Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note Period 2 Vocabulary-人教版ppt课件 必修3课件

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1、Unit3 The Million Pound Bank Note,Vocabulary,1. 学生能够了解本单元单词的基本用法。 2. 学生能够辨析易混淆词的用法,并能熟练运用。 3. 学生能够掌握重点难点词的拓展及其用法。,本节课解释重点单词及其用法拓展,本课的设计思路遵循在语境中学习英语语言。 用英汉互译常用短语导入新课,既巩固了语言点,又达到了让学生自我检测的目的。在讲解重点词汇时,既列举了实例,又给出了准确的中文翻译,中英文结合,更好的帮学生理解和学习语言点。在语言点的扩展上,有不同词性的转化扩展,还有同类短语的总结,让学生更系统的掌握相关知识点。,bring up make a b

2、et survive a month a penniless man permit sb. to do sth. That will be all. mind sb. / sb.s doing sth. go (right) ahead as a matter of fact land in by accident stare at towards nightfall carry out Its all ones fault.,抚养, 提出, 呕吐(食物) 打赌 活一个月 身无分文的人 允许某人做某事 没(你的)事了 在乎 /在意某人做某事 请便, 继续, 继续往前 事实上, 实际上 (使)在

3、着陆 /登陆 偶然地 盯, 凝视 到夜幕降临时 执行; 完成, 实现,搬出 全都是某人的过错,正要做 认定已无希望 挣取旅费 /船费/车费 做义工,免费劳动 说明 / 解释原因 寻求帮助 没听懂某人的话 一家矿业公司 为某人提供 某事物 老实说, 坦白说 (与此)相反, 正相反 我要走了 这真可笑/ 多此一举 这正是的原因 一个半小时,would just about do give up for lost earn ones passage work as an unpaid hand account for seek help do not follow sb. a mining comp

4、any offer sb. sth. / offer sth. to sb. to be honest on the contrary Ill be on my way. This is silly. Thats why one hour and a half,6,核心单词,Act 1,Scene 3 第一幕第三场 scene n. (戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色,on the scene 现场;当场 behind the scenes 在幕后;暗中 the scene of the accident/crime 事故/犯罪的现场 appear/come on the scene 出场;登场,

5、7, Happy of children playing in the garden disappeared,and it was quiet again. 孩子们在花园里高兴地玩的场面消失后,花园又安静下来。 Nine people died_and one more person died in hospital in the car crash. 撞车事故中有9人当场死亡,还有一人在医院里死亡。 They rushed to_of the traffic accident. 他们火速赶到车祸的现场。,on the scene,the scene,The,scene,8,Permit me

6、 to lead the way,sir. 先生,请让我来带路吧。 permit vt.&vi. 许可;允许;准许 n. 通行证;许可证;执照(permitted;permitted),permit sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事 permit doing sth.允许做某事 permit sb. sth.允许某人某事 ask for permission请求许可 without permission未经许可,9,Would you permit them to enter the room for a few minutes to talk to you? 你能允许他们进屋来同你

7、谈几分钟话吗? The owners dont permit_(park) cars in front of the shops. 主人不允许在其商店门口停车。 You are not permitted_(use) the room. 你们不被允许使用这间屋子。 _permission,you shouldnt leave the room. 未经许可,你不能离开这个房间。,parking,to use,Without,10,The next morning Id just about given myself up for lost when I was spotted by a ship

8、. 第二天早上,我正感到绝望的时候,一艘船发现了我。 spot vt. 发现;认出 n. 斑点;污点;地点,spot sb.(doing sth.) 发现某人(在干某事) be spotted with 散布,点缀 on the spot 当场;在现场,11,He spotted his friend talking with someone in the distance. 他发现朋友在远处和某个人在交谈。 To the left appeared a little hill,_with golden flowers. 左边出现了一座小山,点缀着金黄色的花儿。 When the man wa

9、s trying to break into the bank,he was caught by the police_ the spot. 当那个人试图闯入银行时,他被警察当场抓获了。,spotted,on,12,I went to the American embassy to seek help. 我到美国大使馆去寻求帮助 seek vt.&vi.寻找;探索;追求(sought;sought),seek ones fortune/fame追求财富/名誉;碰运气 seek after/for寻找;追求 seek sb.s advice/help征求某人的意见/寻求某人的帮助 seek to

10、 do sth.(try to do sth.)试图做某事,13,She calmed down and then sought help from a neighbour. 她镇静下来然后向一位邻居求助。 He went to Shenzhen to_. 他去深圳去碰运气。 He_in the exam but in vain. 他企图在考试中作弊,但未成功。,seek his fortune/fame,sought to cheat,14,The fact is that I earned my passage by working as an unpaid hand,which acco

11、unts for my appearance. 事实上我靠做义工来顶替船费,这就是我为什么衣冠不整的原因了。 account vi.&vt. 认为;说明;总计有 n. 说明;理由;计算;账目,account for说明(原因等);做出解释;占(比例) on account of由于,因为 on no account绝不(置于句首时,句子部分倒装) take account of/take.into account (take.into consideration)考虑 take no account of对不加考虑,15,You need an active University accoun

12、t and a valid University card. 你需要一个激活的大学账户和有效的大学卡。 They had to take every possibility into _when drawing up the plan. 他们在起草计划时,不得不把各种可能性都考虑到。 I was absent from school _ account of illness. 我因病缺课。,account,on,16,On no account _ be left unlocked. 离开住宅时千万要锁门。 Jimmy had a lot of parties recently. Yes,th

13、at might _ why he didnt do well on the test. 吉米最近参加了好多聚会。 是的,那可能就是他考试没考好的原因。,should the house,account for,17,He was brought up in Hannibal, Missouri, along the Mississippi River. 他在密西西比河畔密苏里州的汉尼拔长大。 bring up 抚养;培养;教育;提出;呕吐,核心短语,bring about 引起,产生,带来,导致 bring in 引进;赚得 bring out 使显出;阐明;出版;生产 bring down

14、 使倒下;降低;减少 bring back 带回;恢复,18,All of our kids were brought up to respect other people. 我们的孩子都被教育要尊敬别人。 Nearly all educators believe that a challenging situation can often_ the best qualities of a person. 几乎所有的教育家都认为一个富有挑战性的境况会使一个人最好的品质表现出来。 Science and technology has _ many changes in our lives. 科学

15、技术给我们的生活带来了许多变化。,bring out,brought about,19,Go right ahead.请问吧。 go ahead 前进;(用于祈使句)可以;往下说,go against 反对;不利于;与相背 go without 没有也行;将就 go out 外出;(灯、火)熄灭 go over 仔细检查,复习 go through 仔细察看;遭受;经历 go after 追求,设法获得 go wrong 出毛病,20,Dont go against your mothers wish. 别违背你母亲的心愿。 Theres no money for a holiday;well have to_. 没钱去度假了,我们只好将就着不度假了。 They all have_ the war. 他们都经历过这场战争。 Do you mind if I use your car? No,_. 我用你的车你介意吗? 不介意,用吧。,go without,gone through,go ahead,21,Well,well have to


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