高中英语译林牛津版选修11教学课件:Unit 2 Getting a job-PeriodⅡ课件

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1、1The most important thing to do to find a suitable job is to prepare well.(P17)找一份合适的工作要做的最重要的事就是做好充分准备。 (1)句中有三个不定式结构:to do做定语,to find a suitable job作目的状语,to prepare well作表语。,动词不定式作定语需后置。作定语时,如果不定式为不及物动词时,不定式后应有必要的介词。 Do you have anything more to say? 你还有什么要说的吗? He is a pleasant fellow to work with

2、. 他是个很好共事的人。,动词不定式作状语,可以表示目的、结果、原因、条件等。 To search for gold,many people went to California. 为了寻找金子,许多人去了加利福尼亚。 Im sorry to hear the news of your fathers death. 听到你父亲去世的消息我很难过。 动词不定式作表语,说明主语的内容。 The best treatment for fatness is to reduce the internal fat. 减肥的最好办法是减少体内脂肪。,【解析】 题干的意思是:志愿者工作给了你改变生活的机会,包

3、括你自己的。a chance to do sth.“做某事的机会”。如果用动词的ing形式作定语,需借助于介词of,a chance of doing sth.“做某事的机会”,所以正确答案为D项。要注意常见的接动词不定式作定语的名词,如chance,ability,way等。 【答案】 D,(2)prepare v准备;预备;调制;配置 You shouldnt have troubled yourself to prepare such a feast. 你不该准备这样丰盛的饭菜,这样太麻烦你了。 She is preparing herself as a teacher. 她正在为当教师

4、做准备。,prepare for为作准备 prepare to do.准备做某事 be prepared for.为做好准备 be prepared to do.准备好做某事;愿意做某事 prepare against 准备应付(不好的事情),The teachers are preparing for the lessons. 老师们正在备课。 I am not prepared to stay here. 我无意待在这里。 Im prepared for the coming exam. 我为即将到来的考试做好了准备。 【提示】 prepare作“准备”讲时,既可用作及物动词又可用作不及物

5、动词;用作及物动词时,还可表示“配制,调制,准备做(饭、菜)等”。,【教师备课资源】 preparation n准备;安排;筹备 be in preparation 在准备中;在编辑中 in preparation for 作为的准备 make preparations against 为对付作准备 make preparations for 为作准备,他对考试做好了充分的准备。 He the exam. 【答案】 preparing for prepared to seize is well prepared for,2benefit n益处;好处 More and more young p

6、eople are discovering the career benefits of a gap year.(P17) 越来越多的年轻人正发现休学实践一年对职业的益处。 This could bring real benefits for teachers. 这会为教师带来真正的好处。 The new factory will bring considerable benefits to the area. 新工厂将为该地区带来相当大的好处。,be of benefit to.对有裨益 for the benefit of sb.for sb.s benefit为了某人的利益 benefi

7、t vt.有益于;对有好处;得益于 benefit from从中得益 We all know that helping others is of benefit to them. 我们都知道,帮助他人将使他们受益。 The village people will benefit from the new highway. 新公路对村民有益。,【教师备课资源】 beneficial adj.有利的;有帮助的 be beneficial to对有益/利,3However,it also provides an opportunity for the job candidates to find o

8、ut more about the job and the company,.(P18) 然而,它也为应聘者提供了一个机会,让他们更多地了解这项工作和这家公司, (1)however adv.然而;不过 She worked hard.However,she wasnt successful. 她工作非常努力,(尽管如此)然而她还是没有成功。 He was mistaken,however.然而他弄错了。 There is,however,another side to this problem. 然而,这个问题还有它的另一面。,however在句中的位置非常灵活,可置于句首、句中或句末,常用

9、逗号将however与句子隔开。 however引导让步状语从句时,与副词或形容词连用,相当于no matter how,意为“无论到什么程度,不管多么”;单独使用时,意为“不管怎样,无论如何”。,(2)provide vt.提供;供给;供应 Career advice is provided free of charge. 免费提供职业咨询。 On Sundays his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast. 星期天,他的女房东不但供给早餐,还供给晚餐。,provide sth.for sb.把某物供给某人 provide sb.wit

10、h sth.向某人供应/提供某物 provide against 为做好准备;预防(灾荒,困难) He provided us with a lot of useful information. 他给我们提供了许多有用的信息。 It is wise to provide against emergency. 预防意外是明智的。,provide/supply/offer,4This is the key to getting the job you want.(P18) 这是得到你想要的工作的关键。 the key to的关键,to是介词,后面接名词或动名词。 Research is the k

11、ey to success in this business. 在这个行业,不断研究是成功的关键 Practising more is the key to learning English well. 多练习是学好英语的关键。,have/hold the key to.是关键;对起关键作用 the way to 去路上 the entrance to 通往入口 the visit to 参观,拜访 the access to 通道;进入之途径 the approach to.方法/步骤,Firsttime voters could hold the key to the election r

12、esult. 第一次投票的人可能会对选举结果起关键作用。 She stood at the entrance to the hall. 她站在大厅的入口处。,由于许多原因,并不是所有人都有接受教育的机会。 Not everybody has for many reasons. 【答案】 the key to understanding the way to school the access to education,5practice n实践;实习;练习 Or better yet,do practice interviews with a friend.(P18) 更好的是和一位朋友做一个

13、面试练习。 We have three football practices a week. 我们每周练习三次足球。 Only in this way can they better apply theory to practice. 只有这样他们就能更好地把理论运用到实践中去。,in practice在实践中;实际上 out of practice生疏的;荒废的 put sth.into practice把付诸实施 practice美practise v练习;实习;积极从事 practise/practice (doing) sth.练习(做)某事,It sounded like a goo

14、d idea,but in practice it didnt work. 这听起来像是个好主意,但做起来却行不通。 We must put the plan into practice. 我们必须把计划付诸实施。,6off the top of ones head 未多加思考地;脱口而出地 This allows you to prepare good answers and means you wont have to answer questions off the top of your head during the interview.(P18) 这让你可以准备好合适的答案,并意味

15、着在面试时你不用临时仓促应答。,I am suggesting this just off the top of my head. 我只是随便建议一下而已。 Ill just have to give the speech off the top of my head.Theres no time to write it down. 没有时间写讲稿,我只好即席发言。,above ones head 在头顶上;超过理解力 at the head of 居首位;在最前头/上方;以为首 be/go out of ones head 昏了头;神志不清 on ones head 倒立;轻而易举地,Rai

16、se your hands above your head. 把你的双手高举过头。 She was out of her head to go swimming in this freezing weather. 她疯疯癫癫,这么冰冷的天气跑去游泳。,7have butterflies in ones stomach (做某事前)心慌;紧张 Dont worry about having butterflies in your stomach before the interview.(P18) 不要担心在面试前会心慌意乱。 I dont know why Im having butterflies in my stomach these days. 我不知道为什么这几天总感到忐忑不安。 I had butterflies in my stomach because I kne


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