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1、School life,Book 1 Unit 1,话题词汇 1.creativity n.创造性 2.instruction n.指导,教导 3.assignment n.作业 4.degree n.学位 5.pay off得到回报 6.have a good command of精通 7.take in理解;吸收 8.devote oneself to致力于 9.be fond of喜欢,喜爱 10.in charge of负责,掌管,晨背佳作 积累素材,话题佳作,假如你是Joe,你的美国朋友Chris目前在北京学习汉语,他对中国传统文化非常感兴趣。本周五下午你校将要举办一个文化讲座,请你

2、根据以下提示给他写一封电子邮件,邀请他来参加。 1.农业大学张教授讲解中国茶文化的历史和传播; 2.讲座后有交流和品茶活动; 3.你将陪同Chris并帮其翻译讲解。,佳作欣赏,Hi Chris, Good news!There will be a lecture in our school this Friday afternoon.Professor Zhang from University of Agriculture will tell us about the history and spread of Chinese tea.This will be followed by a t

3、ea party and you can taste different kinds of tea while chatting with teachers and students of our school.I wonder if you want to participate in it.Dont worry about the language.Ill be with you and explain what you dont understand.,If you do not have any prior appointment then,I am looking forward t

4、o your coming. Yours, Joe,名师点睛,本文包含了写作要求中的所有要点,所增加的细节恰当、可读、条理清晰;条件状语从句、宾语从句、省略句、祈使句、被动语态等的使用使文章结构多样化;participate in,have any prior appointment,look forward to等高级词汇的运用增强了文章的可读性。,自主排查 语境提升,直击重点 突破考点,内容索引,教材升华 综合运用,自主排查 语境提升,1._ adj. 有乐趣的;令人愉快的 2._ n.&vt.经历,体验 _ adj.有经验的 _ adj. (反义词)没有经验的 3._ vt. 获得;赚,

5、挣得 4._ n.&vt. 尊敬,敬重 _ adj. 值得尊重的 _ adj. 恭敬的,有礼貌的,.写作必记单词,enjoyable,experience,experienced,inexperienced,earn,respect,respectable,respectful,1,5._ vt. 致力于;献身 _ n. 奉献 _ adj. 忠诚的;挚爱的;全心全意的 6._ adj.一般的,普通的;平均的 7._vi.奋斗,努力;挣扎 n. 难事;斗争;努力 8._ n. 满意 _ adj. 感到满意的 _ adj.令人满意的,devote,devotion,devoted,average,

6、struggle,satisfaction,satisfied,satisfactory,9._ n.&vt. 交换;交流 10._ n.毕业生 vi. 毕业 _ n. 毕业 11._ vt. 捐赠 _ n. 捐赠物;捐款;捐赠 12._ vt. 通知,告知 _ n. 信息,exchange,graduate,graduation,donate,donation,inform,information,13._ vt. 管理;操作 14._ n. 主持人;主人,东道主 _ n. 女主人 15._ vt. 使承担责任;收费 n. 负责,掌管,run,host,hostess,charge,.阅读识

7、记单词 16.literature n. _ _ adj. 文学的 17.challenging adj. _ 18.encouragement n. _ 19.extra adj. _ 20.academic adj. _ _ n. 学院,文学,literary,具有挑战性的,鼓励,额外的,外加的,学业的,学术的,academy,21.former adj._ _ adj.(反义词)后者的;后面的 22.fluent adj._ 23.kindness n._ 24.splendid adj. _ 25.independent adj._ _ adv.独立地 _ n.独立,以前的,latte

8、r,流利的,善意,极佳的,非常好的,独立的,independently,independence,26.somehow adv._ 27.approve vt.&vi._ _ n.同意;批准 _ v.(反义词)不同意 28.preparation n._ _ vt.&vi.准备,筹备 _ adj.准备好了的 29.event n._,不知为什么;不知怎么地,批准,通过;赞成,同意,approval,disapprove,准备,筹备,prepare,well-prepared,(重要)事件;社交活动;比赛项目,30.graduation n._ 31.poet n._ 32.generation

9、 n._ 33.select vt._ _ n.可选之物,所选之物;选择,挑选 position n._,毕业,诗人,一代,一代人,选择,挑选,selection,作品;成分,语境活用 用所给词的正确形式填空 1.Mothers_(devote) to children can hardly be calculated. (2015四川) 2.Her _(donate) was for students who clearly needed financial help.(2014广东) 3.Childhood activities help a child develop responsib

10、ility,_ (independent),confidence and competencethe underpinnings(基础) of emotional health.(2016天津),devotion,donation,independence,4.I find fishing more _(enjoy) than hunting. 5.He was chosen as the most _(respect) teacher by his students. (2014广东) 6.Id like to find a job which is more _(challenge). 7

11、._(satisfy) that Id done a good job,I would happily return the comb to Dad.(2015陕西) 8.After my _(graduate),Dads business was getting back on track.(2015陕西),enjoyable,respectable,challenging,Satisfied,graduation,1._ 平均 2._ 免费 3._ 喜爱,喜欢 4._ 回忆,回顾 5._ 习惯于 6._ 利用 7._ 负责,掌管 8._ 多于;不仅仅;不只是 9._ 为做准备 10._ 通

12、知,告知,2,on average,for free,be fond of,look back (on),become used to,make use of,in charge of,more than,make preparations for,inform of,语境活用 运用上述短语完成片段 Last year three of us went to a remote village to teach the children who were ten years old 1._(平均) 2._(免费).Each of us was 3._(负责) 30 students.Diffic

13、ult as the conditions were,we 4._(充分利用) resources and devoted ourselves to teaching the children.We took good care of them and they 5._(喜欢) learning English. How time flies!It has been half a year since we were there.Whenever we 6._(回顾) the time we spent together,we feel happy with what we did and m

14、iss the lovely children.,on average,for free,in charge of,made full use of,were fond of,look back on,1.动名词短语作主语 Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. 去一所英国高中读书一年对我来说是一次非常愉快和兴奋的经历。 仿写 忽视这两个研究成果之间的差异将是你犯的最糟糕的错误之一。(2015安徽) _will be one of the worst mistakes you m



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