2018高中英语一轮复习book7课件加讲义 (译林版皖、湘)课件_1

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1、Fit for life,Book 7 Unit 2,话题词汇 1.appetite n.食欲;胃口 2.delicious adj.美味的;可口的 3.fresh adj.新鲜的 4.digest v.消化;领会 5.nutrition n.营养;滋养,晨背佳作 积累素材,6.recipe n.食谱;烹饪法 7.taste v.品尝;n.味道 8.be high/low in含高/低 9.build up ones body增强某人的体质 10.keep a balanced diet保持均衡的饮食,话题佳作 目前,食品安全问题引起了人们的广泛关注。一些生产厂商为了降低成本追求利润,削减了必

2、要的安全措施,致使一些劣质或有害食品流入市场,对人们的健康产生了极大的危害。请你就此事给一家英文报刊写一封信,谈谈个人看法并呼吁整个社会关注此事。 参考词汇:利润profit;安全措施safety measures,佳作欣赏 Dear Sir, Im writing to talk about the problems of food safety nowadays.To reduce the cost and make more profits,some food companies dont take necessary safety measures to guarantee the f

3、ood quality.As a result,more and more low-quality food flows into the market,doing a lot of harm to consumers health.,In my opinion,food is essential to human beings.We can not live without proper food.If no notice were taken of food safety,the health of the whole nation would suffer.So I call on th

4、e whole society to take action and put an end to the low-quality food.Only in this way can we live a healthier life. Yours truly, Li Hua,名师点睛 本文结构清晰,层次分明。第一段提出问题、分析原因,第二段提出了应对食品安全问题的建议。分析原因时,作者运用了动词不定式短语作目的状语,take necessary safety measures,guarantee the food quality等高级词汇;在造成的后果方面,作者使用了as a result衔接,

5、同时使用了现在分词短语作结果状语及do a lot of harm to等短语;在提出建议的描述中作者运用了条件状语从句、倒装句等复杂句式及in my opinion,be essential to,not.without,take notice of,call on,take action,put an end to等高级词汇,增强了表达效果。,自主排查 语境提升,直击重点 突破考点,内容索引,教材升华 综合运用,自主排查 语境提升,.写作必记单词 1. adj.有益的,有用的 n.利益,好处; vt.有助于; vi.受益 2. vt.拥有,具有 n.C,常用复数所有物;财产;U具有,拥有

6、3. adj.对极重要的,必不可少的 4. n.可能性,潜在性;潜力,潜能; adj.潜在的;可能的,1,beneficial,benefit,possess,possession,vital,potential,5. vt.使十分惊讶,使吃惊 adj.令人十分惊讶的 adj.感到十分惊讶的 n.惊讶,惊异 6. n.应用,运用;申请,申请表;涂抹,外敷 vi.申请;适用; vt.应用;涂,敷 n.申请人 7. adj.不能,无法,astonish,astonishing,astonished,astonishment,application,apply,applicant,unable,8.

7、 adj.有效的;实际的,事实上的;生效的 n.效果,作用;影响 9. n.批准,通过;赞成,同意 vt.批准,同意;vi.赞成 10. vt.&vi.(使)加速,加快 n.加速,加快,effective,effect,approval,approve,accelerate,acceleration,11. adj.合理的,有理由的;公道的;明智的 n.理由 vt.推断 12. vi.&vt.鼓掌;称赞,赞许 n.鼓掌,喝彩 13. n.排列,布置;安排;约定,协议 vt.安排,筹划;整理,排列,布置 vi.达成协议;筹划,reasonable,reason,applaud,applause,

8、arrangement,arrange,14. adj.锋利的;急剧的;灵敏的;尖锐的,严厉的 vt.& vi.(使)变锋利;提高,改善 15. adj.上瘾;入迷 n.吸毒成瘾的人,对入迷的人 vt.使上瘾,使沉迷 n.瘾,嗜好 adj.使人上瘾的,使人入迷的 16. n.现象 (pl.)现象,sharp,sharpen,addicted,addict,addiction,addictive,phenomenon,phenomena,.阅读识记单词 17.chemist n._ n.化学物质;化学制品 adj.化学的 n.化学 18.surgeon n._ 19.revolution n._

9、 20.counter n._ vt._,药剂师,药商;化学家,chemical,chemistry,外科医师,巨变,大变革;革命;旋转,天体运行,柜台;计数器;反驳,反驳;抵制,抵消,21.chew vt.&vi._ 22.tablet n._ 23.best-selling adj._ 24.circulate vi.&vt._ n.循环;流通 25.abnormal adj._ n.& adj.正常(的),一般(的) 26.sickness n._ adj.生病的;恶心的,呕吐的,咀嚼,嚼碎;咬,啃,药片;丸;牌,匾,碑,畅销的,循环;传播,散布;传递,传阅,circulation,不正

10、常的,反常的,normal,疾病;恶心,呕吐,sick,27.symptom n._ 28.bleed vi._ n.血 29.outcome n._ 30.dull adj._ plex adj._ n._ 32.theory n._,症状;征兆,流血,失血,blood,结果,后果,钝的,不锋利的;迟钝的;枯燥的;灰暗的,昏暗的,复杂的,难懂的,建筑群;相关联的一组事物;情结,理论,学说,33.relate vt.&vi._ 34.subscribe vi._ n.订阅者;订购者;捐助者 n.订阅,订购;捐助;签字,签署,联系,把联系起来;叙述,讲述,定期订购或订阅,subscriber,s

11、ubscription,语境活用 用所给词的正确形式填空 1.With their natural resources they are (potential) a very wealthy country. 2.In the short term,the medicine may not be very (effect). 3.Good opinions are worth sticking to because they can _ (beneficial) us all.(2015浙江) 4.The result is that we throw away useful (possess

12、) to make room for new ones.(2015安徽),potentially,effective,benefit,possessions,5.What brought about this (astonish) change in me? (2016浙江) 6.Her (apply) had impressed him very favorably. 7.I hope the arrangements meet with your (approve). 8.The (arrange) of the furniture in our new house took a long

13、 time. 9.You are fortunate to have such a (reason) father. 10.This means that women generally get (sickness) less often and less seriously than men.(2016四川),astonishing,application,approval,arrangement,reasonable,sick,1. 测试,试验;参加选拔 2. 设法做成某事 3. 批量生产 4. 使筋疲力尽;使厌烦 5. 对小心谨慎 6. 放出,发出 7. 肿胀,膨胀 8. 同意,赞成,2

14、,try out,manage to do sth.,mass production,wear sb. out,be cautious about,let out,swell up,subscribe to,语境活用 运用上述短语完成片段 Now,many people 1. (对小心谨慎) the side effects that Western medicine has on peoples health.A growing number of people 2. (赞成) the idea that traditional Chinese medicine is more effective than Western medicine.3. (试验) again and ag


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