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1、 OTIS 电梯部件代号 Abb.缩写 Description 描述 1BFS 1st Buffer Switch 缓冲器开关 1 1LS down slowdown Limit Switch 下行减速限位开关 1LV 1st door zone switch 门区开关 1 1PES Pit Emergency Stop switch 底坑急停开关 1 1PMS P it Maintenance Socket 1 底坑插座 1 2BFS 2nd Buffer Switch 2 缓冲器开关 2 2LS up slowdown Limit Switch 上行减速限位开关 2LV 2nd door

2、zone switch 门区开关 2 2nd OCB Overload Circuit Breaker 2 电流过载断路器 2 2PES 2nd Pit Emergency Stop switch 底坑急停开关 2 6LS limit Switch 下行减速限位开关 7LS down final Limit Switch 下终端极限开关 8LS up final Limit Switch 上终端极限开关 ACB Automatic Circuit Breaker 断路器 ACD-MR Asia controller and Drive-Machine Room 亚洲有机房控制和驱动 柜 ACD

3、-MRL Asia controller and Drive-Machine Roomless 亚洲无机房控制和驱动 柜 ADO Adcanced Door Opening 提前开门 AGS Auxiliary Gate Switch 辅助轿门开关 AGSR Auxiliary Gate Switch Relay 辅助轿门开关继电器 ALB Alarm Button 警铃按钮 ANS Anti-Nulsance Car call 防捣乱 APD Anti-Pollution Device 电磁干扰滤波器 ARD Automatic Return Device 自动返回基站 ARED Autom

4、atic Resucue Emergency Device 自动紧急救援装置 ARO Automatic Resucue Operation 自动救援操作 ARO BOX Automatic Resucue Operation Box 自动救援操作箱 AT120 AT120 door operator AT120 门机 ATK Attendant service Keyswitch 司机服务开关 ATT Attendant service operation 司机服务操作 ATTD Attendant Down start button 司机操作下行启动按钮 ATTU Attendant up

5、 start button 司机操作上行启动按钮 B Brake 制动器 Abb.缩写 Description 描述 BAT Battery 电池 BCB Battery Control Board 电池控制板 BCPC Brake Control and Power Conditioning 抱闸控制和功率调节 BCR Brake Control Relay 抱闸控制继电器 BR Brake Relay 抱闸继电器 BRB Brake Release Button 抱闸释放按钮 BRK Brake 制动器 BRM Brake Module 制动单元 BS Brake Switch 抱闸开关

6、BSM Basement Service 地下室服务 BUZ Buzzer 蜂鸣器 BV Brake Varistor 压敏电阻 BY Brake Relay 抱闸继电器 C2L 2 Cars to Lobby 双轿厢至大厅 CAP Capacity 电容 CB Circuit Breaker 断路器 CBM Car Button Mechanical 机械式轿厢按钮 CBn Car Button n 轿厢按钮 n CBS Car Sound Button 轿厢发声按钮 CBT Two Car operating panels 双操纵盘 CCBL Car Call to Bottom Land

7、ing 底层轿厢指令按钮 CDD Car Door Detector 轿门监测 CDLD Car Door Lock Device 轿厢门锁装置 CEIB Communication and Encoder Iterface Board 通讯和编码器接口板 CFL Car Fluorescence Light 轿厢照明 CGIB Communication Gateway modem Isolation Board 通讯网关调制隔离板 CGMPB Communication Gateway Modem Processor Board 通讯网关调制处理板 CGS Car Gate Solenoi

8、d 轿门门锁继电器 CHCS Cancel Hall Call Switch 外呼取消开关 CHF Current Harmonic Filter 电流谐波滤波器 CHT separate Car and Hall call door Times 独立的轿厢和大厅呼 叫门时间 CKS Car Block Switch 轿厢卡箍开关 Abb.缩写 Description 描述 CLD Central opening Landing Door 中分门 CLF_TC Fluorescent Car Light_Travelling Cable 随动电缆荧光灯电源 CNV Convertor 整流 C

