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1、The soaring number of gender-bending chemicals in the environment has disturbing fertility implications for humans and wildlife, scientists are warning. They say wild animals are being feminised by a host of common man-made pollutants which mimic the female sex hormone oestrogen and escape into seas

2、, rivers, the earth and air when waste is disposed of. The chemicals-found in food packaging, cleaning products, plastics, sewage and paint-cause genital deformities, reduce sperm count and even turn males into females. Dozens of species-including polar bears, fish, whales and otters-are suffering,

3、according to the environmental group ChemTrust. Fish have been badly hit by man-made gender-bending chemicals. In one study, half the male fish in British lowland rivers had signs of being feminised. But all vertebrates-or creatures with backbones-have similar sex hormone receptors in their bodies.

4、Therefore, observations in one species may serve to highlight pollution issues of concern for other vertebrates, including humans, the report says. Its author, Gywnne Lyons, a former government adviser on chemical-pollution, said: some Urgent action is needed to control gender-bending chemicals and

5、more resources are needed for monitoring wildlife. If wildlife populations crash, it will be too late. Unless enough males contribute to the next generation there is a real threat to animal populations in the long term. Some studies have shown that sperm counts in the West have fallen over the past

6、30 years. Others have shown a rise in boys born with genital deformities. Communities heavily polluted with hormone-disrupting chemicals in Russia, Canada and Italy have produced twice as many girls as boys.Passage TwoBiological diversity has become widely recognized as a critical conservation issue

7、 only since the past two decades. The rapid destruction of the tropical rain forests which are the ecosystems with the highest known species diversity on Earth has awakened people to the importance and fragility of biological diversity. The high rate of species extinctions in these environments is j

8、olting, but it is important to recognize the significance of biological diversity in all ecosystems. As the human population continues to expand, it will negatively affect one after another of Earths ecosystems. In terrestrial ecosystems and in fringe marine ecosystems (such as wetlands), the most c

9、ommon problem is habitat destruction. In most situations, the result is irreversible. Now humans are beginning to destroy marine ecosystems through other types of activities, such as the disposal and runoff of poisonous waste; in less than two centuries, by significantly reducing the variety of spec

10、ies on Earth, they have unraveled cons of evolution and irrevocably redirected its course.Certainly, there have been periods in Earths history when mass extinctions have occurred. The extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by some physical event, either climatic or cosmic. There have also been less

11、dramatic extinctions, as when natural competition between species reached an extreme conclusion. Only 0.1 percent of the species that have lived on Earth have survived to the present, and it was largely chance that determined which species survived and which died out.However, nothing has ever equale

12、d the magnitude and speed with which the human species is altering the physical and chemical world and demolishing the environment. In fact, there is wide agreement that it is the rate of change humans are inflicting, even more than the changes themselves, that will lead to biological devastation. L

13、ife on Earth has continually been in flux as slow physical and chemical changes have occurred on Earth, but life needs time to adapt time for migration and genetic adaptation within existing species and time for the proliferation of new genetic material and new species that may be able to survive in

14、 new environments. 26. Which is the best title of the passage?A. The Variety of SpeciesB. The Rapid Destruction of the Tropical Rain ForestC. Species Adaptation to New EnvironmentD. The Impact of Human Activities on Earths Ecosystems请根据需要填入Script:正正确答案:D得分:2分27. According to the passage, how do huma

15、ns destroy marine ecosystems?A. Through shipping a lot of goods.B. Through disposal and runoff poisonous waste.C. Through destroying Earths ecosystem.D. Through hunting fish.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:B得分:2分28. What determines which species survived and which died out?A. Slow chemical changes.B. Impact of h

16、uman activities.C. Chance.D. Some physical event.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:C得分:2分29. What will lead to biological devastation?A. Climatic or cosmic event.B. Chemical change.C. The rate of change humans are inflicting.D. Physical change.请根据需要填入Script:正确答案:C得分:2分30. The natural evolutionary change is different from change caused by hu



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