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1、南开19春学期(1709、1803、1809、1903)餐饮采购管理(一)(二)(EI双语)在线作业-1 4、C 一、单选题共20题,40分1、信贷备忘录的作用是:A记录买方的信誉度B对发票问题进行书面的跟踪记录C记录贸易历史D对供货商的诚信记录本题选择是:B2、Which part of the pork meat is used for making traditional smoked bacon?AlegBspare ribCshoulderDside本题选择是:D3、下列属于餐厅服务用具(用品)的是:A点火器B洁厕灵C蛋糕模具D烤肉叉本题选择是:B4、Which of the fol

2、lowing statement about alliances deliver better prices to their members is ture?Aby scaling back on face-to-face communication with operatorsBby making fewer product choices availableCby taking advantage of economies of scaleDby hiring fewer DSRs本题选择是:Cucklings are usually for which kind of cooking?

3、Afrying or bakingBroasting or grillingCboiling or blanchingDsteaming or stewing本题选择是:B6、下列哪项不属于奶酪类制品?Afresh cheese productsBpowdered cheese productsCcanned cheese productsDcheese flavour products本题选择是:C7、Which of the following is a type of uncommercial food service operation?Aquick-service or tradit

4、ionalBKFC or McDonaldCChain restaurants or franchiseDEducational institutions or Healthcare本题选择是:D8、which type of lettuce usuelly used to make a traditional ceasar salad?AleafBBibbCicebergDRomaine本题选择是:D9、Which kind of poutry is suitable for stewing?AducklingBpigeonChenDquail本题选择是:C10、All of followi

5、ng items are kitchene quipments except:AstrainerBfridgeCdough mixerDoven本题选择是:A11、下列适合烟熏的海产品是:A比目鱼B鲶鱼C金枪鱼D生蚝本题选择是:D12、when milk has a minimum butterfat content of 3.25 percent, and it is called:Afat free milkBwhole milkCskimmed milkDbuttermilk本题选择是:B13、猪肋排多适用于哪种烹饪方式?A熬汤B爆炒C卤制DBBQ本题选择是:D14、Which type

6、 of the following oil is used for cooking common hot dishes:Aolive oilBwalnut oilCsesame oilDsoya oil本题选择是:D15、Sweet wines are traditionally served:Awith steaks.Bbefore a meal as an appetizer.Cin very expensive restaurants.Dafter a meal like grand marnier.本题选择是:D16、What is an in-stock ratio?Athe num

7、ber of times a particular product is delivered as specified divided by the total number of times the product has been orderedBthe number of times an operation falls below its par level for a particular product in one monthCthe number of items an distributor has in stock as compared to the number of

8、items it does not have in stockDthe number of times a product is delivered on time divided by the total number of deliveries本题选择是:A17、下列哪一项不是采购人员的工艺专长?A对采购物流的理解B了解HACCP专业知识C创建菜谱的能力D对经销商关系的理解本题选择是:C18、餐饮企业一般都从哪里对海产品进行采购?A零售市场B开放市场C超级市场D分销商或货源供应商本题选择是:D19、Which of the following statement about seafood

9、 products is ture?AGrade A seafood products indicates that products are of the best quality, uniform in appearance, and free of defects.BGrade B seafood products indicates that products are of the best quality, uniform in appearance, and free of defects.CPrime seafood products indicates that product

10、s are of the best quality, uniform in appearance, and free of defects.DChoice seafood products indicates that products are of the best quality, uniform in appearance, and free of defects.本题选择是:A20、下列哪一种属于非商业性食品运营企业?A快餐连锁店B私人俱乐部C酒店D特色小吃店本题选择是:B二、多选题共10题,20分1、羊腩(腹部)适用于哪种烹饪方式?A肉馅B烤串C爆炒D清炖本题选择是:ABD2、猪肋排

11、(spare rib)适用于哪种烹饪方式?A烧焖B酱烤C熬煮D清炖本题选择是:ABCD3、下列属于蛋奶类食品的是?A三花淡奶B果粒酸奶C脱脂牛奶D人造牛油(margarine)本题选择是:ABC4、以下对经销商合作伙伴的特征描述正确的是:A产品良好的表现能力和承诺B愿意以低价提供低质量产品C促进利润增长的能力D对改善产品和服务的持续关注本题选择是:ACD5、在家禽类的采购说明书中,Portion Size指的是:A包装尺寸B品牌名称C产品尺寸D使用途径本题选择是:ABCD6、下列选项中属于香料或调味品的物品是:A太太乐鸡精B泡椒凤爪C番茄沙司D麻油腐乳本题选择是:ACD7、下列哪些属于热带水果

12、?A火龙果B菠萝C荔枝D葡萄本题选择是:ABC8、下列用于烹饪的油脂类产品有:A黄油B谷物调和油C压榨菜籽油D初榨橄榄油本题选择是:ABCD9、下列对仓库管理方式的描述正确的是:AFIFO库存系统BLIFO存系统C永续盘存制D实地盘存制本题选择是:ABCD10、下列哪些部位的牛切件可以用来制作牛排?AchunkBribCsirloinDplate本题选择是:ABCD三、判断题共20题,40分1、Egg products should be pasteurized when it is going to be held in the temperature danger zone.A对B错本题选

13、择是:An operations inventory turnover ratio is calculated by dividing the cost of food (or beverage) by the average food (or beverage) inventory.A对B错本题选择是:A3、Sodium content is not an element of specifications for commodities and grocery items.A对B错本题选择是:A4、Eggs should be refrigerated at a temperature b

14、elow 4C.A对B错本题选择是:A5、农场或畜牧场是采购渠道中的主要成员。A对B错本题选择是:A6、Premium is the best quality grade for fresh fruitA对B错本题选择是:B7、The number of times an operation falls below its par level for a particular product in one month.A对B错本题选择是:B8、啤酒是一种被餐饮企业广泛经营的麦芽饮料。A对B错本题选择是:A9、Sales and marketing agents is a secondary member of the food service distribution channel.A对B错本题选择是:A10、Chains can more readily acquire cash, credit, and long-term leases.A对B错本题选择是:A11、“Iceberg Lettuce”的主要特征是具有深绿色的大叶子。A对B错本题选择是:B12、目前市场上的牛奶产品大体可以被分为全脂牛奶、低脂牛奶和脱脂牛奶三大类。A对B错本题选择是:A1eer t



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