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1、19春福师大学英语(三)在线作业一100分答案-21、B 2、A 3、B 4、B 5、D 一、单选题共50题,100分1、It was difficult to guess what her _ to the news would be.AimpressionBreactionCcommentDopinion本题选择:B2、The match was cancelled because most of the members _ a match without a standard court.Aobjected to havingBwere objected to haveCobjected

2、 to haveDwere objected to having本题选择:A3、When he realized the police had spotted him, the man _ the exit as quickly as possible.Amade offBmade forCmade outDmade up本题选择:B4、What fruit is in season now? Pears and apples, _.AI knowBI thinkCI seeDI feel本题选择:B5、Its nice to hear from her again. _, we last m

3、et more than thirty years ago.AWhats moreBThats to sayCIn other wordsDBelieve it or not本题选择:D6、We are interested in the weather because it _ us so directly-what we wear, what we do, and even how we feel.AbenefitsBaffectsCguidesDeffects本题选择:B7、We _ last night, but we went to the concert instead.Amust

4、 have studiedBmight studyCshould have studiedDwould study本题选择:C8、The performance _ nearly three hours, but few people left the theatre early.AcoveredBreachedCplayedDlasted本题选择:D9、Its the present situation in poor areas that _ much higher spending on education and training.Aanswers forBprovides forCc

5、alls forDplans for本题选择:C10、When asked by the police, he said that he remembered _ at the party, but not _.Ato arrive; leavingBto arrive; to leaveCarriving; leavingDarriving; to leave本题选择:C11、_ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have included all variables and modeled th

6、em accurately.AEven ifBAs far asCIf onlyDSo long as本题选择:A12、In a time of social reform, peoples state of mind tends to keep _ with the rapid changes of society.AstepBprogressCpaceDtouch本题选择:C13、The wet weather will continue tomorrow when a cold front _ to arrive.Ais expectedBis expectingCexpectsDwil

7、l be expected本题选择:A14、Which of the two computer games did you prefer? Actually I didnt like _.Aboth of themBeither of themCnone of themDneither of them本题选择:B15、It is often said that _ teachers have _, very easy life.A不填;不填B不填;aCthe ;不填Dthe;a本题选择:B16、This _ girl is Lindas cousin.Apretty little Spanis

8、hBSpanish little prettyCSpanish pretty littleDlittle pretty Spanish本题选择:A17、I was advised to arrange for insurance _ I needed medical treatment.AneverthelessBalthoughCin caseDso that本题选择:C18、How about eight oclock outside the cinema? That _ me fine.AfitsBmeetsCsatisfiesDsuits本题选择:D19、We had a party

9、last month, and it was a lot of fun, so lets have _ one this month.AanotherBmoreCthe otherDother本题选择:A20、I appreciate _ to your home.Ato be invitedBto have invitedChaving invitedDbeing invited本题选择:D21、All flights _ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.Ahad be

10、en canceledBhave been canceledCwere canceledDhaving been canceled本题选择:D22、Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _ during the day.Ashould have doneBmay have doneCwould have doneDmust have done本题选择:C23、I dont mind picking up your things from the store.

11、 _, the walk will do me good.ASooner or laterBStillCIn timeDBesides本题选择:D24、Harry was _ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.AstungBstuckCbittenDscratched本题选择:A25、_ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.AThe girl was educatedBThe girl educatedCThe girls being educate

12、dDThe girl to be educated本题选择:C26、Why did you leave that position? I _ a better position at IBM.AofferBofferedCam offeredDwas offered本题选择:D27、Lizzie was _ to see her friend off at the airport.Aa little more than sadBmore than a little sadCsad more than a littleDa little more sad than本题选择:B28、He _ mo

13、re than 5,000 English words when he entered the university at the age of 15.Ahas learnedBwould have learnedClearnedDhad learned本题选择:D29、A persons calorie requirements vary _ his life.AacrossBthroughoutCoverDwithin本题选择:B30、Generous public funding of basic science would _ considerable benefits for the

14、 countrys health, wealth and security.Alead toBresult fromClie inDsettle down本题选择:A31、Isnt that Anns husband over there? No, it _ be him. Im sure he doesnt wear glasses.AcantBmust notCwontDmay not本题选择:A32、After studying in a medical college for five years, Jane _ her job as a doctor in the countryside.Aset outBtook overCtook upDset up本题选择:C33、As soon as he



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