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1、Have you read this story-book?,What s the name of the story?,Alices Adventures in Wonderland 爱丽丝漫游奇境,Watch a video,lets know some friends.,a tea party 茶会 (下午茶),The Red King国王,The Red Queen 王后,What was Alice doing?,Module 7 Unit 1,Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.,Vocabulary,Alice follo

2、ws (跟随;紧跟) the rabbit.,Alice falls(下落;跌落) into a hole(洞;穴).,The rabbit is strange(奇怪), its watching a watch.,1.Whats Lingling doing? She is reading. 2.Does Tony know the book? Yes, he does.,Listen to the tape and,answer the questions.,True or False,1. Alice was sitting by the river. ( ) 2. She was r

3、eading her book.( ) 3. The White Rabbit was walking. ( ) 4. The Cheshire Cat was smiling at everyone. ( ) 5. The Mad Hatter and the March Hare were having a birthday party. ( ),细致了解,wasnt,running,having a tea party,单词化妆,Listen to the tape and complete the notes. 1.Alice_ with her sister by the river

4、. 2.The Cheshire Cat_ in a tree and smiling at everyone. 3.The March Hare_ with the Mad Hatter and a mouse. They _ a tea party in the garden. 4.The Queen of Hearts _ a strange game. 总结:,was sitting,was writing,was sitting,were having,was playing,was/were,doing,过去进行时,Group work:,Talk about the follow

5、ing questions: What were you doing between 7 oclock and 9 oclock yesterday? What was your father doing when you came back home yesterday? What was your mother doing when you came back home yesterday?,1.Listen and read the dialogue several times after school. 2.Finish Exercises on the workbook. 3.Read two famous stories.,Homework,Goodbye,



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