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1、,Viasystems EMS (Shenzhen) CO., LTD XX电子科技(深圳)有限公司,Welcome to You! New Force of Viasystems! 欢迎你! XX的新生力量!,Sheet Metal Beginner Training Materials 钣金入门培训资料,Sheet metal: refer to sheet plate, is the meaning to processing of sheet metal. It is a consolidated cold process for the sheet metal (generally

2、the thickness is no more than 6mm), including the clipping, stamping, cutting, bending, welding, inserting, splice, forming (such as the car Shell) etc. The significant feature is the same thickness on one sheet metal part. 钣金:钣,即板,薄板之意,就是对薄的金属板材进行系列加工之意,是针对金属薄板(通常在6mm以下)一种综合冷加工工艺,包括剪、冲/切/复合、折弯、焊接、铆

3、接、拼接、成型(如汽车车身)等。其显著的特征就是同一零件厚度一致。,Sheet Metal Definition 钣金的定义,The basic machines in a sheet metal plant are including the Clipping Machine, CNC Punching Machine, Laser/Plasma/Water jet Cutting Machine, Combination Machine, Bending Machine and other auxiliary equipments, such as Uncoiler, Rolling Ma

4、chine, Deburring Machine, Spot Welding Machine and Inserting Machine etc. Generally the most important processes are the punching/cutting, bending, inserting, welding process in a sheet metal plant. 钣金工厂一般来说基本设备包括剪板机、数控冲床/激光、等离子、水射流切割机/复合机、折弯机以及各种辅助设备如:开卷机、校平机、去毛刺机、点焊机、压铆机等。通常钣金工厂最重要的工序有冲/切、折、压铆、焊接。

5、 The common materials of sheet metal are including Cold rolled steel, Hot rolled steel, Electro-galvanized sheet, hot dip galvanized sheet, Copper, Stainless steel, Aluminum alloy plate and Al-Zn-Coated Steel Sheet etc. 通常钣金材料包括冷轧钢板、热轧钢板、电镀锌板(电解板)、热镀锌板、铜板、不锈钢板、铝板、覆铝锌板等。,Sheet Metal Definition 钣金的定义,

6、5,Sheet Metal Production 钣金产品,Car Shell 汽车外壳 Communication Cabinet通讯机柜 Power Cabinet 电力机柜 Computer Case 电脑机箱 Industrial Control Panel 工业控制台 Subracks 插箱 Outdoor Display Shell 户外显示屏外壳 Network Cabinet & Server enclosure 网络机柜和服务器外壳,6,Nomenclature of Sheet metal process 钣金工艺专业术语,By the basic process sequ

7、ence: 按基本工艺顺序: Clipping: is the process that clipping the material to be rectangular piece by the clipping machine. 剪料:指材料经过剪板机得到矩形工件的工艺过程。 Punching: is the process that cutting the part by the laser machine or punched by the CNC punching machine. 下料:指工件经过LASER切割或数控冲床冲裁的工艺过程。 Blanking: is the proces

8、s that punch the material to be the part by the Pressing-machine or other equipment. 落料:指在普通冲床或其他设备上使用模具加工得到产品形状的工艺过程。 Piercing: is the process that punch the hole on the part by the Pressing-machine and the tooling. 冲孔:指工件由普通冲床和模具加工孔的工艺过程。 Bending: is the process that bend the part to be the bendin

9、g forming by the bending machine. 折弯:指工件由折弯机成型的工艺过程。 Forming: is the process that using the tooling to forming the part by the Pressing-machine. 成形:指在普通冲床或其他设备上使用模具使工件变形的工艺过程。 Hole drawing: refer to hole extruding, is the process that using the tooling to extrude the hole by the Pressing-machine. 抽孔

10、:也叫“翻边”,指在普通冲床或其他设备上使用模具对工件形成圆孔边翻起的工艺过程。,Nomenclature of Sheet metal process 钣金工艺专业术语,Tapping: is the process that tap the internal thread on the part. 攻牙:指在工件上加工出内螺纹的工艺过程。 Enlarge hole: is the process that drilling the small hole to be the bigger by a driller or a milling cutter. 扩孔:指用钻头或铣刀把工件上小孔加工

11、为大孔的工艺过程。 Sinkhole: is the process that processing the taper hole on the part with a countersunk head screw etc. 沉孔:指为配合类似沉头螺钉一类的连接件,而在工件上加工出有锥度的孔的工艺过程。 Inserting: is the process that using the inserting machine to insert the nut, screw or standoff etc on the work piece. 压铆:指采用压铆机把压铆螺母、压铆螺钉或压铆螺母柱等紧固

12、件牢固地压接在工件上的工艺过程。 Rose riveting: is the process that using the punching machine to rivet the riveting nut on the work piece. 涨铆:指先将工件沉孔,再采用冲床或油压机把涨铆螺母牢固地压接在工件上的工艺过程。 Nut Riveting: is the process that using the nut riveting gun to rivet the nut (POP) on the work piece, this process is similar with riv

13、eting process. 拉母:指采用类似铆接工艺,用拉母枪把拉铆螺母(POP)等连接件牢固地连接在工件上的工艺过程。 Riveting: is the process that using the riveting gun to connect two or more parts closely with rivets. 拉铆:指以拉铆枪为工具用拉钉将两个或两个以上工件紧密地连接在一起的工艺过程。 Emboss form: is the process that using the punching machine to make the work piece form a convex

14、 shape with an emboss tooling. 冲凸包:指在冲床或油压机用模具使工件形成凸起形状的工艺过程。,Nomenclature of Sheet metal process 钣金工艺专业术语,Tearing form: refers to bridge form, is the process that using the punching machine to make the work piece form a bridge sharp with the bridge tooling. 冲撕裂:也叫“冲桥”,指在冲床或油压机用模具使工件形成像桥一样形状的工艺过程。 M

15、arking: is the process that punch the text, symbol and other imprinting on the work piece with the marking tooling. 冲印:指使用模具在工件上冲出文字、符号或其他印迹的工艺过程。 Conner Cutting: is the process that cutting the work piece conner by the punching tooling. 切角:指在冲床或油压机上使用模具对工件角进行切除的工艺过程。 Mesh hole punching: is the proc

16、ess that punch the mesh hole on the work piece by the cluster tooling. 冲网孔:指在普通冲床或或数控冲床上用模具对工件冲出网状的孔。 Patting: is the process that making the work piece to be patted. 拍平:指对有一定形状的工件过渡到平整的工艺过程。 Drilling: is the process that using the driller to drill a hole on the work piece. 钻孔:指在钻床或铣床上使用钻头对工件进行打孔的工艺过程。 Chamfering: is the process that using tooling, a rasp or grinder to processing the sharp edge of work piece. 倒角:指使用模具、锉刀、打磨机等对工件的尖角进行加工的工艺过程。 Flattening: is the process that using the machine or



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