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1、2019/4/22,1,Chapter 2: The Project Management Context and Processes,2019/4/22,2,Objectives,Understand the systems view of project management and how it applies to information technology projects Explain the four general phases in the project life cycle Distinguish between project development and pro

2、duct development Explain the differences among functional, matrix, and project organizational structures Explain why top management commitment to project management is critical for a projects success List important skills and attributes of a good project manager Briefly describe the five process gro

3、ups of project management, the typical level of activity for each, and interactions among them See how the project process groups relate to project management knowledge areas and how organizations can develop an information technology project management methodology,2019/4/22,3,Chapter Outline,A Syst

4、ems View of Project Management Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle Product Life Cycles The Importance of Project Phases and Management Reviews Understanding Organizations Organizational Structures Stakeholder Management Top Management Commitment Suggested Skills for a Project Manager Project M

5、anagement Process Groups,2019/4/22,4,2.1 A Systems View of Project Management,2019/4/22,5,Projects Cannot Be Run In Isolation,Summarize opening case Projects must operate in a broad organizational environment Project managers need to take a holistic or systems view of a project and understand how it

6、 is situated within the larger organization,2019/4/22,6,A Systems View of Project Management,A systems approach emerged in the 1950s to describe a more analytical approach to management and problem solving Three parts include: Systems philosophy: View things as systems, interacting components workin

7、g within an environment to fulfill some purpose Systems analysis: Use a problem-solving approach Systems management: Address business, technological, and organizational issues before making changes to systems,2019/4/22,7,Three Sphere Model for Systems Management,2019/4/22,8,Discussion,Based on the o

8、pening case: Which sphere of the systems management model did Tom focus on? Why? How should Tom know what is important to the business and organization? Discuss two specific things he can do in the future to stay in tune with the bigger picture Discuss the closing case. Do you agree with the decisio

9、ns made? Why or why not?,2019/4/22,9,2.2 Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle,2019/4/22,10,Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle,A project life cycle is a collection of project phases Project phases vary by project or industry, but some general phases include concept development implementat

10、ion Close-out,2019/4/22,11,Phases of the Project Life Cycle,2019/4/22,12,The typical activities in every Phases of the Project Life Cycle,2019/4/22,13,Product Life Cycles,Products also have life cycles The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a framework for describing the phases involved in dev

11、eloping and maintaining information systems Typical SDLC phases include planning, analysis, design, implementation, and support,2019/4/22,14,Sample SDLC Models,Waterfall model: has well-defined, linear stages of systems development and support Spiral model: shows that software is developed using an

12、iterative or spiral approach rather than a linear approach Incremental release model: provides for progressive development of operational software Prototyping model: used for developing prototypes to clarify user requirements,2019/4/22,15,Spiral Model of Software Development (Boehm, 1988),2019/4/22,

13、16,Distinguishing Project Life Cycles and Product Life Cycles,The project life cycle applies to all projects, regardless of the products being produced Product life cycle models vary considerably based on the nature of the product Most large IT projects are developed as a series of projects Project

14、management is done in all of the product life cycle phases,2019/4/22,17,Example:R&D of New Products,A-Pre-project B-Concept and initiate C-Market Survey and R&D D-Design EAcquire facilities to produce,if necessary FTest and commissioning GTurn-over(handover) HManufacturing IMaintenance JExpansion an

15、d upgrade KDisposal and divestment,Project life cycle,Product life cycle,Operation life cycle,From A to K,From B to G,From G to K,Project:B,C,D,J,K,2019/4/22,18,The Importance of Project Phases and Management Reviews,A project should successfully pass through each of the project phases in order to c

16、ontinue on to the next Management reviews (also called phase exits or kill points) should occur after each phase to evaluate the projects progress, likely success, and continued compatibility with organizational goals,2019/4/22,19,What Went Right?,“The real improvement that I saw was in our ability toin the words of Thomas Edisonknow when to stop beating a dead horse.Edisons key to success was that he failed fairly often; but as he said, he could recognize a dead horse before i



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