《Unit 7 Will people have robots?》单元测试卷及答案

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1、Unit 7 Will people have robots?单元测试卷I. 听小对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片: ( 5 分)A B C D E1_ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._II. 听下面一段对话, 回答6-7题(2分)( )6. What does Tony think the future will be like ? A. Cities will be more beautiful. B. Cities will be more polluted. C. There will be more tress( )7. What are they talking about ?A. H

2、ow to plant trees. B. How to save the earth C. How to use less water.III. 听下面一段对话,回答8-10题(3分)( )8. Where will Janet live? A. In Beijing B. In Shanghai C. In Tianjin( )9. Who will clean the house for Janet ? A. Her mother B. Her friend C. Her robot( )10. How will John go to work ? A. By car B. By pla

3、ne C. By trainIV. 听下面一段文章, 选择最佳答案(5分)( )11. People began to use robots about _ago. A .Seven hundred years B. Several hundred years C. Seventy years( )12. Modern robots are _old ones. A. Smarter than B. As smart as C. Not so smart as( )13. We can find _ in modern robots brains. A. Clocks B. Watches C

4、. Computers( )14. There is a robot who can help old people in _. A. London B. Beijing C. Paris( )15. Now robots can do such jobs as _. A. Teaching languages B. Looking after sick people C. Cleaning the floorV. 听完下面的短文, 完成句子。 (5分)16. In the future there will be _ in peoples homes17. People can learn

5、about _through computers.18. People will be able to to talk by _.19. _ will make many robots like doing housework.20. People can _a doctor without leaving homes. VI. 单项选择(10分)( )21. If we do nothing, the river will soon be _. A. pollute B. polluted C. pollution D. polluting ( )22. Dont keep water ru

6、nning when you wash hands. . A. I hope so B. Im afraid not C. Sorry, I wont D. Its nothing( )23.There was thick haze(霾)in our city this spring. What do you think of it? -I think _ cars we drive, _ pollution our city will have.A. the fewer; the fewer B. the fewer; the lessC. the more; the fewer D. th

7、e more, the less( ) 24. I wonder if _ little boys can move _ many heavy boxes. A. so; so B. such; such C. so; such D. such; so ( )25. Mr. White will _ buy a new car for his son next month. A. possible B. impossible C. probably D. probable( )26.Will people have to move to other planet one day ?_. The

8、 earth is our home. A. Yes, we will. B. I think so. C. Im not sure D. I hope not. ( )27. My son _ speak three languages when he was fifteen years old. A. can B. can be able to C. could able to D. was able to ( )28. Look! There are many children _ kites in the park.A. taking B. flying C. putting D. t

9、hrowing( )29. Welcome to our hotel! I hope youll have a good time _ your stay here. A. after B. during C. with D. since( )30-Do you think its going to rain over the weekend? -_.A. I dont believe B. I dont believe it C. I believe not so D. I believe not VI. 选词完成句子 (10分)A . hundreds of B. keep.as C. p

10、lay a part in D. peace E. environmentF. different sides G. fell down H. impossible.spend I .already J. danger31. Many houses _ in the heavy rain in some villages last summer. 32.The young man thinks it may take scientists_ years to make robots like humans.33. Personally I dont quite agree that peopl

11、e _ dangerous animals _ pets.34. The boy is too young to know the _of smoking.2-1-c-n-j-y35. Most Syrians(叙利亚人)love _. They dont like the war(战争). 36. It seems _for hard-working kids to _ all day watching TV.37. He is good at looking at problems from _ 38. Parents often _teaching their children at h

12、ome.39. His uncle is _ 50 years old, but he looks so young.40. Building more highways will help the _by reducing pollution and traffic jams.VII. 完型填空(10分)Life in space is different from life on earth. _41_ do astronauts live, work and play there? You think it is very interesting. Space food is _ 42_

13、like the food we eat on Earth. In the past astronauts could_43_only small pieces of dried food. Now the space station _44_ water and iceboxes. They can eat much everyday food such as fruit, vegetables and ice cream. They have_ 45_ own rooms in space. Sleeping is really too difficult. There is no gravity(引力), they have to tie themselves _46_ the beds in their own rooms, or they will


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