19春福师《听力口译(二)》在线作业二-2[参考答案] 9

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1、19春福师听力口译(二)在线作业二-21、D 2、D 3、C 4、C 5、D 一、单选题共50题,100分1、I _ great success for my study in this university.AdisgustBproceedCpioneerDanticipate正确选项:D2、The solution works only for couples who are self-employed, dont have small children and get along _ to spend most of their time together.A so wellB too

2、wellC well asD well enough正确选项:D3、He( )his success to the good education he has received.AdistributesBcontributesCattributesDowns正确选项:C4、Nothing can _ me to leave my own country.AverseBhayCtemptDattempt正确选项:C5、That rich man has been dead for a long time but his _ is still not known to the public.Asa

3、usageBshelfCportionDwill正确选项:D6、An emergency _ is very important in case of fire.AexitBdepositCdischargeDelaborate正确选项:A7、Anyone with half an eye on the unemployment figures knew that the assertion about economic recovery _ just around the corner was untrue.A would beB to beC wasD being正确选项:D8、This

4、knife is made of steel _ and it can be used for a long time.AmixedBalloyCchampionDgrasp正确选项:B9、Mr. Green has recently been( )to director of the presidents office.ApushedBpurchasedCpromotedDpromised正确选项:C10、Mary is always( )when she doesnt get any mail.AaffectedBdissedCplainDdisturbed正确选项:D11、Mary is

5、 always _ when she doesnt get any mail.AaffectedBdissedCplainDdisturbed正确选项:D12、The _ TOEFL score for entering this program is 600.AlessBsandyCstainDminimum正确选项:D13、Dont be too( )on your children. They are still too young.AshineBinternalCcopperDsevere正确选项:D14、His eyes( )with rage but he did not dare

6、 to say anything.AflashedBwickedCvotedDprotested正确选项:A15、The roles expected _ old people in such a setting give too few psychological satisfactions for normal happiness.A ofB onC toD with正确选项:A16、You dont have to pay any _ on personal belongings.ApriceBdutyCexpenseDelevator正确选项:B17、Although I had be

7、en invited to the opening ceremony, I was unable to attend( )such short notice.AtoBinCwithDon正确选项:A18、Our( )talks promise a good future for our cooperation.AinteriorBinsuranceCinitialDinvisible正确选项:C19、On a rainy day I was driving north through Vermont( )I noticed a young man holding up a sign readi

8、ng “Boston”.AwhichBwhereCwhenDthat正确选项:C20、Heavy taxed are( )on wines imported from the other countries.AimposedBtrgisteredCsplashedDthundered正确选项:A21、The _ can help people to see very small objects.AmetropolitanBmicrophoneCmicroscopeDmicrowave正确选项:C22、This is a _ moment for our research. We should

9、be careful.AcriticalBbeltCconscienceDcopper正确选项:A23、Eggs are _ according to size.ApassedBjudgedCgradedDchained正确选项:C24、Mary is too weak to( )the piano across the room.AapplyBappealCattractDdrag正确选项:D25、Along the northern coast there are many deep( ).AdiversBharborsCbatsDbars正确选项:B26、He _ to his room

10、mate for being so rude yesterday.AworriedBdoubtedCapologizedDdissolved正确选项:C27、They spent many years( )for oil in this small island.AexploringBexplodingCexposingDexploiting正确选项:A28、He _ his success to the good education he has received.AdistributesBcontributesCattributesDowns正确选项:C29、Mary has a( )vi

11、ew of our future. But nobody believes what she said.AportableBprimaryCpossessionDpositive正确选项:D30、From the _ from this examination, we know it is too easy for the students.AfeedbackBfrostCoutlineDoverlook正确选项:A31、Can you _ the man who robbed you of your watch?AillustrateBexhibitCdamageDidentify正确选项:

12、D32、Our guide gave us a detailed( )of this painting but we still do not understand.AauthorityBinterpretationCinstructionDinstitution正确选项:B33、Greatly agitated, I rushed to the apartment and tried the door,( )to find it locked.AjustBonlyChenceDthus正确选项:B34、Nothing can( )me to leave my own country.Aver

13、seBhayCtemptDattempt正确选项:C35、Mary is too weak to _ the piano across the room.AapplyBappealCattractDdrag正确选项:D36、This is a( )moment for our research. We should be careful.AcriticalBbeltCconscienceDcopper正确选项:A37、I( )great success for my study in this university.AdisgustBproceedCpioneerDanticipate正确选项

14、:D38、This is our( ). So you can do what you need to do here.AsubstanceBscheduleCnoticeDnoun正确选项:B39、This tree is( )for its beautiful flowers.AhookedBstemmedCcultivatedDparceled正确选项:C40、A( )thing happened to me last night.AsakeBpeculiarCbaggageDaverage正确选项:B41、Doctors see a connection between increase amounts of leisure time spent( )and the increased number of cases of skin cancer.Ato sunbatheBto have sunbathedChaving sunbathedDsunbathing正确选项:D42、What is your _



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