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1、Paper OneI. Translation: from Chinese into English(4%x5=20%)1. 纸老虎 paper tiger 2. 暴发户instant rich 3. 填鸭式教学 cramming4. 一刀切 sweeping approach 5. 墨宝 your beautiful handwriting II. Translation: from English into Chinese(80%x1=80%).For many of us,asking for help is a difficult concept. We may feel as if

2、we are admitting a weakness that the world would not have known about,had we not asked for help.Ironically, its been my experience that people who are able to deliver well-positioned requests for help are seen as very strong individuals. When they demonstrate the humility (谦卑)to ask for help, they e

3、arn the respect of others. People who receive a heartfelt request for help are usually honored by the request. In turn, we are strengthened by the very help that is provided.One of my clients (we11 call her Kira) recently made a shift in how she was interacting with her boss. When asked to prepare p

4、resentations, she assumed that she was expected to go away, develop the content, deliver it at the required meeting and then wait for feedback from her boss. Her boss was highly regarded for the impact of his presentations, while Kira often felt that her presentations were lacking. When she took a h

5、ard look at how this approach was working for her, Kira recognized that she had not yet made use of her bosss support. She could learn far more about creating attractive presentations by walking through a draft with her boss-focusing on the content plus her delivery-and obtaining feedback earlier in

6、 the process rather than at the back end. So she made the request for his support.The outcome? Her boss was delighted to coach Kira and was enthusiastic about the opportunity to put into use his own strength by teaching presentation skills more effectively to her. By taking the time to work together

7、 on preparation for a number of Kiras key presentations, she benefited from her bosss thought process and was able to distinguish the critical components to enhance her own presentations. Kiras presentations now have punch!Some of us are uncomfortable asking for help because we believe that our requ

8、est places burdens on the other person. Ironically, we may be missing an opportunity to show others how we value and respect them. People who know you and think well of you are often highly motivated to help. Furthermore, the more specific you can be about what you need from them, the easier it is f

9、or them, to assist you.对我们大多数人而言,寻求帮助是一个困难的概念。我们可能会觉得这是承认一个弱点,一个如果我们不寻求帮助,全世界可能都不知道的弱点。具有讽刺意味的是,这是我的经验那些能够提出有利帮助请求的人被视为非常强大的人。当他们谦卑地寻求帮助时,他们也获得了他人的尊重。收到衷心请求帮助的人通常受到请求者的尊重。反过来,我们正是因为所提供的帮助而使自己变得强大。我的一个客户(我们叫她基拉)最近在如何与她的老板互动方面做出了改变。当被要求准备演讲时,她认为人们期待她走开,详尽阐述内容,并在要求的会议室中传达内容,然后等待老板的反馈。她的老板因为自己演讲的影响而被受到高

10、度重视,而基拉经常觉得她的演讲有很多不足之处。当她仔细思考老板的方法是怎样对自己起作用时,基拉承认,她尚未利用老板的帮助。通过让老板浏览一下草稿,她可以学习更多关于写出有吸引力的演讲的知识注重内容和演讲方式她应该在过程早期而不是在最后得到反馈。所以她请求老板帮助。结果呢?她的老板很高兴地教基拉,对于能够有机会利用自己的优势更有效地把演讲技能教给基拉也表现出极大的热情。通过花时间和老板一起准备大量关键陈述,基拉从她老板的思维过程中受益,并能够辨别关键部分来提高自己的演讲。基拉的演讲现在很有力!对于向别人寻求帮助,我们中有些人会感到不舒服,因为我们相信,我们的请求会给别人带来负担。具有讽刺意味的是,我们可能会错过一个让自己展示对别人的评价和尊重的机会。知道和赞赏你的人经常积极地帮助你。此外, 你越具体地知道可以从他那里得到什么帮助,他们就越容易帮助你。


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