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1、1,认知心理学 Cognitive Psychology,张亚旭 北京大学心理学系 2011年10月1011日,内容安排,第一部分(10日上午) 认知心理学的学科发展与课程建设 认知心理学课程的教学理念与总体教学方法 认知心理学课程的总体教学设计,内容安排,第二部分(10日下午、11日上午) 如何上好认知心理学的“绪论”部分 认知心理学教学内容的设计与难、重点分析 认知心理学课程如何反映学科前沿动态 认知心理学如何开展研究性教学 如何提高学生认知心理学课程学习的兴趣和积极性 认知心理学课程课件的设计和使用,内容安排,第三部分(11日下午) 教师如何把握学科前沿发展 教师如何使用教学资源 就大

2、家关心的其它问题进行讨论和互动,认知心理学的学科 发展与课程建设,1956年9月11日 麻省理工学院(MIT)研讨会 认知心理学的生日 1967年 Ulric Neisser出版Cognitive Psychology,认知心理学的学科发展 与课程建设,认知科学(Cognitive Science) Mind 认知神经科学(Cognitive Neuroscience) 脑结构与功能认知,认知心理学 Cognitive Psychology,Michael S. Gazzaniga等著, 周晓林, 高定国等译. 认知神经科学关于心智的生物学. 中国轻工业出版社, 2011,例1:知觉,模式识别

3、 模板匹配模型 原型模型 区别性特征模型 计算途径 自下而上和自上而下加工,面孔加工,Margaret Thatcher illusion Thompson, 1980,Thompson, P. (1980). Margaret Thatcher: A new illusion. Perception, 9(4), 483-484,仅仅通过看眼睛来识别人,为什么困难?,Nonhuman primate species also exhibits the Thatcher effect,Adachi, I. et al. (2009). Thatcher effect in monkeys de

4、monstrates conservation of face perception across primates. Current Biology, 19, 12701273 Four 4-year-old male rhesus monkeys (恒河猴) Such a study is important for the study of cognitive evolution (continuity between humans and nonhumans) the appropriate use of primate models in social cognition resea

5、rch,Adachi, I. et al. (2009). Thatcher effect in monkeys demonstrates conservation of face perception across primates. Current Biology, 19, 12701273,Adachi, I. et al. (2009). Thatcher effect in monkeys demonstrates conservation of face perception across primates. Current Biology, 19, 12701273,The or

6、iginal (intact) and the thatcherized versions of the habituated face were presented in the same orientation used in the habituation phase,Adachi, I. et al. (2009). Thatcher effect in monkeys demonstrates conservation of face perception across primates. Current Biology, 19, 12701273,Adachi, I. et al.

7、 (2009). Thatcher effect in monkeys demonstrates conservation of face perception across primates. Current Biology, 19, 12701273,Monkeys perceive faces configurally This configural processing is disrupted when the face is inverted The mechanism for distinguishing among many similar faces may have evo

8、lved in an ancestor common to humans and rhesus monkeys 30 million or more years ago,Early Visual Experience and Face Processing,The deprivation of patterned visual input from birth until 2-6 months of age results in permanent deficits in configural face processing,Le Grand, R. et al. (2001). Early

9、visual experience and face processing. Nature, 410, 890,Keenan, J. P. et al. (2001). Self-recognition and the right hemisphere. Nature, 409, 305,Keenan, J.P., et al. (2000). Hand response differences in a self-face identification task. Neuropsychologia, 38, 10471053,例2:选择性注意(Selective Attention),早期选

10、择模型 如过滤器理论(Filter Theory, Broadbent, 1958) 晚期选择模型(Late-Selection Model, Deutsch & Deutsch, 1963),例3:语义记忆(Semantic Memory),特征比较模型(Semantic Feature-Comparison Model, Smith, Shoben, & Rips, 1974) 原型途径(Prototype Approach, Rosch, 1973) ,最近的理论发展,Very recent development of theories of semantic memory,Evide

11、nce from functional neuroimaging of the human brain indicates that information about salient properties of an object-such as what it looks like, how it moves, and how it is used-is stored in sensory and motor systems active when that information was acquired As a result, object concepts belonging to

12、 different categories like animals and tools are represented in partially distinct, sensory- and motor propertybased neural networks This suggests that object concepts are not explicitly represented, but rather emerge from weighted activity within property-based brain regions However, some property-

13、based regions seem to show a categorical organization, thus providing evidence consistent with category-based, domain-specific formulations as well,Martin, A. (2007). The representation of object concepts in the brain. Annual Review of Psychology, 58, 25-45,Mahon, B. Z., & Caramazza, A. (2009). Conc

14、epts and categories: A cognitive neuro-psychological perspective. Annual Review of Psychology, 60, 2751,The first order principle of organization is object domain Within any given domain of knowledge, there will be functional and neural specialization according to types or modalities of knowledge,认知

15、心理学课程的教学理念与总体教学方法,教学理念,知识体系 理论 实验范式 经典实验 培养学生的学科兴趣与认知途径的思维方式,总体教学方法,课堂演示实验现象(包括课堂实验),错觉现象,总体教学方法,课堂演示实验现象(包括课堂实验),总体教学方法,课堂讲授与学生课堂小组报告相结合 课后文献阅读 课堂小组报告+讨论 文献以期刊文章为主,也可以是书籍章节,认知心理学课程的 总体教学设计,学时 3或4学时/周。授课16周,共计48或64课时(以下以64课时为例) 课时少,内容多,如何解决? 精讲与推荐阅读/作业相结合 重点 知觉、注意、记忆、语言 难点 知觉、注意、语言,教学内容与时间安排,概述(4 课时

16、) 知觉(8 课时) 注意(14 课时) 记忆(10 课时) 一般知识组织(6 课时) 表象(4 课时) 语言(10 课时) 问题解决(4 课时) 推理(4 课时),认知心理学课程的 总体教学设计,参考资料,书籍,陈烜之主编. (2006). 认知心理学. (简体字版) 广州: 广东高等教育出版社; (繁体字版) 台湾: 五南出版社 MW艾森克, MT基恩著, 高定国, 肖晓云译. (2004). 认知心理学. 上海: 华东师范大学出版社 斯滕伯格著, 杨炳钧等译. (2005). 认知心理学. 北京: 中国轻工业出版社 张亚旭, 周晓林. (2001). 认知心理学. 长春: 吉林教育出版社,Lamberts, K., & Goldstone, R.L. (Eds.). (2005). The Handbook of Cognition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 罗伯特索尔索等著. (2005). 认知心理



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