中考英语 第二轮 语法考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破25 形容词和副词试题2

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《中考英语 第二轮 语法考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破25 形容词和副词试题2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语 第二轮 语法考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破25 形容词和副词试题2(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、考点跟踪突破25形容词和副词形容词1I dont think history is more useful than physics.I disagree.In my opinion,history is A physics. (2016,阜康)Aas useful as Bnot so useful asCless useful than Dthe most useful of 2How was your interview for the work?Oh,I couldnt feel any CI hardly understood most of the questions they a

2、sked.(2016,荆州)Ahappier BbetterCworse Dharder 3This temple is one of D buildings in the town.We must take action to protect it.(2016,荆州)Aold BolderColdest Dthe oldest4Simon used to be D,but now he takes part in different activities and has made many new friends.(2016,泰州)Ahonest Blively Cactive Dquiet

3、5Are you clear about the job of a policeman,Ben?Yes,to keep people B and the society in good order.(2016,孝感)Abusy Bsafe Clucky Dhealthy6I like hiking in the forest because the air is pretty D(2016,烟台)Afree Bdirty Cpolluted Dfresh7I cant stand swimming in cold rivers in winter.But its A for your heal

4、th.You know I often swim in rivers in different seasons.(2016,襄阳)Ahelpful Bharmful Cpainful Dcareful8Have you read the book Harry Potter?Sure.Eric is also D it and we become friends because of that.(2016,东营)Aproud of Bafraid ofCserious about Dinterested in9Song Xiaobao is C Chinese people as a comed

5、y actor.(2016,米泉)We can see his show on TV this evening.Aknown as Bproud ofCwellknown to Dfamous for10Lily has two sisters,doesnt she?Yes.Shes taller and older than her two sisters,but shes not D one of the three.(2016,襄阳)Athe tallest ByoungestCshortest Dthe cleverest11I hope my school life of senio

6、r high will be A than that of junior high.(2016,长春)Amore exciting Bvery excitingCas exciting as Dthe most exciting12I think its necessary to learn how to work in groups.I quite agree.Sometimes its even B than grades.(2016,重庆A)Aless important Bmore importantCthe least important Dthe most important13H

7、e is a little C than you,but he is as _ as you.(2016,新疆)Athin;stronger Bthinner;strongerCthinner;strong Dthin;strong14The talent show is C the game show.I like both.(2016,青岛)Aas boring as Bnot so bored asCas interesting as Dnot so interested as15Do you think Peng Mama is one of C first ladies in the

8、 world?Yes,she is _ more attractive than any other first lady.(2016,乌鲁木齐)Athe most fascinating;a fewBthe fascinating;a lotCthe most fascinating;evenDmore fascinating;many16I have been to quite a few restaurants,but I can say this one is D. (2016,河南)Agood Bbetter Cthe better Dthe best17This skirt is

9、too DWould you show me another one?OK.Please try this one.Its cheaper.Apersonal BspecialCfamous Dexpensive18It is C of you to rush into Moms bedroom without knocking at the door.Afriendly Bstrict Cimpolite Dimpossible19I think we should plant trees.I agree. D trees we plant,_ air pollution there is.

10、AThe more;the fewer BThe less;the moreCThe less;the fewer DThe more;the less20In the small town,B new roads and buildings have been built these years.Amany and many Bmore and moreCmuch and much Dmore and much21The problem is B for him to work out.But he can do it if you give him _ time.Aeasy enough;

11、little Bhard enough;enoughCenough easy;few Denough hard;much副词1Hows your old friend Katie?(2015,武威)Oh,shes moved to another city,so Ive D ever seen her since then.Aclearly Bsimply Cnearly Dhardly2This math problem isnt so difficult that I can work it out A(2016,孝感)Aeasily BusefullyCloudly Dquietly3I

12、 fell off the bike on my way to school. A,I wasnt hurt.(2015,温州)ALuckily BSuddenly CPolitely DRecently4Now more people are paying attention to protecting the environment.So we believe C we will be less pollution in the future.(2016,米泉)Aloudly Blovely Cstrongly Dcarefully5Driving in the mountains can

13、 be very dangerous.You cant be D careful.(2016,绵阳)Aso Bvery Cmuch Dtoo 6B,we saw the sun rise on top of Mount Tai.(2016,青岛)ALucky BLuckily CUnlucky DUnluckily7The new park will be opened next month.But the tickets for the first day have D sold out.Aever Bjust Cnever Dalready8Did John get Number 1 in

14、 the math exam?Yes,no one did so B as him.(2016,鄂州)Agood Bwell Cbetter Dbest9In order to pass the exam,you need to work much B now.(2016,济宁)Ahard BharderChardest Dhardly10We all like Lucy as she is always thinking B of others than herself.(2016,泰安)Aless Bmuch moreCmuch Dbetter11The train travelled C fast for us to see much outside the window.(2016,沈阳)Aquite Bvery Ctoo Dso12We will spend the coming week together. So C,lets know each others names.(2016,云南)Ain the end Ball the timeCfirst of all Das a result13We will have to set off A



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