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1、南开19春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903)餐饮经营管理(一)(二)(EI双语)在线作业-2 一、单选题共20题,40分1、Which of the following statements concerning equipment maintenance and accident prevention is true?AEquipment instructions should be kept in an out-of-the-way location.BA qualified electrician or maintenance person should inspect al

2、l electrical equipment, wiring, and switches on a regular basis.CGas equipment should bear the seal of approval of Underwriters Laboratories.DIt is safe to clean equipment while it is plugged in to save time.本题选择是:B2、Which of the following is a control activity that can be used to maintain quality a

3、nd ensure efficient food production?ADiscourage the use of weighing and measuring tools because they slow the production process.BStudy and resolve production bottlenecks.CRequire that all employees punch in and out on a computerized time clock.DGive production staff the authority to discard spoiled

4、 or improperly prepared items.本题选择是:B3、作为一名管理者,最重要的任务就是要确定()A建立每一位员工对工作的积极性B如何对可用的资源进行最佳利用C每位职工的工作安全D能够完成每年的利润计划本题选择是:B4、The menu pricing method that bases pricing on the price the food service manager believes will represent a value to the guest is known as the( ) price method.AreasonableBhigeestCl

5、oss-leaderDintuitive本题选择是:A5、餐饮服务人员一般可以分为三种类型:()A经理、领班和服务员B管理人员、服务人员和清洁人员C管理人员、食品制作人员和服务人员D高层管理人员、中层管理人员和基层员工本题选择是:C6、Which of the following would be considered a commercial food service facility?Afood service provided by a caterer at off-site locationsBfood service in prisonsCfood service in milita

6、ry installationsDfood service in public schools本题选择是:A7、Which of the following is a flat-bottomed cooking item that can be used as a kettle, griddle, fry pan, steamer, oven, or warmer/server?ArangeBcharbroilerCovenDtitling braising pan本题选择是:D8、我们应该如何正确处理已经变质有味的食物?A扔弃B漂洗C高温水煮D高温水煮另外加入足够的香料本题选择是:A9、以下

7、哪些数据对定位或重新定位餐饮经营方向十分重要?A顾客的兴趣、爱好、愿望B顾客的年龄、性别、体重C顾客的年龄、性别、就业情况D顾客的收入、学历、教养本题选择是:C10、Posting supplier invoices and producing checks for payment would be part of which accounting software program?Aaccounts receivableBaccounts payableCpayroll accountingDfinancial reporting本题选择是:B11、由于餐饮企业是处在不断变化的经济环境中的,

8、因此,除非原始数据没有发生重大的变化,否则()前所做的可行性研究就失去意义了。A2年B1年半C1年D半年本题选择是:D12、以下何种管理程序应该在进行管理活动之前就应该完成。A计划B组织C用人D评估本题选择是:A13、蛋白质主要来源于()A肉类、蛋类和奶制品B肉类、鱼类和油脂C肉类、家禽和油脂D肉类、油脂和水果本题选择是:A14、对员工的工作进行督导、安排和制度约束,属于以下何种管理程序?A指挥B组织C控制D评估本题选择是:A15、Which of the following expenses are charged to the food and beverage department?Ai

9、ncome taxesBemployee mealsCcomplimentary meals provided to media representativesDkitchen personnel payroll本题选择是:D16、Which of the following is a dry-heat cooking method using hot air?AbakingBpoachingCmicrowavingDblanching本题选择是:A17、Which of the following is a method used to tenderize meat or poultry?A

10、boilingBcooking at high temperaturesCagingDfreezing本题选择是:C18、Which of the following techniques is effective in reducing purchasing costs?AChange the purchase unit size to a smaller container to reduce the suppliers handling charges.BPurchase directly from a distributor or grower.CCharge goods on cre

11、dit to increase the suppliers cash flow.DIncrease supplier services.本题选择是:B19、接待服务业的经理必须懂得,真诚的微笑服务是()的重要前提条件。A保证饭菜美味可口B热情接待每一位顾客C处理投诉时D满足客人的需求本题选择是:B20、喝多少酒才会醉?这个问题没有确切的答案。但是,法律上规定,每100毫升血液达到或者超过()克,即为醉酒。A1克B0.1克C2克D0.2克本题选择是:B二、多选题共10题,20分1、厨房设计的要素应该包括()A成本B菜单C公用设施D卫生安全本题选择是:ABCD2、下列属于非商业性餐饮设施的有()A



14、很辛苦的,并且在最低层的餐饮工作岗位上没有什么发展机会。A对B错本题选择是:B4、external selling involves hiring salespeople to generate leads and make personal sales calls outside the food service operation itself.A对B错本题选择是:A5、one of the purchasing goal is buy the expensive product for good quality.A对B错本题选择是:B6、纤维可以预防便秘,从而有助于调节胆固醇。确认自己每天是否摄入了足够的纤维的方法是多吃一些纤维较粗的肉类,如牛肉。A对B错本题选择是:B7、餐饮服务业也是劳动密集型行业,为了实现餐饮服务的目标,需要大量人员来从事这项工作。A对B错本题选择是:A8、food contains six types of nutrients that supply energy and regulate the body processes are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.A对B错本题选择是:A9、at small propertie



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