2017-2018学年高中英语选修八北师大版(课件+课后作业):Unit 24 Society课件_1

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1、Section Lesson 2 Utopia,一,二,三,一、词义匹配 A B ( )1.virtue a.a wild plant growing where it is not wanted ( )2.framework b.a particular good quality or habit ( )3.feast c.the structure of a particular system ( )4.surplus d.an amount that is extra or more than you need ( )5.sow e.a large or special meal,esp

2、ecially for a lot of people ( )6.weed f.to plant or spread seeds in or on the ground 答案:1.b 2.c 3.e 4.d 5.f 6.a,一,二,三,二、猜词拼写 1. an accident in which two vehicles or people crash into each other 2. to swim with short movements of your hands or feet up and down 3. a small paper or cardboard container

3、in which goods are packed for selling 4. a large notice,often with a picture on it 5. to leave out sth.that would normally be the next thing you would do,collision,paddle,packet,poster,skip,一,二,三,三、词汇拓展 1.elect n.选举 2.merciful n.仁慈;怜悯,election,mercy,1,2,3,4,5,1.Nobody has any desire to show off and

4、gold and silver have no value.(Page 138,听力材料) 没人有炫耀的愿望,而且黄金和白银都没有价值 考点 show off 炫耀;夸耀 The young man is showing off his new car over there. 这个年轻人在那边炫耀他的新汽车。 The woman often shows off her new clothes. 这个妇女经常炫耀新衣服。,1,2,3,4,5,考点延伸 阅读下列句子,指出show的词组及意义 When you arrive,I will show you around the city. 词组 s

5、how sb.around 意义 领着某人参观 It is already 8 oclock,but she hasnt shown up. 词组 show up 意义 出现,露面 A girl walked out and showed me in. 词组 show sb.in 意义 领着某人进去 I will have my assistant show you out. 词组 show sb.out 意义 领着某人出去,1,2,3,4,5,show sb.around领着某人参观 show up出现,露面 show sb.in领着某人进去 show sb.out领着某人出去,1,2,3,

6、4,5,1,2,3,4,5,答案:(1)他只不过是在炫耀,因为他喜欢的那个女孩在场。 (2)He loved to show off his all kinds of talent. (3)showing off his expensive watch (4)show you around (5)shown up,1,2,3,4,5,2.There is a leader in each area of the town and each town has an elected leader.(Page 138,听力材料) 城镇的每个地区有一个领导,每个城镇有一个选举的领导。 考点 elect

7、 v.选举,推选;选择,决定 They elected him director of the factory. 他们选举他为厂长。 They elected him as their new President. 他们选举他为新总统。 考点延伸 阅读下面句子,指出黑体词的词性和意义 Within three months of his election he was forced to resign. 词性 名词 意义 选举,1,2,3,4,5,elect sb.as.选举某人做 election n.选举 词义辨析,1,2,3,4,5,He was elected mayor last y

8、ear. 去年他被选为市长。 He chose to learn German rather than French in school. 他上学时选择学习德语,而不是法语。 I selected four postcards and handed them to the cashier. 我挑选了四张明信片并把它们递给收银员。,1,2,3,4,5,翻译下列词组或句子 (3)an elected leader (4)an elected representative (5)In America,presidential elections are held every four years.

9、(6)The chairman was elected by secret ballot. It is said that he was forced to resign within two months of his election.,1,2,3,4,5,答案:(1)elected;as (2)to be elected (3)选出的领导人 (4)选出的代表 (5)在美国,每四年举行一次总统选举。 (6)这位主席是由不记名投票选出来的。据说在当选的两个月内他就被迫辞职了。,1,2,3,4,5,3.The government is merciful.(Page 138,听力材料) 政府是

10、仁慈的 考点 merciful adj. 仁慈的,宽大的 He is considered as a merciful man. 人们认为他是个仁慈的人。 The old woman is so merciful that she often helps the homeless. 这个老妇人很仁慈,经常帮助无家可归的人。,1,2,3,4,5,考点延伸 阅读下列句子,指出黑体词的词性或词组和意义 Be merciful to me!I darent do it next time. 词组 be merciful to sb. 意义 对某人怜悯 The rich woman never show

11、ed mercy to the poor. 词性 名词 词组 show mercy to sb. 意义 对某人怜悯 He forced the boy to leave his house without mercy. 词组 without mercy 意义 毫不留情地 In the old days the farmers were at the mercy of nature. 词组 at the mercy of 意义 任凭的摆布,1,2,3,4,5,be merciful to sb.对某人怜悯 mercy n.仁慈 show mercy to sb.对某人怜悯 without mer

12、cy毫不留情地 at the mercy of任凭的摆布,1,2,3,4,5,(2)那只船在暴风雨中失去控制。 The ship was the storm. (3)她要他们对犯人慈悲为怀。 She asked them the prisoners. (4)仁慈的国王免他一死。 saved him from death. 答案:(1)showed his enemies no mercy (2)at the mercy of (3)to be merciful to/to show mercy to (4)The merciful king,1,2,3,4,5,4.What if some m

13、arried people have affairs?(Page 36) 要是一些结婚的人私通怎么办? 考点 本句中的句型What if.?是固定句型,意为“要是怎么办?” What if she doesnt agree to the plan? 要是她不同意这个计划怎么办? What if we move the picture over there? 要是我们把这幅画移到那边怎样?,1,2,3,4,5,考点延伸 阅读下列句子,指出what的词组及意义 She has decided to work part-time. What for? 词组 what for 意义 为了什么 His

14、father is very rich. So what? 词组 so what 意义 那又怎么样,What for?为了什么? So what?那又怎么样?,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,5.There is a car accident there at least once a week and today I nearly knocked into somebody crossing the road!(Page 138,听力材料) 那里至少每周有一次车祸,我今天就差点儿撞上一个正在过马路的人! 考点 knock into sb.撞上某人 He almost knocked

15、into me when I was walking into the room. 我走进房间时,他差点撞到我身上。 The boy ran so fast that he knocked into his teacher. 那个男孩跑得太快,撞到了老师身上。,1,2,3,4,5,考点延伸 阅读下列句子,指出黑体词的词组及意义 Hearing the news really knocked me back. 词组 knock sb.back 意义 使吃惊 The old man was knocked down by a car. 词组 knock down 意义 撞倒 She was so

16、careless that she knocked over a glass of milk. 词组 knock over 意义 打翻,1,2,3,4,5,knock at/on 敲 knock sb.back 使某人吃惊 knock down 撞倒 knock over 打翻,1,2,3,4,5,一,二,三,一、写作词汇检测 用所学的单词完成或翻译下列句子。 1.elect (1) as the team leader,the boy was very excited. (2)你会选举谁当我们的导游? 答案:(1)Elected (2)Who will you elect as our guide? 2.炫耀 (1)The old man often his excellent son. (2)他的女朋友很喜欢炫耀自己的工作。 答案:(1)shows off



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