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1、lesson 31 A Lovable Eccentric,True eccentrics never deliberately ( on purpose )set out to draw attention to themselves. eccentric n. (行为)古怪的人 (a person with an unusual or odd personality.) Askew used several names, and had a reputation as an eccentric. 艾斯丘用过几个名字,并以“怪人”著称。 eccentric adj. odd, strange

2、 I cant get on well with him, because he is eccentric.,eccentricity n. 怪癖 his eccentricity had become legendary long before he died. Inception The Dark Knight Rises 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 10, 000 B.C. Finally, visitors will come face to face with the near-legendary warriors of Chinas terracotta army.,They disre

3、gard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary. social conventions: social norms/ social customs follow/ conform social conventions disregard v. 不顾,漠视 ( ignore; pay no attention to) He disregarded the advice of his executives. regard vt.看待; 注重,尊敬 He was re

4、garded as the most successful president of modern times.,disregard n. 忽视;不尊重 Whoever planted the bomb showed a total disregard for the safety of the public. 不论谁安置了炸弹都显示出对公众安全的全然漠视。,conscious adj. 感觉到的,意识到的 be conscious of / that be aware of / that unaware adj. 不知道的 unconscious adj. 无意识的 He is unawar

5、e of the danger. He is unconscious of the danger. subconscious adj. 潜意识的;下意识的 class conscious 有阶级意识的 family conscious 有家庭观念的 clothes conscious 注重衣着的 consciousness n. 意识 legal consciousness 法律意识,This invariably wins them the love and respect of others, for they add color to the dull routine of everyd

6、ay life. invariably adv. 总是,经常地 vary(vt. 改变)-variable-variably- invariably add color to sth.: to make sth. more colorful/ more interesting One of the most colorful figures in boxing history was Daniel Mendoza, who was born in 1764. add salt to injury 往伤口上撒盐,He was known to us all as Dickie and his e

7、ccentricity had become legendary long before he died. Franklin Frank、Frankie Dennis Denny Alexander、Alexandra- Alexis、Alex Victoria Vicky、Vickie Anthony Tony William Will,Dickie disliked snobs intensely. snob is someone who looks down upon those who are inferior and flatters those who are superior 势

8、利小人 snobbish snb adj. 势利的 snobbery snbri n. 势利的行为(特性) intensely adv. (strongly)强烈地; 表示情感的强度 I was intensely moved by the film.,One day, he walked into an expensive shop after having been caught in a particularly heavy shower. be caught in : be in a very difficult / unpleasant situation 陷入某种困境 I was

9、caught in a traffic jam on my way to my airport.,He wanted to buy a 300 watch for his wife, but he was in such a bedraggled condition that an assistant refused to serve him. be in a condition: be in a certain kind of state (especially physical state) 在什么样的状态下,尤其指外表、身体状况 in such a bedraggled conditio

10、n: he was wet, dirty, and untidy. be in a dying condition 濒临垂危 be in a critical condition 情况危急,危笃状态 be in a stable condition 情况稳定,As it was extremely heavy, he dumped it on the counter. dump: put down sth, especially sth heavy 猛地扔下来、重重地放下 get rid of sth. / sb. 扔掉 He dumped his old car. She dumped he

11、r boyfriend.,The assistant asked him to leave, but Dickie paid no attention to him and requested to see (asked to see )the manager.,Recognizing who the customer was, the manager was most apologetic and reprimanded the assistant severely. apologetic:to show or to say you are very sorry. apologize v.

12、apologize to sb for sth apology n. make an apology to sb systematic(系统的)romantic(浪漫的) politic(有策略的) chaotic(混乱的) most: extremely, 非最高级 reprimand v. 训斥 reproach, scold, blame ;reprimand强调在公开场合的指责,It contained 300 in pennies. He insisted on the assistants counting the money before he left30,000 pennie

13、s in all! insist on sbs doing sth. 坚持让某人做某事 insist that+虚拟语态(should) +动词原形 He insisted that the assistant (should) count the money.,This exhibition received a great deal of attention in the press, for though the pictures were supposed to be the work of famous artists, they had in fact been painted b

14、y Dickie. the press:newspapers, magazines, TVs, or radios 新闻界 were supposed to be 被认为是,It took him four years to stage this elaborate joke simply to prove that critics do not always know what they are talking about. stage: to arrange to stage a play elaborate adj. 精心构思的(carefully worked out) an elab

15、orate design 精心的设计,否定意义的副词,most people in the town hardly knew anything about this side of his life. Though he owned a large car, he hardly ever used it, preferring always to go on foot. True eccentrics never deliberately set out to draw attention to themselves.,动词表示否定,They disregard social conventi

16、ons he refused to carry an umbrella. an assistant refused to serve him.,without 介词短语做伴随状语,表示同时没有做,They disregard social conventions without being conscious that they are doing anything extraordinary. Dickie left the shop without a word.,Comprehension questions,1. Do true eccentrics set out to draw attention to themselves? No, they dont 2. What do they do to social conventions? They disregard them. 3.What do they add to the dull routine of everyda


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