cisg art.21关于国际货物买卖合同公约中的迟延交付的理解

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《cisg art.21关于国际货物买卖合同公约中的迟延交付的理解》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《cisg art.21关于国际货物买卖合同公约中的迟延交付的理解(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、CISG-Art. 21,联合国国际货物销售合同公约第二十一条 关于合同订立部分的逾期承诺制度 同济大学 陈娜,课程内容,一、如何理解CISG art.21的含义 二、 CISG art.21要解决什么问题? 三、 在CISG中逾期承诺的法律效力 四、案例分析,Article 21含义,(1) A late acceptance is nevertheless effective as an acceptance if without delay the offeror orally so informs the offeree or dispatches a notice to that e

2、ffect. (2) If a letter or other writing containing a late acceptance shows that it has been sent in such circumstances that if its transmission had been normal it would have reached the offeror in due time, the late acceptance is effective as an acceptance unless, without delay, the offeror orally i

3、nforms the offeree that he considers his offer as having lapsed or dispatches a notice to that effect.,第二十一条,(1)逾期承诺仍有承诺的效力,如果要约人毫不迟延的口头或者书面的将此种意见通知被要约人。 (2)如果载有逾期承诺的信件或其他书面文件表明,它是在传递正常、能及时送达要约人的情况下寄发的,则该项逾期承诺具有承诺的效力,除非要约人毫不迟延的口头或书面通知被要约人:他认为他的要约已经失效。,2 CISG art.21要解决的问题是什么?,2.1 CISG art.21规定的是,逾期承诺

4、的效力问题。,2 CISG art.21要解决的问题是什么?,2.2 什么是逾期承诺? 接受要约的通知在要约人规定的时间内,如果没有规定时间,在一段合理的时间内,未送达要与人。 CISG Art.18(2)接受要约于表示同意的通知送达要约人时生效。如果表示同意的通知在要约人所规定的时间内,如未规定时间,在一段合理的时间内,未送达要约人,承诺无效,但须适当的考虑交易的情况,包括要约人所使用的通讯方法的迅速程度。对口头要约必须立即接受,但情况有别者不在此限。,2 CISG art.21要解决的问题是什么?,2.3 逾期承诺的原因(Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter Schlechtriem

5、 ) According to Article 21, a contract can be formed despite a late acceptance. As in the German Civil Code ( 150(1), 149) and ULF (Article 19(1) and (2), there is a difference between an acceptance sent late (late dispatch) and one sent on time but which arrives late (late arrival) because of an un

6、foreseen delay in the transmission.,2 CISG art.21要解决的问题是什么?,回顾: A art.21规定的问题:逾期承诺的效力 B 什么是逾期承诺? C 逾期承诺的原因是什么? -late dispatch -late arrival,3 CISG art.21 是如何规定逾期承诺的效力的?,3.1 对第一款的分析 art.21(1) A late acceptance is nevertheless effective as an acceptance if without delay the offeror orally so informs t

7、he offeree or dispatches a notice to that effect.,3 CISG art.21 是如何规定逾期承诺的效力的?,-字面意思 逾期承诺有效,但是必须符合以下条件:由要约人确认逾期承诺有效;要约人毫不迟延的通知被要约人;用口头或者书面的方式通知;通知的内容为逾期承诺仍有承诺的效力。 -分析 A 逾期承诺原因:late dispatch B 逾期承诺的效力: 有效-CISG art.21(1)要约人确认的情况 无效-CISG art.18(2)要约人没有确认的情况,3 CISG art.21 是如何规定逾期承诺的效力的?,C 逾期承诺 a late ac

8、ceptance 与反要约a counter-offer(by Manz,Vienna) differs slightly from the theory found in many countries that a late acceptance functions as a counter-offer. Under this paragraph, as under the theory of counter-offer, a contract is concluded only if the original offeror informs the original offeree of

9、his intention to be bound by the late acceptance. However, under this paragraph it is the late acceptance which becomes the effective acceptance as of the moment of its receipt, even though it requires a subsequent notice to validate it. Under the counter-offer theory it is the notice by the origina

10、l offeror of this intention which becomes the acceptance and this acceptance is effective only upon its arrival.,3 CISG art.21 是如何规定逾期承诺的效力的?,3.2 对第二款的分析 If a letter or other writing containing a late acceptance shows that it has been sent in such circumstances that if its transmission had been norm

11、al it would have reached the offeror in due time, the late acceptance is effective as an acceptance unless, without delay, the offeror orally informs the offeree that he considers his offer as having lapsed or dispatches a notice to that effect.,3 CISG art.21 是如何规定逾期承诺的效力的?,逾期承诺的原因:late arrival 逾期承诺

12、有效,条件是:it has been sent in such circumstances that if its transmission had been normal it would have reached the offeror in due time 逾期承诺无效(作为前一句有效的例外),条件是:由要约人确认逾期承诺无效;要约人毫不迟延的通知被要约人;用口头或者书面的方式通知;通知的内容为逾期承诺不具有承诺的效力。,3 CISG art.21 是如何规定逾期承诺的效力的?,小结:Univ. Prof. Dr. Peter Schlechtriem According to Art

13、icle 21, a contract can be formed despite a late acceptance. As in the German Civil Code ( 150(1), 149) and ULF (Article 19(1) and (2), there is a difference between an acceptance sent late and one sent on time but which arrives late because of an unforeseen delay in the transmission. In the first c

14、ase (late dispatch), the offeror can conclude the contract by so informing the offeree. This notice, however, does not constitute the acceptance of a counter-offer; the date of the contract depends on when the acceptance was received, even though it was received late. In the second case (late arriva

15、l), the acceptance becomes effective on arrival and thus concludes the contract, unless the offeror protests orally or in writing (Article 21(2) = ULF Article 19(2),3 CISG art.21 是如何规定逾期承诺的效力的?,Late acceptance,Late dispatch,Late arrival,Effective,Not effective,Not effective,Effective,without delay t

16、he offeror orally so informs the offeree or dispatches a notice to that effect,Art .18(2),it has been sent in such circumstances that if its transmission had been normal it would have reached the offeror in due time,without delay, the offeror orally informs the offeree that he considers his offer as having lapsed or dispatches a notice to that effect,4 案例,4.1 甲向乙发出要约,出售一批货物,规定乙2月1日以前给予答复。乙由于自己的疏忽,其承诺通知发出时间为2月2日到达时间已是2月5日。此时该货物市场价格已大幅上涨,甲不想将货物卖给乙。甲怎么做?但如果2月5日该货物市场价格不变或有所下降,甲想


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