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1、南开19春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903)大学英语(二)在线作业-2 4、C 一、单选题共50题,100分1、I think you need to speed ( ) a bit - were going to be late.AfastBinCup本题选择是:C2、Has it stopped ( ), Mike? We have to do some shopping today.Ato rainBrainingCrain本题选择是:B3、Last Saturday I ( ) an old English friend of mine.Ahas metBmeetsCmet

2、本题选择是:C4、Did Ann ( ) a message?Aask leavingBask to leavingCask to leave本题选择是:C: Have you been to Canada before? B: ( ).ANo, I haveBYes, I haveCYes, I did本题选择是:B6、He arrived ( ) good time for the concert.AinBonCat本题选择是:A7、Toms computer is broken. Hell have it ( ).ArepairingBrepairedCto repair本题选择是:B8

3、、I am rather uncertain _ whether Ive made the right decision.Aas toBonCtoDfor本题选择是:A9、He ( ) the Museum of Chinese History tomorrow.AvisitBis going to visitCvisits本题选择是:B10、Learning English well isnt easy ( ) I like it very much.AbutBandCbecause本题选择是:A11、The overwhelming flood has polluted the water

4、 sources of the city and it is now _ drinkable water.Ain needBin shortCshort ofDneeded本题选择是:C12、If you agree to have this operation, _ are that you may recover sooner.AchancesBopportunitiesCoccasionsDfortunes本题选择是:A13、His hesitation _ unwillingness.AindicatesBannouncementCpointsDsuggestion本题选择是:A14、

5、He ( ) his clothes and got into the bath.Aput onBtook offCdressed off本题选择是:B1 house in Beijing ( ) cost a lot of money.AcanBshouldCmust本题选择是:A16、June 1st is ( ) Day.AChildrensBChildrensCChildren本题选择是:A17、Medical science is _ rapidly in our country.AproceedingBprogressingCmovingDdevelop本题选择是:B18、Did

6、she ( ) the meeting?Atake part forBtook part inCtake part in本题选择是:C19、Send me an email ( ) you arrive in Beijing.AwhileBwhenCif本题选择是:B20、( ) a glass of coffee.AId rather haveBI haveCI prefer to本题选择是:A21、( ) Nick ( ) a good time at the party last night?ADid, hasBDoes, haveCDid, have本题选择是:C22、The meet

7、ing ( ) for five hours. No one knows when it will end.Ahas lastedBhave lastedClasted本题选择是:A23、( ) he is over 70 years old, he still works very hard.ABecauseBAlthoughCAs本题选择是:B2s _ as I am _, I dont care what you do.AlongconcernedBlongconcerningCfarconcernedDfarconcerning本题选择是:C25、You should turn off

8、 your mobile phone when the plane ( ).Atakes inBtakes upCtakes off本题选择是:C26、He stopped ( ) TV when the dinner was ready.AwatchingBto watchCwatch本题选择是:A27、( ) is ready now for the party.AEverythingBsomethingCAnything本题选择是:A28、Everybody( ) a good time at the party.AenjoyedBgotChad本题选择是:C29、Difficult _

9、 it was, they finished it on time.AthoughBalthoughCasDstill本题选择是:A30、Although Annie is happy with her success she wonders _ will happen to her private life.AthatBwhatCitDthis本题选择是:B31、I am getting on very well ( ) the new job.AwithBonCin本题选择是:A32、( ) your parents on holidays.AYou would visitBYoull v

10、isitCYou should visit本题选择是:C3an you help me to clear ( ) my desk?AawayBoutCup本题选择是:C34、The children are quite happy _ the thought of the coming summer holiday.AinBatCuponDon本题选择是:B35、Last Sunday I ( ) to Mr Smiths birthday party, and some other friends ( ) there, too.Awent, wasBwent, wereCgo, are本题选

11、择是:B36、Only two of the passengers _ the car accidents.AsurveyedBmaintainedCremainedDsurvived本题选择是:D37、Many friends of mine ( ) at the party yesterday.Aturned upBturned onCturned out本题选择是:A38、( ) is it to Tianjin from here?AWhat farBWhereCHow far本题选择是:C39、We want to learn some English songs, ( ) we c

12、an sing for our foreign guests.Aso thatBsoCfor本题选择是:A40、My parents have ( ) been to the Great Wall.Aas yetBsometimeCnever本题选择是:C41、Its my _ opinion that I should go abroad after graduation.AconsiderableBconsiderateCconsideredDconsidering本题选择是:C42、The money, ( ) was his, was left on the table.AthatBX

13、Cwhich本题选择是:C43、If youre going to come, please let me know ( ).AbeforeBin aheadCin advance本题选择是:C44、The hero in that film is based on a real historical figure, not an _ one.AimaginableBimaginativeCimaginaryDimagination本题选择是:C45、If I had a lot of money, I ( ) buy a boat.AwillBamCwould本题选择是:C46、Her mo

14、ther told her not to ( ) without telling her.Aleave offBgo onCgo off本题选择是:C47、Mary didnt turn ( ) until the train left.AoutBinCup本题选择是:C48、It was really hard to ( ) five children on her own.Abring upBgrow upClook up本题选择是:A49、You have ( ) time to catch your train.Aplenty ofBmanyCmuch本题选择是:A50、He is going to apply ( ) a job in the bank.AinBatCfor本题选择是:C



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