

11、e ofCin line withDin terms of本题正确的选项是:A27、The water ( ) from the tap and damaged all the books in my study.AsprayedBpuzzledCinclinedDexported本题正确的选项是:A28、Thanks for the advice, but this is something I have to ( ) out myself.AfulfillBidentifyCfigureDclaim本题正确的选项是:C29、The water _ from the tap and dama

12、ged all the books in my study.AsprayedBpuzzledCinclinedDexported本题正确的选项是:A30、He ( ) all his courage.AmusteredBswarmedCclusteredDrounded up本题正确的选项是:A31、Please be ( ). Your question is too general.AlimitedBnarrowCspecificDthorough本题正确的选项是:C32、If the _ in the test is too small, we can not get a good re

13、sult.AsampleBpercentCleisureDflight本题正确的选项是:A33、In the United States, Congress makes the laws and the President _ them.AordersBconquersCexecutesDhedges本题正确的选项是:C34、The cripple _ along the hospital corridor.AtotteredBploddedCwalkedDhobbled本题正确的选项是:D35、It seems somewhat _ to expect anyone to drive 3 h

14、ours just for a 20-minute meeting.AeccentricBimpossibleCabsurdDunique本题正确的选项是:C36、Its true that the old road is less direct and a bit longer. We wont take the new one, _, because we dont feel as safe on it.A somehowB thoughC thereforeD otherwise本题正确的选项是:B37、As the offender( ) his crime, he was dealt with leniently.AconfessedBadmittedCrealizedDrecognized本题正确的选项是:A38、The hands on my alarm clock are _, so I can see what time it is in the dark.AexoticBgorgeousClum


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