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1、2019年春六年级英语下册期中试题听力原文有答案听力部分一、听录音,判断对错。(10分)1. 23 . 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 6. Yesterday was Wednesday. ( ) 7. Mike rowed a boat last Sunday. ( ) 8. We went to visit our grandparents last night. ( ) 9. I went skating last year. ( ) 10. Tom had a cold yesterday. ( )二、听问题,选答句。(10分)( )1. A: I went to

2、 the bookstore. B: I bought some books. C: I bought some shoes. ( )2. A: She sees elephants. B: She saw elephants. C: Shes going to see elephants. ( )3. A: Yes, I did. B: Yes, I do. C: Yes, I am. ( )4. A: No, she doesnt. B: No, she didnt. C: No, I didnt. ( )5. A: Shes angry. B: Shes taller. C: Shes

3、gong to the hospital. 三、听录音,填词。(10分)1. A: did they go there? B: They there by . 2. We many at the zoo. 3. A: Did she good food in Xinjiang? B: Yes, and she some there. 4. I on my holiday. 笔试部分四、单项选择(20分)1.Yesterday Amy _ a mountain with her friends . A. climbing B. climb C. climbed2.Im 12 years old

4、. Mike is 11 years old . So Im _ than him . A. older B. thinner C. heavier3.Im _ than you . A. stronger B. tall C. strong4.Sam is 150cm tall . Ted is 10cm shorter than him .How tall is Ted ? A. 160cm B. 140cm C. 150cm5._ did you go on your holiday ? Beijing . A. How B. What C. Where6.We _ books yest

5、erday . A. readed B. reads C. read7.Did you go swimming last Sunday ? A. No , I did . B. No , I didnt . C. Yes , I didnt .8.I like _ pictures . A. draw B. drew C. drawing9.I usually get up _ 7:00 in the morning . A. of B. at C. on10.Whats the matter _ you ?I have a cold A. with B. in C. at五、读一读,按所给单

6、词适当的形式填空。(10分)1.Who is _(heavy), Zhang Peng or John? 2.Tom _ (see a film) last Saturday. 3.John _(read books) at home last Sunday. 4.Lily is _ (tall) than Ann. 5.I _ (have a cold) yesterday, so I didnt go to school. 六、根据汉语提示,把句子补充完整。(10分)6.I_ _ _(呆在家里)with my grandma yesterday . 7.I want _ _(买)the n

7、ew film magazine . 8.What did you do _ _(上周末)? 9.Your feet _ _ (大的)than mine . 10.The sun gets _ and_(低). 七、补全对话。(把编号写在横线上)(10分). What did you do yesterday? . How did you go there? . What day is today? . What did you do there ? . What day was yesterday? . Did you play computer game with your cousin?

8、 . Yes, I did. A: ?B: It was Saturday. A: ?B: I went to visit my cousin. A: ?B: I went by bike. A: ?B: I played computer game with my cousin. A: Did you eat good food in your cousins home?B: . It was delicious. 八、阅读理解。(10分)On National Day, we had a long holiday. We had seven days. I went to Hainan w

9、ith my parents. My grandparents lived in a beautiful village in Hainan. We visited them. We went to see the blue sea every day. We swam in it. We went fishing. My grandma cooked good food for us every day. The seafood is tasty. I like it . We took many pictures. I was excited. ( )1. I went to Hainan

10、 with my . A: father and mother B: grandparents( )2. There are days on National Day. A: a week B: seven( )3. I was on National Day. A: very happy B:tired( )4. I can in Hainan. A: went fishing B: swim and go fishing( )5. We ate good food . A: on National Day B: every day 九、作文。(10分)1.How was your weekend? 2.What did you do last weekend? 3.What about your family?根据以上要求完成写作。 Last weekend, 六年级期中听力材料及参考答案一. 1. I like taking pictures. () 2. Tim went hiking last weekend. () 3. Amy can


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