上海教育版-英语四年级下册Module 1 Unit 3《look and see》教案

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1、课题Module 1 Unit 3 Look and see课时第一课时班级教学目标及重难点一、教学栏目:Look and learn, Sing a song二、教学目标:1.帮助学生学习Look and learn中的生词:evening, night, moon以及歌曲中所涉及到的单词:sky, high。2.能正确区分单词:morning, afternoon, evening, night, moon的音、形、义以及和介词:in, at的搭配使用。3.能演唱歌曲Twinkle, twinkle, little star。4.让学生在歌声中体会英语学习、感受英语学习的快乐。三、教学重点

2、:词汇:evening, night, moon,sky, high。四、教学难点:单词:evening和night的区别以及和介词:in ,at的搭配使用。教学准备五、教学准备:PPT,单词图片教学过程教学过程六、教学过程:(一)Pre-task preparations1. 在黑板上画五颗大小不一的星星,和学生谈论这些星星。T: Look! There are some stars in the sky .Are they beautiful?2. 播放Sing a song的歌曲录音,请学生跟唱。(二)While-task procedures1. 在黑板上画白天和夜晚的天空,引入单词s

3、ky,并通过提问使学生对sky有更深的印象。2.在白天的天空中画上太阳,在夜晚的天空中画上星星和月亮,引出单词sun, moon, star3.让学生看黑板上的图,对太阳、月亮和星星进行描述。S1: I can see the sun in the sky .Its big, red and round.S2: I can see the moon in the sky. Its big and yellow. I like the moon.S3: I can see many stars in the sky. Theyre bright. (三)Post-task activities1

4、.教师描述场景,学生仔细听并用I can see或I cant see做快速反应。T: Its a hot day. I feel very hot outside. I put on my sunglasses.S1:I can see the sun in the sky. I cant see the moon in the sky.T: Its evening. Its raining.S2:Its evening. But I cant see the moon and the stars in the sky.2.出示三段文字和图片,请学生仔细阅读并进行图文配对。板书设计Unit 3 Look and see moon at nightI can see the sun in the sky. stars in the evening作业布置 1认真听录音,跟读并背诵本节所学单词和课文; 2完成拓展活动。


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