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1、Growing pains,Book 1 Unit 2,晨背佳作 积累素材,话题词汇 1.helpful adj.有帮助的 2.diagnose v.诊断 3.problem n.困难 4.donate v.捐献 5.drop out of逃脱 6.call on号召 7.spare no efforts不遗余力 8.in need需要,话题佳作,为了帮助中学生健康成长,某中学英文报开辟了“HEART-TOHEART”专栏。假设你是该栏目的编辑Jamie,收到一封署名为Worried的求助信。信中该同学向你诉说了自己的困扰:近日容易发脾气,使正常的学习和生活受到了影响。请用英文给该同学写一封回

2、信。 内容要点如下: 1.表示理解并给予安慰; 2.提出建议并说明理由。 参考词汇:temper n.脾气,情绪,佳作欣赏,Hi Worried, Im sorry to know that youre having such a bad time at the moment. The truth is that everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong,so you dont have to worry so much.The important thing is to learn t

3、o control your temper so that you may not do or say anything youll regret.Here are three useful tips.,First,talk to someone you trust about how you feel.This is a good way of letting your anger out without hurting others or yourself.Second,go outdoors and play team games with your friends as physica

4、l exercise is an effective way to get rid of anger.And third,remain optimistic about your future.Such a positive attitude towards life can be helpful in lifting your spirits. I hope youll soon feel calmer and carry on as normal. Yours, Jamie,名师点睛,作者在谋篇布局方面思路清晰,使用了序数词first,second,third等,增强了本文的衔接性和逻辑性

5、,使得文章浑然一体。另外,运用了灵活多变的句式,如表语从句、定语从句、结果状语从句以及不定式作表语等,用语地道、规范,表述清晰,提升了要点的表达层次,是一篇难得的范文佳作。,自主排查 语境提升,直击重点 突破考点,内容索引,教材升华 综合运用,自主排查 语境提升,1._ adj.受惊的;害怕的 _ adj.令人恐惧的 _ vt.使惊吓,使惊恐 _ n.惊吓;恐怖 2._ n.行为,举止 _ vi.表现 vt.使举止规矩,.写作必记单词,frightened,frightening,frighten,fright,behavior/behaviour,behave,1,3._ adj.不高兴的,

6、失望的 vt.使不高兴,使失望 4._vt.辩解,辩白;防御,保护 5._ vt.值得;应得;应受 6._ n.解释,说明 _ vt.& vi.解释,说明 7._ adj.粗鲁的,无礼的 _ adv.粗鲁地,无礼地 _ n.粗鲁,无礼,upset,defend,deserve,explanation,explain,rude,rudely,rudeness,8._ vi.坚持,坚持认为 9._ n.自由 _ adj.免费的;自由的 v.释放;使自由 10._ vt.&n.伤害 _ adj.有害的 _ adj.(反义词)无害的;无恶意的 11._ adj.愚蠢的,insist,freedom,f

7、ree,harm,harmful,harmless,foolish,12._ n.耐心 _ n.病人 adj.有耐心的 13._vt.禁止 _ (过去式) _(过去分词) 14._ n.&adj.正常(的),一般(的) _ adj.不正常的,不一般的,patience,patient,forbid,forbade,forbidden,normal,abnormal,15._ n.限制;极限;界限 vt.限制 _ n.限制;控制 _ adj.有限的 16._ vt.&vi.&n.平衡;抵消,limit,limitation,limited,balance,.阅读识记单词 17.bend vi._

8、 vt._ 18.starve vi._ vt._ _ n.饥饿;挨饿;饿死 19.tolerate vt. _ _ n.忍受 _ adj.容忍的,弯腰,屈身,(使)弯曲,挨饿;饿死,使挨饿,starvation,容忍;允许,tolerance,tolerant,20.fault n. _ 21.scene n. _ 22.hard adj. _ 23.handle vt. _ 24.error n. _ 25.guidance n. _ _ vt.指导 n.有指导意义的事物;导游,过错,错误,(戏剧的)一场;场面;景色,苛刻的,严厉的,处理;应付,错误,指导,引导,guide,26.argu

9、ment n. _ _ vi.&vt.争吵,辩论 27.distant adj. _ 28.annoyed adj. _ _ adj.使人恼怒的,使人生气的 _ vt.使不悦,惹恼 29.misunderstand vt. _ 30.confused adj._,争吵,辩论;论点,论据,argue,不友好的,冷淡的,疏远的;遥远的,愤怒的,生气的,annoying,annoy,误解,困惑的,不解的,31.physical adj. _ 32.tend vi. _ vt. _ _ n.趋势 33.wisdom n. _ _ adj.明智的 34.independence n. _ 35.chal

10、lenge n.&vt. _,身体的;物质的,往往,趋向,照看,tendency,智慧,wise,独立,挑战,语境活用 用所给词的正确形式填空 1.He is _(physical) unfit for this kind of work. 2.“You are _(forbid) to say one feels, or people think,” Lehanne told them.(2015全国) 3.People often think of gossipers as _(harm),but cruel lies can cause pain.(2016浙江) 4.She gave

11、me a comforting smile,nodded while listening _(patient), and then printed out the ticket immediately.(2016全国),physically,forbidden,harmless,patiently,5.Many cyclists _(behaviour) dangerously.(2015湖南) 6.Others think that a mans body cells have a _(tend) to age more quickly.(2016四川) 7.The _(normal) bl

12、eeding is your bodys own red flag of danger. 8.It was a _(wisdom) decision.While too many couples grow apart, we were growing together.(2016江苏) 9.But our funds were _(limit),and none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory.(2015天津) 10.After a long _(argue),he gave in.,behave,tendency,ab

13、normal,wise,limited,argument,1._迫不及待地做某事 2._应该,应当 3._对苛刻,对严厉 4._既然;由于 5._不睡觉,熬夜 6._ 混淆,弄乱;搅匀,拌和 7._坚持,坚持认为 8._现在 9._与一起,2,cant wait to do something,be supposed to,be hard on,now that,stay up,mix up,insist on,at present,along with,语境活用 运用上述短语完成片段 I had difficulty in getting along with my parents when

14、 I was a teenager.They 1._(对严厉) me and they thought I 2._(应该) be hardworking.Every time I came back from school,they 3._(迫不及待地) go through my homework.They insisted that it was foolish of me to 4._(熬夜) chatting online.5._(现在),I myself,am a teenagers father.I have realized that I and my parents harmed each other.So I,6._(与一起) my wife,am going to treat my son



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