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1、学校 班级 姓名 学号 密封线 17-18学年第二学期六年级期中测试英语试题题号一二三四五六七八九十十一扣分总分得分(时间: 50分钟 满分:100分 )听力部分I、 听音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)( ) 1、A.take B.cake C.make ( ) 2. A.want B.what C.hot ( ) 3. A.flying B.crying C.singing ( ) 4. A.rain B .snow C.wind ( ) 5. A.world B.word C.workII、 听录音,给下面的图片排序。(5分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )III、听录音,补全对话

2、。(10分)A.Who help me? I cant carry everything.B.I can you.Let me carry this bag.A. careful.,Thats the Oh, dear,The oranges are B.Im sorry. Let me pick them up. A.Thank. 笔试部分IV、选择最佳答案。(10分)( )1._ do you have dinner? At six A.Where B.Why C.When( ) 2. _are the shoes? They are fifty yuan. A.How much B.Ho

3、w many C.How long( ) 3.He is walking in the park. But it starts _ . A.to be sunny B. to rain C.to be busy( ) 4.The photo is under the bed.Please _ . A.put it down B.turn it on C.pick it up( ) 5.I cant carry this bag.Its_. A.light B.heavy C.small( ) 6.He_lots of birthday presents yesterday. A.get B.g

4、ot C.gets( ) 7.The mane _the spaceship is shenzhou V. A.of B.about C.for( ) 8.Amys mum bought _a present. A.she B.him C.her( ) 9 _is my birthday. A.Today B.Tomorrow C.Yesterday( ) 10.I bought _things at the supermarket. A.a lot B.lot of C.a lot ofV.读一读,选一选(5分)1.Im going to (having/have)a party.2.Who

5、 can help (him/he)?3.Hes trying to get (by/on)the bus.4.What (a/an)mess!5.Here is a present (to/for)Tom.VI.根据答语补全对话(5分)。A.What do you do B. What is she doing C. What will they do D.What did they do E.What are you doing1.- in the park? -I am playing in the park.2.- every week? -I visit my grandma eve

6、ry week.3.- yesterday? -They played football yesterday.4.- next week? -They will swim next week.5.- now? -She is reading a book now.VII、根据短文内容填空,每空一词。(10分) Daming is having a birthday .He is playing the suona.He has to stop, because the phone ,Daming is playing the suona again.But the rings. More fr

7、iends in. Simons dog in too.Daming is Playing the suona for the third .but the dog starts to very loudly.His friends cant him. Stop! Simon says, the dog ,Damings friendsall . VIII、句型练习(10分)1. What, weather,is ,the,like,today (连词成句 ?)2.interesting,I,on,had,Saturday,a,very,day(连词成句 .)3.having,Daming,b

8、irthday,is,party,a( 连词成句 .)4.Zhang Wei gave it to me.(对划线部分提问)5. He bought an interesting book.(改一般疑问句)附加题(共三大题,计40分)IX.口语交际A.情景选择,选出最佳答案。(5分)( )1.你想说汽球飞走了。应该说,A. The balloon is flying away. B.The balloon is falling down. ( )2.别人问路时,你不知道。应该说, A.Go and ask the policeman. B.Sorry, I dont know( )3.向妈妈表

9、示自己想喝果汁时。应该说, A.Can I have some juice ? B.Have some juice please ?( )4.有人问你的书在哪里,应该说, A.This is my book. B. Here it is.( )5.打扰别人时,应该说, A.Excuse me. B. Glad to meet you.B.情境搭配(5分)( )1.What did you do last weekend? A.Yes, I did( )2.Did you read a book? B.I have a headache.( )3.How are you? C.I went hi

10、king.( )4.Whats the matter? D.She is TV reporter.( )5.What does she do? E.Fine,thank you.X.阅读理解。(共15分) AYesterday was Lucys birthday.She received many presents.Her grandmother Bought her a red shirt.Her grandfather bought her a birthday cake. Her sister made a card for her. Her friends came too. The

11、y sang and danced for her.根据课文内容,判断对T错F(5分)( )1.Lucy had got many presents yesterday.( )2.Her mother bought her a dress.( )3.Her brother made a card for her.( )4.Her friends came to her birthday party.( )5.Her father bought her a red shirt. BMary read a book about space travel yesterday.It says an A

12、mericanSpaceship to a man into space in 1969. The mans name is Armstrong.He was the first person who walked on the moon,Russia sent the first Animal into space in 1957.That was a dog.Its name is Laika. China Sent a man into space in 2003. His name is Yang Liwei. The book looks Interesting and Mary Loves it.阅读短文回答问题。(10分)1.What is Marys book about? 2.Is Armstrong American? 3.What happened in 1957 ?



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