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1、南开19春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903)电子商务英语在线作业 4、C 一、单选题共20题,40分1、TPN refers to()ATrading Process Network PostBTrading Price Network PostCTrading Price Net PositionDTrading Process Nigation Post本题选择是:D2、E-commerce was first developed in the ()A1960sB1970sC1980sD1990s本题选择是:A3、Transaction broker provides a ()

2、payment mechanism for buyers and sellers to settle a transaction.AdirectBindirectCauctionDthird party本题选择是:D4、() refers to the universal code now attached to most goods, final and intermediate that identifies the particular product and its manufacturer.AEDIBsupply chainBar codingCpatent本题选择是:C5、To B

3、2B EC, the focus of vendors competition has been turned from the products to ().AprofitBserviceClow-costDefficiency本题选择是:B6、Manufacturer model is also called ()Aa direct modelBe-tailerCcatalog merchantDBit vendor本题选择是:A7、Firewalls typically run monitoring () to detect and thwart external attacks on

4、the site, and are needed to protect internal corporate networks.AsoftwareBhardwareCoperation systemDinternet本题选择是:A8、( ) are market-makers: they bring buyers and sellers together and facilitate transactions.AbrokersBenterpriserChuman resources departmentsDenterprise leaders本题选择是:A9、() facilitates tr

5、ansactions between buyer and sellers by providing comprehensive information and ancillary services, but does not get involved in the actual exchange of goods or services between the parties.Autility modelBincentive marketing modelCsubscription modelDMetamediary Model本题选择是:D10、()is a method to verify

6、 the buyers identity before payment is authorized.ApasswordBAuthenticationCprofileDidentity本题选择是:B11、If you need to access information and know where it is on the web, you only need enter the entire www address into your browsers ().AaddressBcomputerChttpDUnifrom Resource Loactor field本题选择是:D12、?Mem

7、bers of Internet-based supply chains will need to evaluate their security needs and employ ()and other electronic security tools to protect confidential data.ApatentsBpasswordsCtelnetDencryption technologies本题选择是:D13、The Web is a large system of () that offers many kinds of information to anyone on

8、the Internet or to a lesser extent on an inter-/intra-network.AHttpBtelnetCserversDmodems本题选择是:C14、EC set a high demands on the responsiveness, flexibility, visibility,and optimization of().Asales activityBtractionsCsecurity systemDlogistics service本题选择是:D15、the main advantage of the electronic exch

9、ange of information between individual companies that are linked along the supply chian is ()AspeedBaccuracyCsecurityDimproved speed and accuracy本题选择是:D16、()is a network of networks that is contained within a company or enterprise.AextranetBintranetCportalDHTTP本题选择是:B17、?Regardless of their basic pu

10、rposes B2C or B2B virtually all EC sites rest on the same (), communication protocols, Web standards and security systems.AinformaitonBpatentCnetwork structureDcontract本题选择是:C18、The supply chain is the flow of () and services from one business to another.AmoneyBintermediate goodsCECDTPN本题选择是:B19、A (

11、) is an approach to security; it helps implement a larger security policy that defines the services and access to be permitted.AfirewallBpatentCERPDintranet本题选择是:A20、Business models have taken on greater importance recently as a form of ( ) that can be protected with a patentAintellectual propertyBp

12、asswordCbusiness modelDstrategy本题选择是:A二、多选题共10题,20分1、Internet is a network of interconnected networks. This network has ()ApeopleBcomputersCa informationDsoftware本题选择是:ABC2、WAP is ()AsoftwareBhardwareCa communications protocolDapplication environment本题选择是:CD3、The basic categories of business models

13、include()AbrokerageBadvertisingCcommunityDsubscription本题选择是:ABCD4、Bar-coding technology which identifies the () and the (), can help companies identify the source of defective parts and improve quality control.AproductBlogisticsCmanufacturerDquality本题选择是:AC5、The industries affected by m-commerce inc

14、lude: ()Afinancial serviceBtelecommunicationsCbill paymentDaccount review本题选择是:ABCD6、An extranet is a private network that facilitate interaction between businesses. But an extranet requires () and ().AinformaitonBmodemCsecurityDprivacy本题选择是:CD7、Packet filtering firewalls identify and control traffi

15、c by examining the (),(),and ().AwaysBsourceCdestinationDport本题选择是:BCD8、Data about () and their () are valuable, especially when that information is carefully analyzed and used to target marketing campaigns.AconsumersBmarket situationCconsumption habitsDbuyers本题选择是:AC9、The Web server knows how to (),(), and () the document to the requesting clientAavoidBlocateCreadDreport本题选择



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