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1、南开19春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903)餐饮经营管理(一)(二)(EI双语)在线作业 4、B 一、单选题共20题,40分1、What type of vegetables should be cooked without a cover?AtubersBgreen vegetablesCvegetable fruitsDsprouts本题选择是:B2、Food servers who effectively use suggestive selling techniques:Awill typically be disliked by regular guests.Bmay r

2、isk driving away business and losing tips.Ccan have a significant positive effect on the operations success.Dare usually met with resistance from guests, who typically dont like servers who suggest alternatives.本题选择是:C3、Which of the following should be a primary concern of managers during food and b

3、everage production?Amaking sure the dining room temperature is comfortable for guestsBmaking quality ingredients available and ensuring that quality-enhancing requirements are metCensuring that servers follow proper cash-out proceduresDteaching hosts and buspersons about the production process本题选择是:

4、B4、餐饮管理人员必须知道政府管理机构这一特殊角色,而政府管理部门主要关注餐饮企业的()问题。A饭菜的质量问题B食品安全问题C人员调动问题D饮食营养问题本题选择是:B perpetual inventory system tells managers:Athe exact quantity of each product in storage.Bhow much money has been spent on a given product during a given time period.Cthe quantity of each product that should be in st

5、orage.Dwhich products will likely need to be reordered within the next 30 days.本题选择是:C6、The only correct statement about nutrients in the following group is:Aif there is inadequate intake of carbohydrates, the body will divert proteins from tissue-building to serve as fuel.Ball vitamins are produced

6、 in the human body.Cwater-soluble vitamins are stored in muscle tissue.Dwater makes up about 90 percent of an adult bodys composition本题选择是:A7、The first responsibility of hospitality managers is to:Afoster a stimulating and enjoyable work environment.Bmeet or exceed guest wants and needs.Cdevelop app

7、etizing and nutritious recipes.Dencourage professional growth among employees.本题选择是:B8、在下列菜单中,挑选出哪个菜单符合客人对菜肴颜色、营养以及口味的要求。A葡萄汁、糖醋小排和樱桃馅饼B炸薯条、煎香肠和可乐C蔬菜沙拉、金枪鱼意大利面和鲜果汁D奶油浓汤、三文鱼扒和水果沙拉本题选择是:C9、Which of the following would be considered a commercial food service facility?Afood service provided by a caterer

8、 at off-site locationsBfood service in prisonsCfood service in military installationsDfood service in public schools本题选择是:A10、餐饮产品都是生产出来的,对产品的采购、验收、储存、配发、制作和服务进行管理程序中的哪个程序是至关重要的。A指挥B组织C控制D评估本题选择是:C11、Which of the following typically can change baking times and temperatures for baked products?Athe ty

9、pe of fat usedBtime of dayCthe mixer used in productionDaltitude本题选择是:D1n employee who has been exposed to an infectious disease should( )before returning to work.Aconsult a doctorBstay home for two weeksCget vaccinatedDtake antibiotics本题选择是:A13、蔬菜根据其来自植物的不同部位而有不同的分类,例如属于块茎的是()A土豆B胡萝卜C洋葱D大葱本题选择是:A14

10、、被比喻为“缝合针”的是(),他们代表上级管理员工,同时向上级传达员工的愿望和关注的问题。A高层管理人员B中层管理人员C底层管理人员D基层员工本题选择是:C15、推销是市场营销的重要手段,内部推销的重点在于提高来自顾客的收入。而外部推销则运用于具有大型宴会设施的餐饮企业中,其目的是()A展示企业实力B推广主打产品C发掘潜在客户D扩大影响力本题选择是:C16、你认为采用下列()顺序来进行西式菜单的版面布局比较合适。A头盘、汤类、主菜和甜品B凉菜、热菜、汤和面食C开胃菜、主菜、汤和甜品D汤、开胃菜、主菜和甜品本题选择是:A17、Aesthetic balance refers to:Athe re

11、lationship between food costs, menu prices, and other financial/marketing considerations.Ba commercial operations need to place items on the menu that will yield a specific level of profitability.Cthe mix of guests from various demographic groups.Dthe degree to which meals have been developed with a

12、n eye to the colors, textures, and flavors of food.本题选择是:D18、Breakfast menus typically focus on items that:Aare fun to eat.Binclude a variety of vegetables.Care simple and inexpensive.Dare light and flavorful with lots of variety本题选择是:C19、企业的年度预算一般包括每月计划,于是这些月计划就成了评价每月实际完成结果的标准。因此,经营预算的重要职能就是完成()A计划

13、和管理B计划和控制C计划和修改D协调和控制本题选择是:B20、Which of the following positions is responsible for cold food preparation?Athe sous chefBthe stewardCthe garde-mangerDthe assistant cook本题选择是:C二、多选题共10题,20分1、企业在利用餐饮合同管理公司来管理其餐饮服务项目时,这种方式有()优势A大型餐饮管理公司有实力为企业解决各种餐饮服务问题B管理公司能够以低于该企业的餐饮成本来经营C餐饮管理公司能有效地同供应商讨价还价D在企业的“自我经营”模


15、择是:ABC7、由于水果和蔬菜颜色鲜艳,并且美味可口,所以非常适合做沙拉,在选用水果和蔬菜时,应该注意选择()A新鲜成熟的B多种颜色的C各种质地的D糊状的本题选择是:ABC8、沙门氏菌是一种常见的感染细菌。最有可能滋生沙门氏菌的食品有()A高蛋白质类食物B豆制品类C奶制品类D家禽类本题选择是:ACD9、下列哪些肉类属于脂肪含量较低的“白肉”A牛肉B鸭肉C猪肉D鸡肉本题选择是:CD10、下列哪些蔬菜属于果实类蔬菜()A萝卜B辣椒C茄子D白菜花本题选择是:BC三、判断题共20题,40分1、breakfast,lunch and dinner menu are three basic type of menus.A对B错本题选择是:A2、打喷嚏,流鼻涕时,使用口袋内的手绢是极不卫生的行为。A对



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