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1、南开19春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903)大学英语(一)在线作业 一、单选题共50题,100分1、The Americans and the British not only speak the same language but also _ a large number of social customs.AproduceBshareCprovideDcopy本题选择是:B2、He ( )in travelling.Ais interestedBinterestedCinterests本题选择是:A3、Im confused a bout your intention and

2、 can _ decide on what to do.AnecessarilyBundoubtedlyCpreviouslyDbarely本题选择是:D4、David likes fish( )breakfast.AforBatCin本题选择是:A:Hello, Linda, how are you? B:( ).AVery good. Are you good?BVery well, thank you. And you?CHello, Rose, how do you do?本题选择是:B6、This is _ that I have ever seen.Aa best movieBon

3、e of the best movieCone best movieDone of the best movies本题选择是:D7、The French restaurants are nice, but they are ( )!Anot enough niceBcomfortableCtoo expensive本题选择是:C8、Jane and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some good coffee for ( ).AtheyBthemCtheir本题选择是:B9、The professor paused as if _ his stud

4、ents to ask questions on the point he had just made.AexpectingBto expectCexpectedDto have expected本题选择是:A10、With such a variety of food for the dinner, I just didnt know which dish _.Ato beginBto begin withCto begin with itDto begin it for本题选择是:B1:The shower isnt working. B: ( ).AI come to call the

5、plumberBIll call the plumberCI like calling the plumber本题选择是:B12、_his age, he couldnt have painted the pictures all by himself.ATo considerBConsideredCBeing consideredDConsidering本题选择是:D13、Those pupils who take an excessive interest in computer games ought to spend more time on _ readings.AcomplexBr

6、adicalCworthwhileDpermanent本题选择是:C14、I just ( ) at the office for most of the day, and I do no exercise.Asit aroundBsit inCsit down本题选择是:A15、Sallys parents ( )come and stay with her soon.Aare goingBare going toCis going to本题选择是:B16、A: ( )time do you have lunch? B:I usually have lunch at 12.AWhereBWh

7、atCWhen本题选择是:B17、We regret there isnt _ that can be done.AanyoneBanythingCsomethingDnothing本题选择是:B18、Tell me about your new friend. ( )is he like?AHowBWhatCWhy本题选择是:B19、A: Im going to clean the house. B: ( )do the shopping.AI like toBI wouldCIll本题选择是:C20、A:( )? B:My father is a manager. My mother is

8、 a nurse.AWhere are your parentsBWhat do your parents doCWhat are your parents doing right now本题选择是:B21、One of the sailors found it necessary to _ the captain _ the nearest island by radio.Adeclare to contactBpropose contactCinsist to contactDwish contact本题选择是:B22、You really work hard, but dont you

9、think life is too boring without any _ ?ApastimesBadvantagesCdistractionsDcompliments本题选择是:A23、I go to see my grandparents once ( )week with my parents.AtheB/Ca本题选择是:C24、Dont expect a millionaire to be dressed expensively all the time; a rich man does not _ show off his wealth.AreluctantlyBoccasiona

10、llyCemotionallyDecessarily本题选择是:D2:So, do you like the cinema near Hyde Park? B:Yes, I ( ) it.AloveBam lovingCloves本题选择是:A26、A:Hello. Im David Manning. Nice to meet you. B: ( ).AIm nice, tooBFine, thank youCNice to meet you too. Im Xiaoyan本题选择是:C27、A:How about seeing a film this evening? B:Yes, ( ).

11、Athats a good ideaBpleaseCthats right本题选择是:A28、( ) a coffee machine in the room?AAre thereBIs thereCHave there本题选择是:B29、One of the most remarkable developments in _ electronic age has been the televising of college-level courses.AeveryBsuchCtheDeach本题选择是:C30、A: I saw Tom just now at the caf B:It ( )

12、be him. He went to U.S.A. yesterday.AmustntBcantCshouldnt本题选择是:B3: Would you like to come to ( )shop one day? B: Yes, Id love to. Thank you.AmyselfBmeCmy本题选择是:C32、I couldnt understand why he pretended _ in the bookstore.Ato see me notBnot to see meCnot see meDdid not see me本题选择是:B33、I go swimming on

13、 ( ) Thursdays for two hours.A/BaCan本题选择是:A34、_ Tuesday evening at eight, Major Joyee will give a lecture in Bailey Hall on “My Experience in China”.AInBAtCOfDOn本题选择是:D3ont worry. We have enough time to finish _ the food and drinks before the guests arrive.Asetting asideBlaying outCsmoothing outDtak

14、ing over本题选择是:B36、A ( ) was the meeting like? B: It was very exciting.AHowBWhatCWhy本题选择是:A37、A:What TV programmes do you like? B: I ( )London Lives.Alike watchingBlike to watchingClike watch本题选择是:A38、A:The shops in this area are ( ). B:Yes, I agree. They are not modern enough.Aenough old-fashionedBold-fashionCtoo old-fashioned本题选择是:C39、James is ( ) French than Polly.Aa bit better atBa bit more good atCa bit good at本题选择是:A40、A:I prefer watching TV. B:So ( ) I.AhaveBamCdo本题选择是:C41、I come here twi



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