高级鸡尾酒知识 Advanced Cocktail

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《高级鸡尾酒知识 Advanced Cocktail》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高级鸡尾酒知识 Advanced Cocktail(25页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,餐饮服务模块 FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE MODULE Cocktail介绍 “Product Knowledge - Cocktail” FBS 01-005,前言 Introduction,在北京柏悦酒店我们为客人提供多种精心制作的鸡尾酒。 At Park Hyatt Beijing we provide our Guests with an Extensive Selection of Cocktail.,什么是Cocktail? What is Cocktail? Cocktail的制作 How Cocktail is Made Cocktail 的分类 Styl

2、es of Cocktail 北京柏悦酒店提供的Cocktail Cocktail at Park Hyatt Beijing,目标 Objectives,What is Liqueur,什么是Cocktail What is Cocktail Cocktail是一种将酒精饮料(基酒)加入辅料(辅酒或辅料甜酒,水果,沙司,蜂蜜,牛奶,奶油,香料等)调和而成的混合型饮料。 It is a style of mixed drink. A Cocktail usually contains one or more types of liquor and flavorings, usually one

3、 or more of a liqueur, fruit, sauce, honey, milk or cream, spices, etc,Cocktail的制作 Cocktail preparation 1. Shaking 2. Stirring 3. Blending 4. Building 6. Floating 7. Muddling,How Liqueur is made,Shaking 先把冰块放入,然后放酒水和辅料,用双手抓住 shaker, 一只手的手指压住shaker的顶端,另一只手的手指托住shaker的底部。 The shaker is first filled wi

4、th ice cubes, then pour ingredients on top of the ice. When shaking a cocktail, hold the shaker in both hands, one hand on the top and the other supporting the base of the shaker,How Liqueur is made,Shaking 有力的摇晃至shaker外表挂满水珠即可。务必迅速的倒入酒杯进行服务。 and shake vigorously. When water has begun condensing on

5、the outside of the shaker, the cocktail is sufficiently chilled, and the cocktail should immediately be strained into the glass.,How Liqueur is made,Shaking 先放入冰块,这样可以先行降低shaker的温度,当放入酒水时可以迅速的降低酒水的温度。Place ice cubes in the shaker first, this will chill the shaker and cool the liquids as you add them

6、. 做一杯酒一般用5-6块冰。Use 5-6 ice cubes for one drink. 做两杯要注意少放一些冰块以留下空间给更多的酒水。When making two drinks at once use less ice to make room in the shaker.,How Liqueur is made,Shaking 4. 不要放得太满,留出足够空间使材料得到充分地摇荡。Dont overfill the shaker. Give the ingredients plenty of room to move around. 5. 大多数鸡尾酒只须用力的摇晃10下即可。S

7、hake most drinks vigorously to a slow count of ten. 6. 如果有很多的配料或者有奶油,鸡蛋等难以摇匀的配料要进行更强烈和长久的摇晃。Shake drinks longer and harder that have many ingredients or ingredients that dont mix well such as eggs or cream.,How Liqueur is made,Shaking 7. 有节奏的摇晃,跟着一定的节拍和韵律进行摇晃。Shake to a rhythm. Hum a tune and shake

8、to the beat. 8. 做有些冰霜/冰冻的鸡尾酒时可以将碎冰放入进行摇晃。Shake frozen or blended drinks like daiquiris and coladas with crushed ice. 9. 不要将水果放入进行摇晃,可以在倒入酒杯以后放入。Dont add fruit to the shaker. Instead add it to the glass after straining.,How Liqueur is made,Stirring 使用搅棒和Mixing glass/shaker进行调和,当杯壁出现水珠即可,然后用滤冰器倒入需要的酒杯

9、中。 The cocktail is stirred with a glass or metal rod in a mixing glass, before the cocktail is strained into the glass. And water condensing on the outside shows that the cocktail is finished.,How Liqueur is made,Stirring 在mixing glass里放一半的冰块。 Fill a mixing glass half way with ice. (use the base of

10、a cocktail shaker or a highball glass if no mixing glass is available) 放入烈酒和配料。Add liquors and other cocktail ingredients.,How Liqueur is made,Stirring 将吧勺放入杯中做圆周旋转并上下搅动20-30秒。Dunk the bar spoon into the glass and twirl the shaft back and forth and up and down for 20-30 seconds. 用拇指和食指捏住吧勺的螺纹端的顶部。 H

11、old a bar spoon at the top of the twisted part of the shaft between your thumb and first two fingers.,How Liqueur is made,Stirring 滤入需要的杯子(如已经冰冻的马提尼杯)里。Strain the cocktail into a well-chilled glass. 搅和要充分,但不要太久,因为冰块的过速融化会降低酒水的酒精度而使口感改变。Stir it enough to mix the ingredients, but not stir it too much,

12、 the ice will begin to dilute the liquor.,How Liqueur is made,Stirring 7. 如果有碳酸饮料要做简单的轻微的搅和以保持碳酸饮料的气泡。 A drink containing carbonated beverage should be stirred gently and briefly to retain the sparkle.,How Liqueur is made,Blending 是一种用电动搅拌机将新鲜水果,酒精饮料,果汁和冰等进行搅拌混合的制作鸡尾酒的方法。这种方法适用于比较难于混合的原料。 Use an ele

13、ctric blender to mix fresh fruit, liquor, juices and ice etc. Blending is an excellent way of mixing ingredients which do not blend easily in any other way.,How Liqueur is made,Blending 将所要制作的原料搅拌至柔滑浓厚的状态。如果配方需要用冰,在最后时刻加入碎冰,但不要太多,因为这样会冲淡鸡尾酒的味道。 Blend the cocktail till it has reached a smooth consist

14、ency. If the recipe requires ice, add crushed ice last, but be careful not to add too much, as the cocktail may be watered down.,How Liqueur is made,Blending 将其组装好。Put the blender together. 将pitcher放置于底座上。Set the pitcher onto the base and plug the blender in. 将原料放入pitcher,盖好盖子。Put the recipe ingredi

15、ents in the pitcher. Put lid on firmly. 选择一个平整干净的台面。Choose a flat, dry surface on which to operate your blender.,How Liqueur is made,Blending 用冰和切碎的原料可以制作奶昔和冰霜饮料。Use the Ice or Chop setting to make milkshakes, smoothies or frozen drinks. 加入液体饮料后开动5至15秒钟。Adding a amount of liquid to the blender and b

16、lending it for 5 to 15 seconds on the Puree setting.,How Liqueur is made,Blending 7. 用后清洁,放入少量清洁剂,加一半水,盖上盖子,以低速开动少量时间。Clean the pitcher after each use. Put a little bit of dishwashing detergent in, add enough water to fill it halfway, put the lid on, and run the blender with lid on on a low speed for a few seconds. 8. 分解组件,保持干燥Rinse the blender thoroughly. Take it apart and dry off the blades.,How Liqueur is made,Building 将原料直接兑入并加满到酒杯


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