中考英语 第二轮 语法考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破22 名词和冠词试题2

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《中考英语 第二轮 语法考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破22 名词和冠词试题2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语 第二轮 语法考点聚焦 考点跟踪突破22 名词和冠词试题2(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、考点跟踪突破22名词和冠词名词1The dishes in this restaurant must be very expensive. Dont worry.You can enjoy yourself.Its my C(2016,包头)Atime Btask Ctreat Dtaste2A smart phone makes a big A to our life.(2016,西宁)Adifference BdecisionCprogress Dprediction3Bill will be a/an B to interview the football players in the

2、coming Rio 2016 Olympics.(2016,德州)Aguest Breporter Ctourist Dengineer4John is always late for work.He has noCof time.(2016, 新乡二模)Aneed Bidea Csense Dnote5Its sports time.Most A students in Class 1 are playing football on the playground.(2016,重庆)Aboy Bboys Cboys Dboys6What would you like to eat?Some

3、A,please.(2016,铜仁)Abread Bcake Ccoffee Dtea7Why do people never cut up the C on their birthdays?(2016,东营)Because they are a symbol of long life.Aeggs Bcakes Cnoodles Ddumplings8Great A for football loversmore than 50,000 soccer schools will be built in our country by the end of 2025.(2016,东营)Anews B

4、messageCsituation Dinformation9Dad,Im hungry.Please give me C.Sorry,baby.There is nothing in the fridge.Lets buy some right now.(2016,龙湖区模拟)Atwo bread Btwo pieces of breadsCtwo pieces of bread Dtwo piece of of bread10Excuse me.Is there a C near here?I want to buy some drinks.(2016,济南)Yes.Go along th

5、e street,and its on your left.Azoo BschoolCsupermarket Dmuseum11If you dont know the B to the science museum,here is a map of the city.(2016,云南)Adate Bway Cprice Dtime12Some old people need a C because they feel lonely.(2016,江西)Agift Bstick Cpet Dwatch13Are you going out with Jade tonight?Thats my B

6、Mind your own!(2016,河南)Aoffer BbusinessCquestion Dchance14Look!So many colorful bicycles in two lines over there.(2016,襄阳)Theyre for public.This C of green smart traffic is everywhere in Xiangyang city.Anumber Bpair Ckind Dpiece15Could you show me the method of cooking the tasty cookies?(2016,鄂州)Ple

7、ase follow the D on the cookbook.Adirection BattentionCintroduction Dinstruction16The roads were almost blocked with snow,but the workers were still working in such freezingC.(2016,河南三模)Asituations BpositionsCconditions Dcases17Dont worry.I can find some B about the flight on the Internet soon.Aidea

8、 BinformationCadvice Dagreement18Tom,never let others know what I told you today.Dont worry.I will keep the B.Amessage BsecretCnews Dhabit19Id like to buy an apartment in the city.Work hard,and your A will come true one day.(2017,预测)Adream BopinionCagreement Dsuggestion20Are all the students in your

9、 class from B?No,there are only three _ in our class.The others are from other countries.(2017,预测)AGermany;Germen BGermany;GermansCGerman;Germans DGerman;Germany21After his teacher had a facetoface talk with him,Paul realized his B and tried to correct them.Adiscussions BmistakesCideas Danswers22Any

10、 special A in this shopping mall now?Sure,we have the latest eproducts on sale.(2016,武汉模拟)Aoffer Bprice Cbrand Dservice23A study shows that good habits play a very important B in childrens education.I think so.(2016,襄阳模拟)Asense Bpart Creason Dmeaning冠词1There is A book in my backpack._book is very he

11、avy. (2016,武威)Aa;The Ba;A Cthe;A Dthe;The2Brazil,B country in South America,will hold _31th Olympic Games in the August,2016. (2016,广东)Aa;a Ba;the Cthe;a Dthe ;the3Morning,Mr. Johnson! Here is D message for you._girl left it to you just now.Really? But I dont know anyone in this city.(2016,包头)Aa;The

12、 Bthe;A Cthe;The Da;A4Its C ancient story and it tells us about how to be _ good learner.(2016,毕节)Aa;a Ban;an Can;a Da;an5Fangte Theme Park is D interesting place.I really want to go there_third time.Aa;the Ban;the Ca;an Dan;a6What B nice computer,isnt it?Yes,its_newest style until now. (2016,洛阳一模)A

13、a;a Ba;the Cthe;the Dthe;a7B apple a day keeps the doctor away.(2016,济宁)AA BAn CThe D/8My daughter seldom has A dinner.It is _ unhealthy habit.You must ask her to change it.(2016,米泉)A/;an Bthe;an C/;a Da;/9Do you know A woman in red?Yes,she is a professor of _ Anshun College.(2016,安顺)Athe;/ Ba;/ Cth

14、e;an Dthe;the10I have A pet cat.It is so cute.(2016,河北)Aa Ban Cthe D/11Mary wants to be A good doctor when she grows up.(2016,重庆A)Aa Ban Cthe D/12What can I do for you,sir?I want A iPhone 6s plus for my wife as _ useful gift.(2016,呼和浩特)Aan;a Ba;an Can;the Da;a13Jim has C useful book._ book is very interesting.(2016,黔东南州)Athe;A Ban;A Ca;The Dan;The14We will have A reading festival this term,and we cant wait for it.(2016,长春)A



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