人教版高中英语必修三课件 Unit3 using language课件

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1、Period 3 Using language (Reading & writing),1. seek作为动词时,短语“请求帮助/征求意见/请求援助”是什么? 2. spot作为名词意思是? “在现场”是什么? 3用permit表达“允许做某事”的三种表达是什么? 4. “bet”的名词和动词两种形式表达“就打赌”的表达方式是什么? 5. 短语account for的基本含义是什么? 6. 短语take a chance 的意思是什么? 它的同意词组还有什么?,Revision,Using Language,1,4,ACT,SCENE,At the restaurant,Act Scene 4

2、,The great change of their attitude,?,Rude,Respectful,how,Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-note,Reading II,Learning aims,1. To comprehend the story about the million pound bank note and improve your reading comprehension, listening and writing abilities. 2. To learn about the English play by comprehend

3、ing and acting it out. 3. To form a proper attitude to the value of money in expressing yourself in English,Skimming - Skim the text and find out the main idea of the story. 1. Read through the text quickly and then complete the True or False questions. 2. Read the passage again and fill in the blan

4、ks. 3. What kind of person is the owner? How do you know? 4. What can we learn from this story?,Fast reading,In the summer of 1903.,Henry, the owner, the hostess, the waiter (Horace).,Henrys different treatment (待遇)received from_before and after he shows _.,A restaurant in London,the owner, the wait

5、er, and the hostess .,his large bank note,Fast reading,1. (1)T (2) F (3) F (4) F,Skimming - Skim the text and find out the main idea of the story. 3. Snobbish; his behaviour changes before and after he sees the bank-note. 4. We shouldnt judge people by appearance. Money is everything in the capitali

6、st society.,Fast reading,1. You must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. (1) whenever=_ 引导_ 从句,whatever=_ 引导_ 从句。 (2) I will give you _ 。(你要什么我就给你什么) (3) You may go to the library _。(你什么时候有空,就什么时候去图书馆。 2. Well, I did hear that the Bank of England had issued two notes in this amount An

7、yway, I dont think it can be a fake. (1) did 意思是_, 在句中作用是_. (2) can 表示_, 意思是_,Careful reading,No matter when,时间状语从句,No matter what,宾语从句,whenever you are free,whatever you want,的确,确实,强调,推测,,与not连用表示不可能是,(3) It cant be Jim. I know him too well. (翻译) _ 3. Well, it is well-known that Americans like to e

8、at a lot. (1) It is well-known that 意思是_, 可以转换为句型:As is well-known, What is well-known is that (2) It is well-known that his songs are attractive. = _, his songs are attractive. = _his songs are attractive.,Careful reading,不可能是吉姆,我太了解他了,众所周知,As is well-known,What is well-known is that,Writing,Post-r

9、eading:,In groups of four, discuss the question: Is money everything?,迅速构思、限时训练(12分钟),请你根据导学案写作提示,活用所学知识, 写一篇 120字左右的短文。 注意: 根据作文提示作文分为四个部分:,要求:1. 正确使用连接词和高级句式。 2. 书写认真,卷面整洁。 3. 每组一名学生自主到前、后黑板展示。,互批互学 ,交流提高,走进2014年山东高考英语作文阅卷室,1.先根据文章书写,内容和语言初步确定其为上档(18分 以上)或下档(18分以下)。 2.要点全面,紧扣主题,观点表达充分,有效使用连成 分,具备较

10、强的书面表达能力(加减0-5分) 3. 表达内容的正确性(加减0-5分),大错:语法错误,用词错误 (每错一处扣1分) 小错:单词拼写, 冠词,大小写,标点符号错误 (错三个扣1分),秀出风采,点评提升,让自己在自由的空气里快乐地成长!,疯狂背诵、强化落实,A层:能牢固记忆所有句子并能用多种方式表达(120%); B层:能牢固记忆所有句子(100%); C层:能牢固记忆所有句子(100%)。 小组长确保各层达标。,Some students think money is everything. They say, “Money makes the mare go.”If they have l

11、ots of money, their dreams will come true, such as living a happy life, having a good house to live in, owing a famous car to drive, and so on. In a word, they can do everything they like with money. And they can also get whatever they want. But I dont think so. In a way, of course, money is really

12、very important to us all. Without money, we can do nothing and cant live on. But we must know that money cant bring us everything. For example, knowledge cannot be brought with money. And one cannot be rich in knowledge unless he works hard. Besides, we cant buy friendship, either. Moreover, there a

13、re still many other things that cannot be bought with money, such as health, life, happiness, love and so on. So we must know clearly that money doesnt mean everything. Just think, if a person hasnt these things at all, is his money still useful? Now, do you think money is everything?,当堂检测,内容:作文背诵 检查方式: 1. 对桌互查 2. 老师抽查 要求:小组长要做好监督,记录,对不过关者跟踪检查,保证ABC层人员全部过关。,Summary & Advice from our English monitor:,What did we have learnt? What to do after class to be better? The best groups and students.,Homework 对初稿进行二次加工, 并摘抄在作文本上。,Thank you,



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