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1、Unit 12 What did you do last weekend 重点解析Section A1. I fed some sheep. 我喂了一些羊。 sheep是可数名词,意为“羊;绵羊”。它的单复数形式相同,类似的单词还有Chinese (中国人)、Japanese (日本人)、deer (鹿)等。如: Three sheep are eating grass in the field. 三只羊正在地里吃草。2. I worked as a guide at the Natural History Museum. 我在自然历史博物馆当导游。 as在这里作介词,意为“作为;当作”。如:

2、You can use this box as a pencil-box. 你可以用这个盒子作为铅笔盒。guide在这里作名词,意为“导游;向导”。如:A guide will show us around the place. 一位导游将带我们参观这个地方。natural作形容词,意为“自然的;天然的”。其名词形式是nature,意为“自然;大自然”。如:It is natural for you to say thanks to him. 你自然要向他道谢。There are many kinds of animals in the nature. 大自然中有许多种动物。3. I stay

3、ed up late to watch the soccer game. 我熬夜到很晚看足球比赛。 stay up 意为“深夜不睡;熬夜”。stay up late是指“熬夜到很晚”。如:You have to go to school tomorrow. Dont stay up too late. 你明天要上学,不要熬夜到太晚。 stay意为“停留;待”。如:Well stay at home this weekend. 这个周末我们将待在家里。跟踪练习根据汉语意思翻译句子。每空一词。1. 山上有多少只羊?How many _ _ _ on the hill?2. 作为一名教师,你应该教好

4、学生。_ _ _, you should teach your students well.3. 她喜欢所有天然的东西。She likes _ _.4. 我不想在这个旅馆停留。I dont want to _ _ _ _.Section B1. There we put up our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on. 在那里,我们搭起帐篷,生起火,以便保暖和做饭。put up是动词短语,意为“搭起;举起”。反义短语为put down,意为“放下;搁下”。如:Put up your hands! the teacher

5、 said. 老师说:“举起你们的手!”Please put down that knife. Its dangerous. 请放下刀,那很危险。make a fire意为“生火”。如:It is not safe to make a fire here. 在这里生火不安全。keep+sb./ sth.+adj.表示“(使)某人/物保持(某状态)”。如:We can play sports to keep us healthy. 我们可以做运动来保持健康。2. I was so scared that I couldnt move. 我害怕得都不能动了。 原句中含有so. that.这一句型,

6、意为“如此以至于”,它可与too. to互换。如:He was so young that he couldnt go to school. = He was too young to go to school. 他年纪太小,还不能上学。move意为“搬动,移动”。move也有“搬迁”之意,常用结构为“move to.”。如:The Smiths will move to Canada. 史密斯一家将搬到加拿大。3. My dad started to jump up and down. 我的爸爸开始跳上跳下。 start作动词,意为“开始;着手”,后接名词、动词不定式或v.-ing。如:I

7、start my work at nine every day. 我每天九点开始工作。It started to rain. 天开始下雨了。The children start playing after they finish their homework. 孩子们做完作业后开始玩耍。jump既可以作动词又可以作名词,意为“跳;跃”;up and down意为“上上下下”。如:long jump 跳远 high jump 跳高He jumped into the water and swam. 他跳进水里游起泳来。跟踪练习根据汉语意思翻译句子。5. 这本书很棒,我爱不释手。The book

8、is very great. I cant _ _ _.6. 我们在教室里应该保持安静。We should _ _ in the classroom.7. 王老师很严厉,很多学生都不想和他交谈。Mr. Wang is _ _ _ many students dont want to talk with him.8. 不要移动我桌子上的东西。_ _ the things on my table.9. 我从昨天开始看这本书。I _ _ _ yesterday. 10. 他从一个窗口跳了出去。He _ _ _ a window.非常点拨ago & before 1. His parents died

9、 one year ago. 他的父母一年前去世了。2. He couldnt fly a kite before. 他以前不会放风筝。3. They will come back before six oclock. 他们会在六点前回来。4. Ill go before she comes back. 我会在她回来之前走。 这两个词都可以表示“以前”,但用法有所不同。ago一般仅作副词,而before可作副词、介词或连词。ago的前面一般要跟一段时间,如three days,one month等。而before能单独使用(即不连用具体时间),泛指一般意义的“以前”。如例句1、2。表示在某一时

10、间点或某一事件的以前时,只用before不用ago,这种用法是将before当作介词或连词使用。ago不具有这一功能。如例句3、4。 选用ago或before填空。1. Tim could play the piano _ the age of six. 2. You must come back _ nine oclock, Tina. OK, Mom.3. When did your father leave? About a month _. 4. Could Lucy sing Chinese songs _? No, she couldnt.surprise & surprised

11、& surprising 1. The boy looked at me in surprise. 那男孩吃惊地看我。2. To our surprise, he passed the exam. 使我们吃惊的是,他通过了考试。3. If you dont know him very well, these words of him may surprise you. 如果你不是很了解他,那他这些话可能会让你吃惊。4. I was surprised to see her in the city. 当我在这个城市看到她时,我感到惊讶。5. The end of the story is sur

12、prising. 故事的结尾很令人惊讶。 surprise可以作名词,意为“惊奇;惊讶”。常用于in surprise (吃惊地)、to ones surprise (使某人吃惊的是)等短语。如例句1、2。surprise还可以作动词,意为“使吃惊”。如例句3。surprised是形容词,意为“吃惊的;惊讶的”,主语一般是人,且其后多接介词at或不定式。如例句4。surprising也是形容词,意为“令人吃惊的”,主语一般是事或物。如例句5。 用surprise的正确形式填空。5. The bad news didnt _ them.6. To my _, the dog is still a

13、live (活着的).7. The teacher was _ at Toms answer.8. Your success (成功) is _.【答案】重点解析1. sheep are there 2. As a teacher 3. everything natural 4. stay in the hotel 5. put it down 6. keep quiet 7. so strict that 8. Dont move 9. started the book 10. jumped out of非常点拨1. before 2. before 3. ago 4. before 5. surprise 6. surprise 7. surprised 8. surprising6



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