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1、 金茂湾第三季度推广细案 ,QINGDAO LOVE IN THE JINMAO HARBOUR SHORE LET HAPPINESS,探索与践行,A few people can have light and life, the people, social intercourse, not some touch of line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of l

2、uxury for the points.,4月,1楼开盘 5月1日,二期新品样板间开放 5月10日,7楼首次开盘 6月20日,7楼持续顺销 截至6月24日,顺利完成上半年销售任务6.39亿,回款完成率107.41%,回首2015年上半年,我们都做了什么,A few people can have light and life, the people, social intercourse, not some touch of line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of i

3、dentity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,“一碗汤的距离,和老爸老妈做邻居” 4月份7楼子母房系统推广,孝润琴岛 “把爱晒在阳光下” 6月份7楼瞰海新品推广,爱满湾居 “我们”、“为爱疯一次” 6月份7瞰海新品顺销,热抢再续 以爱之名情感沟通,项目影响力扩大,好评如潮,2015年上半年推广总结,A few people can have light and life, the people, social intercourse, not some touch of line, did

4、make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,坚定不移的坚持以互联网思维营销为主导 坚定不移的坚持以爱之名的情感沟通方式 坚定不移的坚持以客户为中心的指导思想 在宽松的市场环境下,审思慎行 始终贯彻2015年营销推广大纲,坚持三个坚定不移,2015年上半年推广启发,2015全年13个亿的销售任务 上半年的任务锁定为6个亿(已完成) 下半年的任务锁

5、定为7个亿,A few people can have light and life, the people, social intercourse, not some touch of line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,2015年营销任务,年度推广主题,在三个坚持的指导下,7月份以“念”起势, 以7#剩余房源做婚

6、房强销,盛启第三季度销售开门红。,A few people can have light and life, the people, social intercourse, not some touch of line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,海知我心 泊爱一生,大爱,肆 月,孝,伍月,善,陆月,慈,柒月,念,捌月

7、,眷,玖月,聚,拾月,助,拾壹,恩,拾贰,礼,真爱满满,拳拳在念,A few people can have light and life, the people, social intercourse, not some touch of line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,7月份月度主题,眷眷之心,一见倾城,A

8、few people can have light and life, the people, social intercourse, not some touch of line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,8月份月度主题,缘聚海湾,万家团圆,A few people can have light and life,

9、 the people, social intercourse, not some touch of line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,9月份月度主题,三季度推广细化,7#楼婚房强销,5#楼产品预热,5楼开盘(暂定),5楼开盘热销,第一阶段,第二阶段,第三阶段,第四阶段,甜蜜生活 我有一套,5号, 一直是经典,开盘

10、热销 传奇再续,0701,0801,0810,0931,0817,5号楼王 开盘在即,5#楼开盘预告,0723,金茂湾商铺招商大会,线上:以阶段主题贯穿,情感传递,寻求共鸣(商铺与住宅联合推广) 媒体选择:报广/网络/微信/短信/候车厅/落地道旗/台东户外大牌/万达停车场 /楼市图 /电视台/派单巡展/淘宝电商/网络论坛/电台广播,线下:以活动促传播,以渠道促销售,以优惠促成交 【活动夏日狂欢季】第一季:夏日狂欢“婚纱日记”;第二季:夏日狂欢“爱的吉尼斯”;第三季:夏日狂欢“幸福大团圆”,7#楼婚房(86、89)强销 5#重磅出场,清盘热销,A few people can have ligh

11、t and life, the people, social intercourse, not some touch of line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,第三季度两个重点,A few people can have light and life, the people, social intercourse,

12、not some touch of line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,重点一:婚房强销 (0701-0801),推广语:“甜蜜生活,我有一套”,甜蜜生活,我有一套 86、89通透海居,醉美婚房,A few people can have light and life, the people, social inte

13、rcourse, not some touch of line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,第一阶段 0701-0801(婚房强销),主要媒体:报广 网络 微信 短信 候车厅 落地道旗 楼市图 电视 派单巡展 搜狐淘宝电商 网络论坛 电台广播等,A few people can have light and life,

14、 the people, social intercourse, not some touch of line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,报广,A few people can have light and life, the people, social intercourse, not some touch of

15、 line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,户外,A few people can have light and life, the people, social intercourse, not some touch of line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance t

16、he grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,户外,A few people can have light and life, the people, social intercourse, not some touch of line, did make some lack of confidence. enhance the grade, to enhance the sense of identity, a real urban people know how clever use of luxury for the points.,候车亭,A few people can have light and life, the people, social intercourse,



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