高中英语选修八人教版:Unit 2 Cloning课件

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1、Unit 2 Cloning,文章导语Theres still trouble when it comes to cloning dinosaurs.Certain plants like the carrot have been cloned,but attempts at cloning animals have not been so successful. 当谈及克隆恐龙时仍旧有麻烦。某些植物像胡萝卜已经被克隆了,但是克隆动物的尝试却不那么成功。 In the movie Jurassic Park,scientists clone dinosaurs by using the DNA

2、 that was preserved for millions of years.However,there is trouble when the cloned dinosaurs turn out fiercer and smarter than expected.Can dinosaurs really be cloned?Theoretically,they can;all that would be required is DNA from an extinct dinosaur and a currently living closely related species whic

3、h could act as a surrogate mother(代孕母亲).,Actually,cloning is a phenomenon that occurs naturally in a wide variety of species.Whenever you see a pair of identical twins,they are examples of natures clones.Although scientists have been cloning certain plants like the carrot quite successfully for deca

4、des,attempts at cloning animals have not been as successful.However,they began long before the birth of Dolly the sheepthe first mammal successfully cloned. Cloning humans does give rise to some worries,raising a number of moral problems involved.In fact,the social influences of producing humans art

5、ificially were brilliantly explored in the famous novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley,and also in the movie The Island.,Human cloning is basically about creating a genetically identical copy of a previously existing person.Why would some people choose to clone human beings?Well,generally,it could

6、 make couples unable to have babies have their own children.Replacing a dead child is also another reason why some people have expressed interest in the technology.,译文 在电影侏罗纪公园中,科学家利用保存了几百万年的DNA克隆恐龙。然而,当克隆来的恐龙被证明比预料的更凶猛更精明时就有麻烦了。恐龙真的能被克隆吗?从理论上来说,是可以的;所需要的就是从灭绝的恐龙中提取DNA和一种现存的可作代孕母亲的紧密相关的物种。 实际上,克隆是一种

7、在众多物种中自然发生的一种现象。每当你看到一对同卵双胞胎,他们就是自然克隆的例子。尽管几十年来,科学家们已十分成功地克隆出像胡萝卜这样的某些植物,但是在尝试克隆动物方面还没有那么成功。然而,他们在多莉出生前很长时间就已开始了,多莉,一只绵羊第一只成功克隆出的哺乳动物。,克隆人的确增加了一些忧虑,产生了一些相关的道德问题。事实上,人工生育的社会影响在阿道司赫胥黎的著名小说美丽新世界中成功地进行了探究,而且在电影岛中也有类似探究。 人类克隆基本上是创造现存人类的基因复制品。为什么还有人决定克隆人呢?一般来说,这可以让不能生育的夫妇有自己的孩子。代替死去的孩子也是一些人对这种技术表示感兴趣的另一个原

8、因。,典句欣赏 1.Theoretically,they can;all that would be required is DNA from an extinct dinosaur and a currently living closely related species which could act as a surrogate mother. 从理论上来说,是可以的;所需要的就是从灭绝的恐龙中提取DNA和一种现存的可作代孕母亲的紧密相关的物种。 2.Cloning humans does give rise to some worries,raising a number of mo

9、ral problems involved. 克隆人的确增加了一些忧虑,产生了一些相关的道德问题。,理解诱思 1.We can infer from the second paragraph that . A.more and more people are interested in cloning B.cloning has saved many animals from dying out C.cloning has a very short history D.cloning plants is much easier 答案:D 2.Do you agree with cloning

10、humans?Why? 答案:No,although it can help people unable to have their own babies,it is against human morality.,Section Warming Up,Pre-reading,Reading & Comprehending,一,二,三,四,五,六,一、词义匹配 A B mercial a.easy to do or to understand;not complicated 2.straightforward b.not seeming to be based on a reason,syst

11、em or plan and sometimes seeming unfair 3.procedure c.to succeed in getting sth,usually after a lot of effort 4.arbitrary d.connected with the buying and selling of goods and services 5.conservative e.a way of doing sth,especially the usual or correct way 6.attain f.opposed to great or sudden social

12、 change;showing that you prefer traditional styles and values 答案:1.d 2.a 3.e 4.b 5.f 6.c,一,二,三,四,五,六,二、猜词拼写 1. to be different from sb/sth 2. to make yourself responsible for sth and start doing it 3. to say that you disagree with,disapprove of or oppose sth 4. to get sth,especially by making an eff

13、ort 5. to order sb not to do sth 6. to gradually get more and more of sth over a period of time,differ,undertake,object,obtain,forbid,accumulate,一,二,三,四,五,六,三、词汇拓展 1.differ的名词 n.不同;区别 2.correction的动词 vt.纠正 3.object的名词 n.反对;不赞成;异议 4.accumulate的名词 n.积累 5.forbid的过去式 v.禁止,不准 6.carrier的动词 vt.携带,搬运,differ

14、ence,correct,objection,accumulation,forbade,carry,一,二,三,四,五,六,四、阅读课文 CLONING:WHERE IS IT LEADING US?,搭配各部分主旨大意 Para 1 A.The problems of Dolly. Para 2 B.The two major uses of cloning. Para 3 C.The attitudes towards Dollys appearance. Para 4 D.The definition of cloning. Para 5 E.Effects of cloning on

15、society. 答案:Para 1-D Para 2-B Para 3-A Para 4-C Para 5-E,一,二,三,四,五,六,五、阅读课文 CLONING:WHERE IS IT LEADING US?,回答下列问题 1.The main idea of the text is . A.animal cloning is very valuable and can benefit the world B.animal cloning could be misused by bad people so it must be forbidden C.animal cloning is

16、well developed because Dolly the sheep was born D.animal cloning raised arguments and scientists are not sure about its future,答案:D,一,二,三,四,五,六,2.The cloning of Dolly the sheep succeeded because . A.its easier to clone a sheep than other animals B.the scientists were determined and worked hard with patience C.the scientists were rewarded and got lots of money D.many other attempts to clone mammals failed 3.What is the writers att



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