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1、南开19春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903)饭店业人力资源管理(一)(二)(EI双语)在线作业-1 4、D 一、单选题共20题,40分1、研究人员发现造成流动的原因可以分为三种:报酬低;错误或不当的聘用行为以及管理不善和()。A企业道德的缺失B团队成员的排挤C不适应企业的氛围D不适应企业的文化本题选择是:An outside consultant has been hired to evaluate a hotels jobs to help its managers design a pay scale. Managers have determined that the con

2、sultant should use internal equity analysis. They want a systematic comparison of jobs that are often very dissimilar. To keep bias in comparison to a minimum, the consultant is likely to:Acompare the common elements of the jobs.Bcompare pairs of the most dissimilar jobs.Ccompare jobs only to other

3、jobs in the same department.Dsuggest that the hotel use an external equity analysis instead.本题选择是:A3、Many non-union properties establish grievance procedures. What is the first step taken in a non- union hospitality propertys grievance procedure?AThe department manager makes a complaint to the griev

4、ance committee.BThe department manager makes a complaint to the general manager.CThe employee makes a complaint to the general manager.DThe employee makes a complaint to his or her supervisor.本题选择是:D4、对工作的整体概述、着重描述工作职责中的一般职能和责任,同时也被称为“职责的一般性陈述”指的是( )。A工作简化B工作描述C工作分析D工作概述本题选择是:D5、The federal governme

5、nt has an important function related to compensation administration. Which of the following federal agencies conducts wage and hour audits to check a companys compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act?Athe Department of the InteriorBthe Department of LaborCthe Civil Rights CommissionDthe General

6、Accounting Office本题选择是:B6、社交化过程通常包括几个阶段:(1)欢迎活动;(2)了解组织的历史、价值和目标;(3)();(4)与类似职位的同事之间的关系。A执行真正的上岗入职计划,强调新员工薪酬和福利B执行真正的上岗入职计划,强调新员工可能受到的压力C执行真正的上岗入职计划,强调新员工应该掌握的知识和技能D执行真正的上岗入职计划,强调企业新员工应遵守的规章制度本题选择是:B7、确定工作的基本职责、责任、工作条件以及工作行为的归纳记录是( )。A工作描述B工作设计C工作分析D工作概述本题选择是:A8、All of the following are techniques f

7、or forecasting the internal supply of labor except:Areplacement charts.Bjob bidding.Csuccession charts.Dskills inventories.本题选择是:B9、要求给歧视受害人提供补偿性和惩罚性赔偿的法律是( )。A1963年的公平工资法B1964年的民权法C1974年的雇员退休收入保障法D1991年的民权法本题选择是:D10、Given the data below, use a five-week moving average to forecast lunch covers for W

8、eek 9 at The Fork and Spoon Restaurant. Week 1425 covers Week 2500 covers Week 3475 covers Week 4525 covers Week 5500 covers Week 6530 covers Week 7520 covers Week 8500 coversA485 coversB506 coversC510 coversD515 covers本题选择是:D1efore setting up an employee assistance program, an employer should asses

9、s the work environment to determine:Awhat services would most directly affect the bottom line.Bwhat programs are most needed by the employees.Cwhether employees are willing to pay for it.Dwhether any employees have the counseling skills to assist their fellow employees.本题选择是:B12、Which of the followi

10、ng statements about checking references supplied by job applicants is false?AWaivers signed by job applicants that grant permission to contact references and to verify other credentials release the company from legal liability.BA company should notify job applicants before conducting credit referenc

11、e checks on them.CEmployers should obtain permission from former employees before releasing any information about them.DWritten reference checks can be initiated either by the applicant or by the prospective employer.本题选择是:A13、通过增加要求不同技能的任务改进工作构成,亦称为“纵向工作扩张”的方法是 ( )。A工作扩大化B工作丰富化C工作简化D工作轮换本题选择是:B14、个

12、人奖励计划包括()、标准工时计划、佣金计划、奖金计划、知识工资和绩效工资。A技能工资B标准工资C加班奖励工资D计件奖励工资本题选择是:D15、()是工作评价体系中最常用的一种方法,它根据一系列定好的标准对每个工作评分并加总,并根据总积分对工作定级。A排序法B职位归类法C要素计点法D要素比较法本题选择是:C16、Among forms of compensation, Section 401(k) plans are examples of:Adefined contribution plans.Bsalary reduction plans.Ceducational benefits.Ddef

13、ined benefit plans.本题选择是:B17、The balance sheet approach to business ethics fails to:Atake into account the pros and cons of a situation before a decision is made.Baccept social responsibility for company activities.Cassess the cultural reasons for behavior in organizations.Dassess nonfinancial conse

14、quences of company activities.本题选择是:C18、A certain group of employees lists the following as their most significant work-family stressors: psychologically demanding work, irregular starting times, inflexibility of work schedules, lack of control over decisions to work overtime, and the number of hour

15、s worked. Many of these stressors have to do with time constraints. What is the most likely identity of this group?Amanagement traineesBemployees who smokeCemployees who abuse drugsDemployees who care for children or seniors at home本题选择是:D19、通过管理一定时期内的客房供给数量,调整房价以达到收入最大化的管理系统是( )。A产出管理B滑动平均预测C趋势线预测D走势预测本题选择是:A20、面试根据面试人的面试尺度可以分为3种。在面试过程中,所有问题都是事先准备好的,而且每次面试时间的顺序和方式完全一样,没有什么变动空间的面试是( )。A混合型面试B结构性面试C半结构式米看是D非结构式面试本题选择是:B二、多选题共10题,20分1、在申请表的设计方面有两个重点问题,它们是( )?A申请表表格内容必须包括企业需要了解和必须了解得情



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