秋高中英语(新人教版选修8)教学课件:Unit 4 Period Ⅰ课件

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1、【美文阅读】 Pygmalion Effect A team can do as well as you and the team think they can. This idea is known as “the selffulfilling prophecy(预言)”When you believe the team can perform well,in some strange and magical way they can.And similarly,when you believe they cant perform well,they cant.,The selffulfil

2、ling prophecy is also known as the Pygmalion Effect.This comes from a story by Ovid about Pygmalion,who created an ivory statue of his ideal woman.And he immediately fell in love with it.He begged the goddess to breathe life into the statue and make her his own.She granted Pygmalion his wish,the sta

3、tue came to life and the couple married and lived happily ever after.,The story was also the basis of George Bernard Shaws play “Pygmalion”In Shaws play,Professor Henry Higgins claims he can turn a Cockney flower girl,Eliza Doolittle,into a duchess.But,as Eliza herself points out to Higgins friend P

4、ickering,it isnt what she learns or does that determines whether she will become a duchess,but how shes treated.,“You see,really and truly,apart form the things anyone can pick up,the difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she behaves but how shes treated.I shall always be a flower g

5、irl to Professor Higgins,because he always treats me as a flower girl,and always will,but I know I can be a lady to you because you always treat me as a lady,and always will.”,The implication(运用) of the Pygmalion Effect for leaders and managers is massive(巨大的)It means that the performance of your te

6、am depends less on them than it does on you.The performance you get from people is no more or less than what you expect,which means you must always expect the best.As Goethe said,“Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is.Treat a man as he can and should be and he will become as he can and sh

7、ould be.”,【答案】 1.It means that when you believe the team can perform well,in some strange and magical way they can.And similarly,when you believe they cant perform well,they cant. 2It is based on the George Bernard Shaws play “Pygmalion”,教师用书独具演示,教学目标 本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背

8、景知识,为下一堂课对课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。,教学地位 本单元的主题是通过分析窈窕淑女 中各个人物的性格而展开的,各项语言活动都是围绕剧本情节及作者萧伯纳来设计的。通过对文章的学习,让学生了解西方的戏剧,提升他们的文学修养。,新课导入建议 根据教材P28 “热身”(Warming Up)的三幅图片引出有关皮革马利翁(Pygmalion)的希腊神话故事,让学生对窈窕淑女的由来有一个初步的印象,然后观看电影窈窕淑女进一步了解皮革马利翁(Pygmalion)。为下一步的阅读做好铺垫。,演示结束,.篇章结构 阅读P2930的Reading部分,然后完成下列表格,【答案】 1.Middle 2.

9、respectful 3.sir pliment 5rude 6.you silly girl 7.confident 8.ignores 9conversation 10.generous with,.语篇理解 阅读P2930的Reading部分,选择最佳答案 1What was the girls spoken English like? AShe spoke standard English. BShe didnt speak standard English. CShe spoke official English.,2Why did the girl begin to cry? AS

10、he thought that the man might be a policeman. BShe felt hungry but she had nothing to eat. CShe was wet in the rain. 3What did Higgins take down on his notebook? AHe wrote down what the girl said. BHe wanted to tell the police what he had seen. CHe took down the weather.,4Where was the girl from? AS

11、he was from the west end of Wales. BShe was from the west end of Scotland. CShe was from the west end of London. 5Once educated to speak properly,the girl can do the following things EXCEPT . Aacting as a duchess Bgoing on selling flowers Cworking as a shop assistant 【答案】 15 BAACB,.课文缩写 Act One of P

12、ygmalion tells us how the main characters of this play,Eliza Doolittle,Professor Higgins and Colonel Pickering had their 1. meetings while 2. from a heavy rain outside a theatre in London,England in 1914.,Eliza Doolittle was a poor flower girl.When she tried to sell her flowers to a gentleman,her 3.

13、 English caught Professor Higgins attention.Professor Higgins,an expert in 4. ,could place a person by his/her remarks.He convinced that the 5. of a persons English decides his/her social position.In his opinion,once educated to speak 6. ,Eliza Doolittle could pass herself off in three months as a 7

14、. at an ambassadors garden party and perhaps she could even work as 8. or a shop assistant.,Colonel Pickering,an officer in the army,who had studied many 9. dialects himself,came to England to make the 10. of Professor Higgins. 【答案】 1.fateful 2.sheltering/hiding 3.terrible 4phonetics 5.quality 6.pro

15、perly 7.duchess 8.a ladys maid 9.Indian 10.acquaintance,.词义搭配 1outcome Abeing wrong about something that you thought you knew or saw 2hesitate B. to decide what group something belongs to 3mistaken C. to be disloyal to someone who trusts you so that they are harmed or upset,4classify Dto say very st

16、rongly that you do not approve of something or someone,especially because you think it is morally wrong 5betray Eperson whom one knows but who is not a close friend 6condemn Fchance or luck,especially in the way it affects peoples lives,7Acquaintance Gto be slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain or nervous 8fortune Hthe result or effect of an action or event


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