高中英语 Unit 17 Laughter Section Ⅳ课时语法精讲 北师大版选修61

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1、Unit 17 Laughter Section 语法预备役用所给动词的适当形式填空,并指出用此种形式的语境提示1. The doctor _(write) his note when he came in.()答案:was writingcame表明动作发生在过去。2. I _(work) in the United States for three months, but now I have adapted to the life in London.()答案:worked have adapted to表明在美国工作发生在过去。3. The circus often_(perform)

2、 in towns.()答案:performsoften表明动作是经常性的。4. It seldom _(snow) here but it _(snow) heavily now.()答案:snows; is snowingseldom表示频率;now表明动作是正在进行的。5. He _always_(do) his homework carefully.答案:is; doingalways及carefully表明含赞许的感情色彩,故用进行时。语法讲座进行时和一般时一、进行时表示动作没有完成。I have been reading the book.我一直在读这本书。(尚未读完)How lo

3、ng have you been studying in America?你在美国念书多久了?(可能还念下去)Mr.Green is writing another novel.格林先生在写另一部小说。(还在写,并未写完)I have written three letters.我已经写了三封信了。(已写完)I have been writing three letters.我已经写了三封信了。(还在写,尚未结束)二、一般时表示经常性、习惯性的动作或状态,强调长期性、稳定性;而进行时指一段时期内正在进行的动作,强调暂时性,不稳定性。We go to school at 7 oclock in

4、the morning.我们早上7点去学校。Technology is changing so rapidly that its difficult for us to follow the fashion.技术在飞速发展,因此对我们来说很难跟上潮流。They have been rebuilding the temple.他们一直在重建这座寺庙。He read a novel yesterday evening.昨晚他读了一本小说。He was reading a novel yesterday evening.昨晚他在读一本小说。三、一般不用于进行时的动词1. 短暂性动作类:finish,

5、marry,get up,come,go等;2. 感官类:see, hear, smell, taste, feel, notice, look, seem, appear等;3. 感觉类:hate, love, fear, like, want, wish,prefer, refuse, forgive等;4. 存在类:be,exist,remain,stay,obtain等;5. 占有、从属类:have,possess,own,contain,belong, consist of等;6. 认知类:understand, know, believe, think, doubt, forget

6、, remember等。The house belongs to my brother.这所房子属于我弟弟。She loves swimming better than running.她喜欢游泳胜于跑步。强化印证用所给动词的适当形式填空For the last three days, I _1_(work) very hard. When we _2_(move) in three days ago, everything was in a mess, but now I _3_(finish) the job. Today, I _4_(work) since breakfast, and

7、 _5_(have) anything to eat. Anne_6_(bring) me a sandwich an hour ago but I _7_(tell) her not to come into the kitchen. I _8_(never forget) what _9_(happen) several years ago when she tried to help me. I_10_(have) any accidents since then but Anne often _11_(warn) me to be careful. She _12_(warn) me

8、again this morning at breakfast time, but I _13_(work) for four hours and nothing _14_(go) wrong. Now, I _15_(drop) the tin of paint. _16_anything like that _17_(happen) to you?1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 11. _ 12. _13. _ 14. _ 15. _ 16. _17. _答案:1. have been working2. moved3.

9、 have finished4. have been working5. have not had6. brought7. told8. have never forgotten9. happened10. have not had11. warns12. warned13. have been working14. has gone 15. have dropped16. Has17. happened考点研讨1. 2014四川高考She _ (phone) someone, so I nodded to her and went away.解题关键:第二句提示的语境。答案研讨:was ph

10、oning句意:她当时正在给某人打电话,所以我对她点点头走开了。根据句意可知该空表示过去某一时间正在发生的动作,所以要用过去进行时。2. 2014江西高考Tony, why are your eyes red?I_ (cut) up peppers for the last five minutes.解题关键:for the last five minutes的提示。答案研讨:have been cutting句意:托尼,为什么你的眼睛红了?过去的五分钟里我一直都在剁辣椒。根据本题中的for the last five minutes可以判断动作从过去开始,持续到现在,并且可能现在还在进行,故

11、用现在完成进行时。3. 2013北京高考改编Hurry up! Mark and Carol _(expect) us.解题关键:注意语境。答案研讨:are expecting句意:快点!马克和卡罗尔正等着我们呢。由hurry up可以判断是正在发生的事情,故用现在进行时。4. 2013湖北高考改编If nothing _(do), the oceans will turn into fish deserts.解题关键:时间和条件状语从句中一般现在时表将来。答案研讨:is done句意:要是什么都不做,海洋将变成鱼的沙漠。if引导条件状语从句,从句中用一般现在时代替将来时态。5. 2012课标

12、全国卷改编“Life is like walking in the snow”, Granny used to say, “because every step_(show)”解题关键:Life is like walking in the snow的提示作用。答案研讨:shows考查时态。句意:祖母过去经常说:“人生就像在雪地里行走,因为每一步都能显现出来。”根据Life is like walking in the snow可知,后半句应用一般现在时。达标演练. 完成句子1. Was the driving pleasant when you vacationed in Mexico la

13、st summer?No, it _for four days when we arrived, so the roads were very muddy.去年夏天你去墨西哥渡假,驾驶愉快吗?不,当我们到那时,已下了四天雨,因此路很泥泞。答案:had been raining2. I have got a headache.No wonder. You _in front of that computer too long.我头疼。难怪。你在电脑前时间太长了。答案:have been working3. I saw Jane and her friend in the park at eigh

14、t yesterday evening.Impossible. She _the film on TV with me in my home then.我昨天晚上八点,在公园见到简和她朋友了。不可能。那时她在我家和我一起在电视上看电影呢。答案:was seeing4. They became friends again that day. Until then, they _to each other for nearly two years.那天他们又成为朋友。直到那时,他们将近两年没说话了。答案:hadnt spoken5. Did you see a man in black pass by just now?No, sir. I _my courtyard.刚才你看到一个穿黑衣服的人经过吗?没有,先生。我在扫院子呢。答案:was cleaning6. He _here before he went to Shanghai.在去上海前,他一直住在这。答案:had been living7. I _



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