高中英语 单元小测5(含解析)外研版选修61

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1、单元小测. 阅读理解2014湖北省八市三月调考While the presenceW1 of rats in homes may cause anxiety and annoyanceW2, they rarely result inP1 driving out the residents. But that is exactly what happened toP2 the inhabitants of the 10squaremile Hawadax Island off the coast of Alaska, almost 230 years ago. Now thanks toP3

2、a fiveyear effort by scientists, the terribly silent “Rat Island” as it had been called for many years has been returned to its rightful ownersbirds!Hawadax Island is part of a chain of volcanic islands in the Bering Sea called the Aleutian Islands. The rats that arrived there in 1780, when a Japane

3、se ship carrying them broke down nearby, completely destroyed the native population because the environment of the island was not built to defend its animals from these predators.S There isnt any tree on the Island, which meant that the birds were accustomed toP4 building their nests low in the grou

4、nd, giving the rodents(啮齿动物) easy accessW3 to both eggs and baby chicks. As years passed, the birds that had called the island home for thousands of years became endangeredW4 and eventually, disappeared completely.In 2007, the US. FWS (Fish and Wildlife Service) started a serious plan to rid the isl

5、and ofP5 the rats and try bringing back the beautiful birds that had once called it home. Given that there were an estimated 10,000 rodents inhabiting “Rat Island” and the fact that they reproduce rapidly, it was not an easy task. But by 2009, the Island was officially declared rat free!Then slowly

6、but surely, the birds began to return. Unfortunately, some of the pioneers were unintentionally killed from the leavings of the raticide, a poison that had been used to wipe outP6 the rodents. But now it seems things are becoming more stable and the Island is starting to increasingly look like its f

7、ormer self. Before the transformation, “Hawadax”, also known as “Rat Island”, was a silent and ghostly place with bird bones, snail remains and rocks covered in rat feces(粪便)Today, birds singing and flying in and out is a common sight. Tufted puffins and song sparrows, which had long disappeared, ar

8、e gradually making their way back. Scientists have also been observing an increaseW5 in ground nesting and shorebirds. Though the Island is still not back to its full glory, the signs are encouraging and things can only get better, as time passes.1. The underlined word “that”in Para.1 probably refer

9、s to _.A. the presence of rats B. birds being driven outC. birds returning to the islandD. residents worrying about rats2. Birds on Hawadax Island became an easy target because _.A. this island was treelessB. they nested randomlyC. they reproduced too rapidlyD. their chicks were extremely weak3. Fro

10、m the passage, we can know the plan of US FWS _.A. has helped the island fully recovered B. cost little but benefited greatlyC. involved poisoning the rats on a large scale C.accomplished its goal after exactly 24 months4. Which would be the best title for the passage?A. FWS Help Get Rare Birds Back

11、 to Alaska Island B. Japanese Changed a Bird Paradise into Rat IslandC. FWS Plan to Drive Rats Out Of Rat Island D. Alaskas Rat Island Returns to a Bird Paradise本文讲述Hawadax海岛在FWS的计划下重新恢复生机。1. B词义推测题。根据后文.has been returned to its rightful ownersbirds可知,该岛上的小鸟曾经被老鼠驱逐出去。故可知。2. A细节理解题。根据第二段中There isnt a

12、ny tree on the Island,.giving the rodents(啮齿动物) easy access to both eggs and baby chicks可知。3. C细节理解题。根据第四段中some of the pioneers were unintentionally killed.the raticide, a poison that had been used to wipe out the rodents可知。4. D主旨大意题。全文讲述在FWS的帮助下,老鼠岛灭鼠后,鸟儿重新回归,故选D。W重点单词1. presence n. 出席,存在 2. annoya

13、nce n. 烦恼,烦扰 3. access n. 接近,进入 4. endanger v. 危害,危及 5. increase v&n. 增加 P重点短语1. result in 导致 2. happen to 碰巧,发生在身上 3. thanks to 多亏,由于 4. be accustomed to 习惯于 5. rid.of. 使摆脱 6. wipe out 消灭 S长难句译文:1780年抵达那儿的老鼠彻底破坏了当地动物,因为岛的环境不利于当地动物抵抗这些捕食者,这些老鼠是因为运输它们的一艘日本船发生故障而到达那里的。剖析:本句为主从复合句,because引导原因状语从句,主句中又包

14、含that引导的定语从句,修饰the rats,when引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰1780。. 完形填空2014湖北八市高三三调考试Tony set offP1 for home again without having eaten since, as usualP2, one of the older boys had taken his packed lunch. Angry and _1_, Tony rushed to the park, when he suddenly saw a wasp(黄蜂) flying about among the rosebushes. It_2_

15、him, making him get away fromP3 the roses immediatelyW1. Then, a_3_ came into his head: How is it that something so much_4_ than himself could frightenW2 him like that?Having_5_ the insects for a while, he had a good understanding of the wasps_6_: it was fear. A wasp could never_7_a person, but everyone was so afraid ofP4 its sting that they left the wasp_8_. So Tony spent that night_9_ what his sting could be. The next day, Tony seemed like a_10_ boy. No longer did he walk with his eyes fixed onP5 the ground, nor did he_11_ nervously when people spoke to him. Instead,



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