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1、南开19春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903)大学英语(三)在线作业-1 一、单选题共50题,100分1、I dont want you to make any trouble,( ), I urge you to solve the problem.AthusBconsequentlyCon the contraryDjust as本题选择是:C2、The population of the earth( )increasing fast. One third of the population here( ) workers.Ais; areBis; has beenCare;

2、isDis; was本题选择是:A3、I regret( )that Im unable to help you.AsayingBto sayCsayDsaid本题选择是:B4、She paid the builder( )the gate.Ato repairBrepairCrepairingDrepaired本题选择是:A5、 Whats the problem, Harry? ( ).ANo problemBNo trouble at allCThank you for asking me about itDI cant remember where I left my glasses本

3、题选择是:D6、 Theres a new cafeteria at the corner. How about going there for supper? ( ).AFine. But its my treat this timeBIts newly decoratedCLets look at the menu firstDI have no idea about what to order本题选择是:A7、There are nations whose lack of contact with the outside world has( )poverty.Afallen intoB

4、consisted inCresulted inDcome up to本题选择是:C8、This is the house( )he lived last year.AthatBwhichCwhereDwhat本题选择是:C9、Smith drove all the( )to Los Angeles and was just in time for the opening ceremony of the 23rd Olympic Games.AwayBroadCjourneyDtrip本题选择是:A10、Who is responsible( )breaking the window?AtoB

5、withCinDfor本题选择是:D11、I have given( )eating meat.AoverBdownCupD不填本题选择是:C12、I am very surprised that even an expert on foreign affairs can know the painting is forgery. ( ), he can tell who painted it.AHoweverBOtherwiseCNeverthelessDMoreover本题选择是:D13、I prefer to live in the countryside. Country life h

6、as a lot of( )over city life.AcharacterBqualitiesCadvantagesDways本题选择是:C1 lecture hall is( )where students attend lectures.AthereBwhichConeDthat本题选择是:C15、 Afternoon, sir. Where to? ( ).APlease get me to the airportBPlease pick me up next timeCIve been to the airportDThe plane will take off in an hou

7、r本题选择是:A16、They walked( )the woods.AupBdownCthroughDover本题选择是:C17、Last week I bought a flat( )biggest room faced south.AthatBwhoseCwhichDwhere本题选择是:B18、 Have you got a table for four, Waiter? ( ).AWelcome to our restaurantBYes, sure. This way, pleaseCWe have booked the seatsDHere are the menus本题选择是:

8、B19、What( )of blood does Tom have?AkindBtypeCsortDcategory本题选择是:B20、They all( )the job.Aasked afterBasked forCasked toDasked with本题选择是:B21、 Why are you so late? ( ).AIts a shameBI came across an old friendCNever mindDThats all right本题选择是:B22、I can do that job( )myself.AbyBonCwithD不填本题选择是:A23、Not alw

9、ays( )they want (to).Apeople can do whatBcan people do whatCpeople cannot do whatDcant people do what本题选择是:B24、 What would you like, tea or coffee? ( ).AYes, I wouldBCoffee, pleaseCYes, pleaseDIts very nice本题选择是:B25、John( )to be a teacher before the war, but now he works in a hospital.Ais usedBwas u

10、sedCusedDuse本题选择是:C26、( )you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.ANotBAfterCTillDUntil本题选择是:D27、On his first sea( ), he was still quite young but showed great courage to face the storms.AtripBtravelCtourDvoyage本题选择是:D28、We( )every day when we were children.Aused to swimBused to swimmingCus

11、e to swimDuse to swimming本题选择是:A29、The work( )by the time you get there.Awill have been doneBwas doneChad been doneDhas done本题选择是:A30、It was well known that Thomas Edison( )the electric lamp.AinventedBdiscoveredCfoundDdeveloped本题选择是:A31、The man( )the gate when he realized that we had spotted him.Ama

12、de offBmade forCmade outDmade up本题选择是:B32、He, as well as I,( )a student.AbeBamCareDis本题选择是:D33、Frank plays( )Alex.Aa lot more better thanBmuch more better thanCa lot better thanDmuch more well than本题选择是:C34、 What do you find difficult in learning English? ( ).AListening and speakingBDont be afraid o

13、f difficultiesCLearning English is usefulDDont be disappointed本题选择是:A35、 Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver? ( ).ADont worry about meBJust stay in bed and have a good restCThere must be something wrongDYes, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy本题选择是:D36、I dont think this kind of medicine has

14、any( ).AanswerBcauseCeffectDwork本题选择是:C37、 Whats the weather like in your hometown? ( ).AIts a nice placeBI like the food thereCHe asks me whether I like the weatherDIts cold in winter and hot in summer本题选择是:D38、 Everyone knows where the shop is, but whos the owner? ( ).ASteveBEveryone doesCAt the next doorDYes, its a secret本题选择是:A39、Im leaving for New York( )three days time.AforBinCatDon本题选择是:B40、We failed in our( )to climb the mountain.AtrialBcontemptCdesireDattempt本题选择



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