9、PI Car Position Indicator 轿厢位置显示器 CTTL Car Tell Tale Light 轿厢呼叫登记灯 CWS Counterweight Safety Switch 对重安全钳开关 D Diode 二极管 DBR Drive Brake Risistor 制动电阻 DBS electrical recall switch 紧急电动运行开关 DCB Door Close Button 关门按钮 DCL Down Collective Operation 下集选 DCP Delayed Car Protection 延迟的轿厢保护 DCSS Door Control

10、 Subsystem 门控子系统 DDB electrical recall Down Direction Button 紧急电动运行下行按钮 DDO Disable Door Operation 门操作取消开关 DDOS disable DoorOperation Switch 门操作无效开关 DDP Delayed Drive Protection 延迟的拖动保护 DDSR Disable Door Switch Relay 屏蔽门继电器 DE Door motor Encoder 门机编码器 DEEC Disable EEC 屏蔽轿顶安全窗继电器 DEECR Disable EEC Re

11、lay 屏蔽安全窗继电器 DFC Door Full Closed contact 厅门和轿门关门到位触点 DHB Door Hold Button 门保持按钮 DHBL Door Hold Button Light 门保持灯 DIB Down Inspection Button 下行检修按钮 DIS Door zone limit switch down 门区下行限位开关 DM Door Motor 门电机 DOB Door Open Button 开门按钮 DOBF DOB Faster response 快速开门反应 DOL Door Open Limit Switch 开门到位开关 D

12、OLR Door Open Limit Relay 开门到位继电器 DRV Drive 变频器 Abb.缩写 Description 描述 DS Door Switch 厅门触点 DTG Digital Tacho Generator 编码器 DTP Door Time Protection 门时间保护 DW Door Watch contact 厅门和轿门开关状态 触点 DXT-1 Extra Door Time(lobby and parking) 附加的门时间 DZI Door Zone Indicator 门区指示器 E&I PANEL Emergency and Inspection

13、 panel 紧急检修操作盘 ECB Emergency Car Battery 轿厢应急电源 ECU Emergency Car Light Unit(for light,alarm,bell,int ercom) 轿厢应急照明装置 EEC top of car Emergency Exit Contact 轿顶安全窗触点 EFO Emergency Fireman Operation 紧急消防操作 EFO Monitoring Emergency Fireman Operation Monitoring 紧急消防操作及监控 EFOR Emergency Fireman Operation

14、Relay 紧急消防操作继电器 EFS Emergency Fireman Service 紧急消防员服务 EIS Socket in E&I panel 控制柜电源插座 EPFL Extended Power Supply For Link 外呼附加电源 EQO Earthquake Operation 地震操作 EQR Earthquake Relay 地震操作继电器 EQS Earthquake Sensor 地震传感器 ERO Electrical Recall Operation 电动操作 ES Emergency Stop Switch 急停开关 ESR Emergency Sto

15、p Relay 急停继电器 ESS Emergency Stop Switch 紧急停车开关 F Fuse 熔断器 F1/2/6/8/C Circuit Breaker 1/2/6/8 断路器 1/2/6/8 FAN Fan 风扇 FCL Full Collective Operation 全集选 FDP Faulty Door Protection 短接门保护 FS Fan Switch 风扇开关 FSK circuit breaker 断路器 FSS Fireman Service Switch 消防员服务开关 GCS Counterweight Governor Switch 对重限速器

16、超速开关 Abb.缩写 Description 描述 GDCB Global Drive Control Board 变频驱动板 GECB Global Elevator Control Board 电梯控制板 GRP Group 群控 GS Gate Switch 轿门锁 GSR Gate Switch Relay 轿门锁继电器 GTC Governor Tension Contact 限速器张紧轮触点 HBM Hall Buttons Mechanical 机械式大厅按钮 HDI Hall Direction Indicator 大厅方向显示器 HIB integrated Hall Indicator Board 集成式大厅方向显示器 HPI Hall Position Indicator(16-seg) 大厅位置显示器 HRS Handrail Switch 防护栏开关 HTTL Hall Tell Tale Lights 大厅呼叫登记灯 HVIB High Voltage Interface Board 高压接口板 ICU Intercommunication Unit 对



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